1 minute read
by Vignesh ram
Outdoor Seating which has access around canteen and museum a place to relax around. Facing towards the fort wall and will have a center of attraction over the site. Seating will be connected around the pathway which will be along the cascade. People can access on top of the fort wall and could experience the shade of light on top of the wall.
Relationship between the City and Cultural values in Trichy. Understanding the User group and their needs. Resonating with the people – Placemaking theory. Relationship between the Function and space based on the User group. Integrating the Nature with the built environment. Contributing to the Future
Open environment where the people can meet for social interaction and unwind for healing at their leisure time in the Urban core context to all user group.
Working Drawing
Semester 06
Working drawings are created based on a plan provided by faculty and must be submitted as a completely constructable drawing with all required drawing sheets
Mentor - Ar. Murali Parthaswathy
Faculty - Ar. Monisha Nageswaran
Palaivana Nathar Temple - Trichy
Palaivananathar Temple is located in Papanasam, 15 km from Kumbakonam and 25 km from Tanjore. The Thirupalaithurai temple with 2 prakarams (outer courtyard) occupies an area of 3 acres.
-Ar. Ragul ravichandran, Er. Rajendran
The foundation is almost 4’(1.2m) high made of coarsely dressed stones that helps in cutting off the capillary action which in turn helps in keeping the paddy dry and free of fungal growth. The walls are constructed of well burnt bricks and lime mortar. The dimensions of the brick used in the walls is 210 × 130 × 40 mm. seepage of rainwater into the granary.
Poigal Mundril
The house is compact in its planning yet sufficiently spacious in its experience. It provides optimal facilities in a site that is too small for many such spatial requirements. Also, the house with its choices of materials and construction techniques arrives at a project cost that is lesser in its material cost and optimal in its labour cost.
The compact house planning makes the spaces look sufficiently large by merging one space with another. The concept of space within space works well here.
The kitchen extends itself including dining as a part within itself and also visually connects to the court further beyond.
Similarly, the stairs space through a separate space visually connects well and merges with the living space