San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program June 2011 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: The monthly Partnership meeting was held on June 1st. SCE’s Tara Becnel called in to report on jurisdiction tier level status and Demand Response related criteria for advancing levels. Drew Butler from Diesel 2 Gas presented on bi-fuel systems. Implementer and SCE account manager met with the City of Lindsay on June 3rd to bring new city staff up to speed on partnership activities, as well as confirm pump projects that the City will pay for using their EECBG funds. The Partnership had a booth with the 2nd MEU at the June 17th City of Lindsay Friday Night Market. Through a true partnership effort, the County of Tulare and City of Porterville completed all requirements to advance to Silver Level partners on the SCE Energy Leader model! Implementer finalized design of keyboard calendars for giveaway to personnel working at municipal facilities. The intent of these calendars is to engage local municipal personnel in taking an active role in their personal contribution to energy use in the workplace. Three energy efficiency messages were identified for different target markets (“active”, “technical”, and “feeling”) and will be printed on the calendars with the Partnership logo and web address. The VIEW website is being updated to reflect the new awareness messages, as well as the addition of new efficiency in the workplace tips. Implementer visited three of the six Cool Center locations in Tulare County to deliver partnership marketing materials and to photograph locations and facilities for promotion on the VIEW website. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: Based on feedback from partner jurisdictions the implementer is revising the scope of work for Strategic Plan 4.1.1. Current language address Climate Action Plans (CAP) or Energy Action Plans (EAP) and our jurisdictions have expresses concern that those jurisdictions that have not yet addressed CAP will not be successful in the current economic climate and with current regional politics. All jurisdictions would prefer efforts directed at assisting to initiate and adopt EAP during the summer and fall months. Implementer remains concerned that Strategic Plan 3.1.1—Benchmarking—is still behind schedule. The Implementer continues to assist all eight jurisdictions to gather specific information and to assist getting them ready for facilities upload to Portfolio Manager. To date, only Tulare County has returned the required information. All jurisdictions have been late in the return of their data due to budgeting and lack of time. It is recommended that completion of the project be pushed back to August 31, 2011— pending cooperation from jurisdiction personnel.
The cities of Woodlake, Lindsay, Visalia, and Hanford are quite close to reaching their Silver Tier level and completion of ARRA funded projects should help them all to reach the next level through kWh savings. Based on success with Tulare county and Porterville, the same partnership approach should be initiated to see these four to success. The Program Manager and Implementer will meet to strategize next steps in assisting the City of Tulare to pursue Gold Tier status. Implementer and Utility managers are working to ensure submission of application for incentive on ARRA funded projects with all eight jurisdictions. Some jurisdictions are now working with Utility Account Manager to identify savings opportunities to replace less efficient projects. Upcoming Milestones Partnership will have a booth with the 2nd MEU at the July 22nd City of Lindsay Friday Night Market. Implementer will attend and present on Benchmarking efforts at the 2nd Annual Statewide Energy Efficiency Best Practices Forum Thursday, July 28th in San Jose.