San Joaquin Valley Partnership Program September 2012 Focus: San Joaquin Valley kWh and peak kW reductions This Month’s Major Accomplishments: Implementing partner attended the third quarter Peer to Peer meeting in Western Riverside on September 6th. Topics of discussion included staff changes at SCE, Regional Energy Networks and what they mean for partnerships, partnership and project challenges including the incentive application process, and the 2013-14 program cycle. Implementing partner, SCE program manager, and SCE account manager met with City of Woodlake Public Works Director on September 10th to discuss project opportunities. Implementing partner delivered SCE Summer Savings materials to local Chambers of Commerce within partner cities and unincorporated areas of Tulare County. A monthly Partnership meeting was held on September 20th where John King presented on SCE’s street light acquisition program. Brian Dodds from the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District also presented on various opportunities/programs for local governments. Implementing partner attended the Central California Local Government Partnership meeting in Santa Barbara on September 25th. Discussion included navigating challenges such as political climate, engaging local elected officials, and funding. The Partnership had a booth at the September 28th Woodlake Community Step Up event. The 2nd Mobile Education Unit staffed the event, educating the community on the CARE/FERA program and how to lower utility bills and save energy. This event qualified for the co-branded event Demand Response requirement. Implementing partner organization, the SJVCEO, began SmartConnect promotional blog series to help prepare and educate the community on the deployment of smart meters in the Central Valley. On September 28th the implementing partner began submitting energy action plans for six partners to SCE. The SCE project lead contacted the SJVCEO and shared new requirements that need to be included in the plans prior to submission. The new requirements are being addressed and the plans will be resubmitted as soon as they are all complete. Key Issues or Emerging Concerns: The City of Visalia lighting project went out of sequence and has been having contractor issues that may lead the city into litigation with their contractor. They were many contributing factors to the project falling out of sequence, and the implementing partner is preparing a chronological narrative to present the case. Upcoming Milestones The next monthly Partnership meeting will take place on October 18, 2012. The VIEW the Success Luncheon has been scheduled for November 1, 2012.