San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program March 2012 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: • The monthly Partnership meeting was held on March 1st. Discussion included an overview of the HVAC Optimization Program and On Bill Financing changes. • Implementer traveled to Irvine for the first quarter Peer to Peer small group meeting. Discussion focused on changes in communication from the last Peer meeting and SCE’s proposed community savings guidelines. Peer to Peer suggestions were gathered in response to the proposal and send to SCE for review on March 30th. • Implementer met with the cities of Lindsay and Porterville on March 15th to gather facility/space type details for benchmarking in Portfolio Manager. • Implementer attended the Central California Local Government Partnership Meeting in San Luis Obispo on March 29th. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: • The County of Tulare’s EECBG lighting project was cancelled, having installed only half the product originally expected. The Implementer, with the Account Manager and Program manger will focus coming months on development of new project opportunities with the other local governments, as the change of leadership in the County facilities almost ensures no new project opportunities. •
The implementing Partner has been working with all eight jurisdictions to gather details relating to energy accounts in order to provide a comprehensive portfolio review, and prepare the facilities for upload into the EPA Portfolio Manager system. The project was originally scheduled to be completed in June 2011. Due to staff cutbacks and lack of time jurisdiction partners have not been able to provide necessary information in a timely manner. Implementer continues to assist and encourage all jurisdictions to help complete this project.
Implementer and Utility managers are working to ensure submission of application for incentive on ARRA funded projects with all eight jurisdictions.
Upcoming Milestones • The next monthly Partnership meeting will take place on April 5th. • Implementer will coordinate delivery of plug load occupancy sensors from County of Tulare to the cities of Hanford, Lindsay, and Porterville the first week of April. • The Partnership will have a booth at the April 28th Porterville Iris Festival. This event will count as Porterville’s co-branded Demand Response event for tier level advancement. • Implementer will present on benchmarking efforts at the May 11th International Green Industry Hall of Fame (IGIHOF) event at Fresno State.
Implementer, with Local Public Affairs will begin planning the promotion of the Home Energy Efficiency Survey (HEES) and gathering city and county support for mailings.