SUMMARY NOTES March 21, 2019 9:30 a.m.--11:30 a.m. MUNICIPAL PARTNERS City of Avenal City of Lemoore Fernando Santillan Linda Beyersdorf Melissa Whitten Nathan Olson City of Corcoran City of Lindsay Kindon Meik Yuriko Velarde Kevin Tromborg Michael Camarena City of Dinuba Maria Knudson Jayne Anderson City of Porterville City of Farmersville Mike Reed Jeff Dowlan Michael Knight City of Hanford City of Tulare Lou Camara Trisha Whitfield Mario Orosco Jason Bowling
City of Visalia Leslie Caviglia Nathan Garza City of Woodlake Ramon Lara County of Kings Rhonda Mann County of Tulare Christopher Martinez Carrie Amador
PARTNERSHIP LEADERSHIP SJVCEO SCE Samantha Dodero Omar Faris Courtney Kalashian Michele Marquette Rochelle Thomas Bill Rock PG&E Brian Thoburn Isaias Franco Frank Yanes Jason Guenther Steve Newvine GUESTS SCG Jeff Lawler Paulo Morias Colby Morrow Colby Wells
Topic Welcome Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, went over site logistics, agenda overview and introductions then followed. Business Items 1. Report out on past action items CK, SJVCEO, went over attachment #1 which was the briefing document. This document was a high overview of program, funding opportunities as well as where the partnership stands in relation to energy saving goals. 2.
Upcoming events CK, SJVCEO, covered upcoming events and educational opportunities for partners. CEC meeting 4/25 in Fresno- CK will provide more information at it is available SEEC Forum 06/26-27 in Long Beach – Partners will have a chance for sponsorship opportunities for this event through the partnership. Sustainable Facilities Forum 5/16 – Jeff Lawler, SCG, brought the event to SJVCEO’s attention and wanted to share it with partners.
IOU Highlight SoCal Gas Announces Vision to Be Cleanest Natural Gas Utility in North America! CK, SJVCEO, drew everyone to attachment #2 which was the press release from SoCal Gas making the announcement about RNG capabilities. If anyone would like more solid numbers on progress toward the company’s goal, they can see JL and Paulo Morais. Municipal Energy Savings—Project Review Roundtable CK, SJVCEO, directed everyone to attachments #3 and #4 for review of projects. Attachment #3 was the February report from Staples Energy on the DI program. Numbers are looking good and the partnership is about 60% to goal for the year. If the partnership happens to hit 100% quicker there may be some room for additional funds to be added. Steve Newvine, PGE, wanted to remind those that are PG&E that the program does have a co-pay involved which is different than SCE. Attachment #4 is the current project list SCE. CK mentioned there are only two projects currently on the list but has hopes that there are more coming down the line soon. CK spoke with Engie regarding the Tulare County projects. With the county only going to 65% of capacity on its solar project there is still room for EE. SCG and SCE both will be looking to do audits on potential sites within the year to identify savings opportunities. Also, while talking about Next Meeting: May 16, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.
projects and opportunities JL, SCG, stated that he has identified some opportunities within Kings County. He will be talking to Rhonda about those opportunities. CK then asked the group if there may be any projects that partners are up to that SJVCEO can help guide them with. Carrie Amador, Tulare County, mentioned that the county is exploring a biofiltro WWTP upgrade and they need help identifying funding/grant opportunities. Public Safety Updates from IOU’s Wildfire preparedness and gas safety. PG&E and SCE both issued/presented information on planned upgrades to mitigate wildfire disasters within the state. Once presentations were complete discussion took place. PG&E representatives asked that their partners provide an updated list of OES contacts in case an emergency happens. Also, they asked that they share the message of 811, call before you dig, to avoid unnecessary accidents. SoCal Gas stated that the main disaster issue would earthquakes which would then cause gas pipelines to bust. They directed everyone to their website for information and if any partners wanted printed materials, they would be able to provide that as well. ME&O Report 1. 2018 year in review Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO, went over those events that the partnership participated in over the last year as well as what average attendance was at the events. 2.
2019 planning for events SD, SJVCEO, went over a quick list of those events that the partnership has committed to as well as those they plan on participating in. Some of the events listed did not have dates and will be updated once there is more information. Brandi, PGE, mentioned that Kings Cnayon usually does an Earth Day event each year. She is not able to do the event anymore and would love if the partnership could take her place. Linda B, Lemoore, mentioned that the city has a senior day each year and would love it if we could make it.Lastly, Nathan G, Visalia, mentioned that the city holds a national night out event that hits 10-12 different neighborhoods in one night.
Wrap Up Meeting review: action items, next steps, resources available CK stated that all meeting documents will be on the VIEW archive page. Other Business: partner updates; upcoming events; etc. CK mentioned that the SJVCEO now has a few different media platforms that partners can access if they are interested. Fast Chats, BLOG EE POD EE. Also, CK mentioned a passion project, upgrading vet halls, that SJVCEO has taken on. She asked for interest of partners as well as help if some nudging is needed to get things done. Next Meeting: May 16, 2019 in Kings County This meeting may be moved depending on interest from parties on attending the sustainable facilities forum. If changed the meeting would be move to April. Concluded at 11:23 a.m.
Next Meeting: May 16, 2019 at 9:30 a.m.