ME&O Self Staff Event Report
Date: 09/26/2013
Jurisdiction: Tulare County
Event Name: Tulare County Health Fair Location: Visalia Convention Center
Address: 303 E. Acequia Avenue
Display: table and 3 chairs provided by event organizer; VIEW banner; various handouts/giveaways Start Time: 6:30am travel, set-up began at 7:30am
City/Zip: Visalia, CA 93291
End Time: 5:00pm
Public Hours: 8:00am-4:00pm
Additional Costs Incurred: mileage
Event Attendance: 4,000
Staff: Maureen Boese, Gail Henry, Marla Yolas and Jey Lacey from SCE Energy Education Center Tulare Report Written By: Maureen Boese
Attendee Demographic: county employees, homeowners, community Estimated Contacts: 500
Topics of Interest:
Promotional Items: VIEW brochures SCG tote bags SCG pledge cards for free shower head kit SCE notebooks Various SCE materials from Energy Education Center Tulare including literature, tote bags, pens,
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screw driver kits, LED keychain flashlight, and much more!
Comments: This event was very well attended by Tulare County employees. The crowd came in early and it was VERY busy by 8:30am. It was great to have a well-staffed booth with 3 people at a time. The SCE Energy Education Center employees were a fantastic resource and brought many different brochures and giveaways. Attendees were very interested in the SCG shower head kit and anything with tips to help save energy. A large number of attendees were also very curious about solar and many already had solar. The more giveaways, the better! That was the key to drawing people in. We had repeat offenders wanting more of the SCE bags and had to stagger what we put out so as not to run out in the first part of the day. Overall, this was a very successful event.
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