RD FD Software is for recurring and fixed deposits. This is a sort of Mini Banking Software. Here a client can have an account with the company & deposit the money in the shape of fixed deposits or we can say the amount can be paid in a single installment to grow with the company while in recurring deposits the same amount can be paid in multiple but equal installments. This software consists of 3 main modules as; 1) Admin Module 2) Branch Module 3) Agent Module 4) Customer Module
The given above figure is admin login page, let go through one by one. ďƒ˜ Manage admin Menu
o Lock Settings:-Enables to Lock the Branch Modules.
o Change Password:-Using this we can change the admin password.
o Financial Year:-Used to add the financial year.
o Deductions:-Add the TDS, Service and Other Charges.
o Payment Period:-Create the payout period for particular duration.
ďƒ˜ Manage Master Menu
Let us go through one by one, o Manage News:-Create and Update the News which scrolls at the Home Page.
o Manage Plan Amount: - Adding of different plans along with the Plan amounts and Commission for different plans.
o Manage Designation: - Consists of different designations along with the Targets.
o CMS: - Content Management System, used as a user friendly menu which provides an option to manage and add the contents that has to be displayed at the home page.
ďƒ˜ Manage Branch Menu The main functionality of the Plan starts with the creation of the Branch and Users.
Let us discuss one by one o Create Branch: -Will create the Branch name along with the unique code for each Branch.
o Create Branch User: -For the each created branch, one must create the branch user, using which will be able to login to the branch as branch user.
ďƒ˜ Manage Payment Menu
Let us discuses one by one, o Create Payment:-The Payment Period which is created is viewed at this menu.
o Promote Agent: -Provides for the Promotion of the Agent.
o Change Up-line Agent: - Using this menu, we can change the Agent’s introducer code.
ďƒ˜ Generals
Here varies reports are there,
o View Customer: - As this is admin module, we will be able to view/edit customers irrespective of branches. o View Agent:-We will be able to view/edit the Agents irrespective of branches. o Collection Report:-Shows all sorts of collections which is received at the branch. o Print agent ID: Here we can print get ID with photo and at time we can take 8 IDs, not more than that or not less than that. o TDS Deduction Report: - Shows the report which consists of the TDS deducted at each Payment period created. o Late Fees Report:-Shows the total amount of late fees collected for the particular period. o Agent application fee report: Shows the report which consist of application fee for each agent. o Customer admission fee report: Shows the report which consist of admission fee for each customer. o Commission Pay Report:-Shows the amount of commission paid to the agents in branch wise.
o Approve/Reject:-Shows the report of cleared and unclear cheque’s. o Renewal Delete:- Provides an option in order to delete the renewals done
Manage Maturity Payment
Here varies reports are there, o Create Maturity:-We will be able to pay the maturity to the customers who have already completed the policy period. o View Maturity Paid Members:-This report shows the list of Customers for whom the maturity is paid. o View Maturity Unpaid Members:-This report shows the list of Customers for whom the maturity is not yet paid though the policy period is completed. o Delete Customer:-Enables to delete the Customer.
It is mainly consists report related to Agent.
o Agent Tree:-Shows the particular Agents down line team and their designations. o Agent Business Report:-This report shows the Total Business done by a particular Agent during a certain period of time. o Total Branch Collection Report:-Shows the report according to Branch wise, consisting of Fresh, Renewals, Agent & Customer Fees, and Late Fees. o Self Business:-This menu shows only the Total Self business done by one particular Agent.
The given above figure is branch login page, let go through one by one. ďƒ˜ MANAGE AGENT
o Create Agent:-Using this menu one will be able to create an Agent. The below figure shows the snap shoot of the agent registration page.
o View/Edit Agent:-the Agent which is created can be viewed and edited at this option.
o Report:-this menu mainly contains the reports which are related to Agents such as Commission Voucher, Business Report, Spot Booking Expenditure, Self & Team Business, Agent tree.
ďƒ˜ MANAGE CUSTOMER o Create Customer:-this menu is used in order to create the Customer, which consists the Plan name chosen by the customer. The below figure shows the snap shoot of the customer registration page.
o View/Update:- the Customer which is created can be viewed and edited at this option.
o Renewals: Here we can pay the installment amount according to the date.
ďƒ˜ View Plan Detail This menu shows the details of Amount of various plans.
The given above figure is branch login page,
o Change Password:-using this menu the Agent will be able to change his accounts password as and when required for his security purpose. o View Profile: - The agent, who has logged in using his unique Username and Password, can go ahead and view his profile details and also edit.
o Upload Photo: - From this menu the Agent can upload his profile photo.
o Group Payment: - this menu shows the Commission paid to the Agent for himself and his direct team of agents for each payout which is created. o Self Payment: - this menu shows the Commission paid to the Agent for his own Self Business done. o View Commission:- shows the Commission paid/unpaid status, as shown below,
GENEALOGY: o Direct Tree and Group Tree:- shows the structure of the Agents down line team.
o Business Report: - shows the total amount of Business done by that particular agent during a specific period of time. o Search Down line: - shows the structure of the down line team of that particular agent who has logged in as agent.