Super market software, retail pos software, billing software, banking software, retail software, pos

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Billing Software Flow chart

Shortcuts         

F2 - Item Master F3 - Add F4 - Edit F5 - Save F6 - Delete F7 - Free Items F8 - Search F9 - Cancel Esc - Close

Software Contains

1. 2. 3. 4.

Masters Transactions Accounts Reports

Masters ď Ź

The software consists of various masters i.e the initial settings for the software like adding the items, adding various brands, areas, packing types for the items, categories for the items, accounts maintained by the company (customers or suppliers), VAT master, adding employees of the company and adding different users

MASTERS Item master Stock entry Brand master Area master Pack master Category master Employee master Distributor items Account master Output VAT master User master Company master

Item master ADDING AN ITEM Go to masters< Item master<Item  Item master is to add new items with its barcode number  Here the category, subcategory, brand, pack type and VAT will be taken from dropdown which comes from masters  Here supplier can be selected from whom the items have been taken  Discount % should be given so that calculation will be calculated according to discount % and VAT

Item master ADDING BATCH TO AN ITEM Go to masters< Item master< Batch 

Batch means the same items with different prices with respect to weight or measure of items he prices for the item i.e cost price, MRP, selling price and stock After every sales or purchases the stock will be altered accordingly

Go to masters< Item master< Batch 

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By giving search the items can be displayed in the right side of the box By clicking on the items and clicking on edit the item and batch can be opened For editing or for viewing Again by clicking on the item and giving delete and save options an item can be deleted

*NOTE: Any where in the software by clicking on F2 the item master opens in the popup

BRAND MASTER Go to masters< Brand master  

Here various brands can be entered and saved Brand code, brand name and the description can be given here The brands given here can be shown in the item master in the dropdown

Go to masters< Brand master ď Ź ď Ź

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By giving search option in the brand master all the brands added can be displayed in the right side box Click on the brand and click on edit to edit the name, code or description or click on delete and save to delete the brand We can search the brand by giving the brand name in the brand name field given for the search option

Area Master Go to Masters<area master  Add various area names in area master and save  Go to search all the area names added is displayed on right side  Click on the area and click edit to edit and click delete and save to delete the area from the list

Pack Master Go to Masters<pack master  Add various packing types by name and quantity/pack and save  Go to search, all the packing types added is displayed on right side  Click on pack type and click edit to edit and click delete and save to delete the pack type from the list

Category Master Go to Masters<category master  Give category code, category name and description  Give sub category code and name under that category  There can be as many sub categories as we want in a category and save

To edit and delete category master Go to Masters<category master  Click on search, the list of categories will be displayed in the right side box  Select a category to be deleted  The category and sub category will appear in the page  Select the sub category to be deleted or edited  Click on edit and edit the category/sub category  Click on delete and save to delete any category/sub category

Employee master Go to Masters<category master  Add the employees for that company  Fill all the information regarding that employee  State whether the employee is active or salesman and save  Again go to search the list of all the employees will be displayed in the right side box  Click on the employee, the employee details will appear in the front box then click on edit to edit the employee info  Click on delete to delete an employee

Distributor Items Go to Masters< distributor items  From the dropdown select the distributor name and give submit  The items under that distributor list will appear  In the item master the items distributor can be given  The items under the particular distributor appears

Account master Go to Masters< Account Master  Select whether customer, distributor or other account  Give account name, started on account opening balance, address, phone no., TIN no. etc  Give account group, it will be sundry creditors for distributors, sundry debtors for customer and other groups for other

EDIT AND DELETE IN ACCOUNT MASTER Go to Masters< Account Master  Click on search, all the account groups will appear in the right side box  Click on any account group the info will appear in the page  Click on edit to edit and delete and save to delete the account group

Output VAT Master

Go to Masters< Output VAT Master  Enter tax name and tax percentage  Select active and save  Go to search, all the VAT’s added will appear in the right side  Tax can be selected and can be edited or deleted if required

User Master Go to Masters< User Master  Software can be used by one or more users at a time  In user master different users can be created  Here user ID is auto generated  Enter user name, user password and user type  User master can be deleted and edited if required

Company Master Go to Masters< Company Master  Here the company’s details can be added  Go to add and give all the details regarding the company, company name, address, PAN, TAN, TIN etc that are projected in the reports  Information regarding the company can be edited and deleted according to the requirement

TRANSACTIONS        

Sales entry Purchase entry Sales return Purchase return Order entry Supplier purchase order Stock adjustment Daily cash opening

Sales Entry Go to Transactions< Sales Entry  Here the billing of the sold goods can be done for the customer  Press F2 and the item list popup appears  Or barcode scanning also can be accepted to enter the item  Double click on an item and that item is been added to the sales entry

Go to Transactions< Sales Entry  To make a sales bill select the items from the item list, and can change the quantity  Here the discount % and vat % is calculated from the % given in item master  Select the counter and cashier from dropdown  Select cash or credit, Cash would be for the irregular customers and credit would be for the regular customers who are been added in the group master  Enter tender amount and click on save and print

Go to Transactions< Sales Entry  After save and print the preview of the bill can be seen  Then the printout of the bill can be taken  The design of the bill is customizable according to requirement of the company  By entering in sales entry the stock of the item decreases in item master

Purchase Entry Go to Transactions< Purchase Entry  Select the supplier from dropdown  Give the invoice number, invoice date, mode of payment and credit period if the mode of payment is credit  Scan the barcode or open the item list by choosing F2 to select the items  The values of the item is appeared in the columns down, quantity can be changed, discount% and discount amount can be given and press enter  In the down box the various tax amounts for various configuration is shown

Go to Transactions< Purchase Entry  By selecting search, the table in the right hand side is opened, where the list of all the purchases made is displayed  We can select any one so that values are displayed in the main window and we can edit by edit option and delete by delete option  By entering in purchase entry the stock of the items is increased in item master

Sales Return Go to Transactions< Sales Return  The goods returned by the customer after selling by company  By scanning barcode or pressing F2 the items can be selected  Give the customer name  Give the account type and save

Purchase Return Go to Transactions< Purchase Return  The goods returned after the purchase can be entered here  Select the supplier from dropdown  Give the invoice number, invoice date, mode of payment and credit period if the mode of payment is credit  Scan the barcode or open the item list by choosing F2 to select the items  The values of the item is appeared in the columns down, quantity can be changed, discount% and discount amount can be given and press enter  In the down box the various tax amounts for various configuration is shown

Go to Transactions< Purchase Return  By selecting search, the table in the right hand side is opened, where the list of all the purchases made is displayed  We can select any one so that values are displayed in the main window and we can edit by edit option and delete by delete option  By entering in purchase entry the stock of the items is increased in item master

Order Entry Go to Transactions< Order Entry  Here the item name, quantity and the prices of the items purchased from the supplier is given  Give the order number, order date and select the supplier  Select the items from the item master by giving F2  Quantity can be changed, gross amount and value is calculated accordingly and save  Edit and delete option is also available

Supplier Wise Purchase Order Go to Transactions< 

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Supplier Wise Purchase Order Here if we select the supplier from the dropdown and press on the adjusting button then all the items purchases regularly from that supplier appears Give the order number and order date The order quantity in the order quantity field can be changed and value will be calculated accordingly Search option is available to know about the list of purchases made from the supplier at a particular date

Stock adjustment Go to Transactions< Stock 

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Adjustment Here the stock can be adjusted whether positive or negative due to certain reasons Press the button in the right top corner to get the item master Select the item whose stock has to be adjusted Now give the adjustment quantity Select adjustment whether positive or negative, stock increases when positive and decreases when negative Select the reason ‘Damage’, ‘Shortage’ or ‘Excess’ Give remarks and save

Daily Cash Opening Go to Transactions< Daily Cash 

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Opening Here daily cash opening of all the counters in certain denominations is been saved Select the counter, select the entry date and the user name Give opening balance amount in various denominations for all the counters and save Search, Edit and Delete option is available for

Daily Cash Opening  

Go to Transactions< Daily Cash Opening Go to search, the list would appear in the right side Select the list from right side and can edit the values or delete if wanted

REPORTS 1. 2. 3. • • • • • • 4. • • •

Daily cash report Counter wise report Sales Reports Sales return report Sales product wise summary Salesman wise sales report Category wise sales report Non moving item reports Customer wise sales report Purchase Purchase report Purchase product wise Purchase rate report

• • • • • 5. • • • •

Purchase order report Supplier purchase order report Purchase list Distributor wise purchase report Category wise purchase report Stock report Item wise stock report Stock adjustment report Negative stock report Pricelist

Daily Cash Report Go to Reports< Daily Cash •


Report Here the daily cash transactions on all the counters for the selected cashier can be seen Select the cashier and click on show the transactions regarding that particular cashier for all the counters is shown

Counter wise report Go to Reports< Counter Wise • • •

Report Here the counter wise daily transactions can be shown Select the counter and click on show, the transactions of that particular counter can be shown Both credit and debit can be shown

Sales Return Report Go to Reports< Sales < Sales Return ď Ź

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Reports The report for the sales return from a given date to a given date is shown From date and To date has to be selected so that the report generated will be the transactions within that dates Day wise total is also shown

Sales Product Wise Summary

Go to Reports< Sales < Sales  

Product Wise Reports The product wise sales can be shown Here fast moving or slow moving can be selected and reports are generated accordingly From date and To date has to be selected so that the report generated will be the transactions within that dates

Salesman Wise Sales Report Go to Reports< Sales < ď Ź ď Ź

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Salesman Wise Sales Reports Here the sales reports of salesmen are shown Salesmen should be selected for a particular salesman or tick on All Salesman option for the sales report of all the salesman at a time From date and To date has to be selected so that the report generated will be the transactions within that selected dates

Category Wise Sales Reports Go to Reports< Sales <  

Category Wise Sales Reports Here category wise sales report can be shown If selected all categories, all the categories reports are shown above and below the total of each category is shown separately From date and To date has to be selected so that the report generated will be the transactions within that selected dates

Non Moving Item Reports Go to Reports< Sales < Non   

Moving Items Reports Here the reports for the non moving item can be taken Enter the number of days and click on show The report will show the non moving items list for that particular number of days

Customer Wise Sales Report

Go to Reports< Sales < 

Customer Wise Sales Report Here the report for the customer wise sales can be shown If selected the particular customer the report regarding that customer is shown If selected all customers option the report for all the customers is shown in then above and the total for each customer is shown separately below and credit amount is shown separately down From date and To date has to be selected so that the report generated will be the transactions within that selected dates

Purchase Order Go to Reports< Purchase< Purchase Order  Select the supplier, the from date and to date and click on show  Here we get the purchase order reports for the selected date for the selected supplier  The reports shows whether the purchase is through cash or credit  If it is through credit then it shows the credit period given at the time of purchase

Purchase Product Wise Go to Reports< Purchase< Purchase Product Wise  Select the from date and to date  Click on show  The report will show the purchase entry (stock entry) of the items within the selected dates

Purchase Rate Report Go to Reports< Purchase< Purchase Rate Report ď Ź Select the from date, to date and item and select show ď Ź The report will show the purchase rate report of the selected items within the selected dates

Purchase Order Report Go to Reports< Purchase< Purchase Order Report ď Ź Select the from date, to date and item and select show ď Ź The report shows the purchase order from all the suppliers within the selected dates

Supplier Purchase Order Report Go to Reports< Purchase< Supplier Purchase Rate Report ď Ź Select the from date, to date and supplier and select show ď Ź The report shows the purchase order from the selected supplier within the selected dates

Purchase List Go to Reports< Purchase< Purchase List ď Ź Select the item from the item name dropdown and select show ď Ź The report will show the supplier name, dates of purchase, invoice number and price of the item for various dates

Distributor Wise Purchase Report

Go to Reports< Purchase< Distributor Wise Purchase Report ď Ź Select the from date, to date and supplier and select show ď Ź The report shows the purchases done from various suppliers in the top and the total sum of each supplier in the bottom

Category Wise Purchase Report Go to Reports< Purchase< Category wise Purchase Report ď Ź Select the from date, to date, all category and select show ď Ź The report shows the purchases done under various categories in the top and the total sum of each category in the bottom

Item Wise Stock Report Go to Reports< Stock< Item wise Stock Report  Select the from date, to date, all items and select show  The report shows the stock of the items within the particular dates  It shows the opening stock, inwards quantity, outwards quantity, closing stock and closing amount within the particular dates selected

Stock Adjustment Report Go to Reports< Stock< Stock Adjustment Report  Select the from date, to date, all items and select show  The report shows the stock adjustment within the selected dates  It shows whether the stock is positive or negative  The stock increases if the adjustment is positive and decreases if the adjustment is negative

Negative Stock Report   

Go to Reports< Stock< Negative Stock Report Click on show The report shows the negative stock of the items within the particular dates

Price List Go to Reports< Stock< Price List  Click on show  The reports shows the price list of all the items in the item master  It shows the Vat%, discount % cost price and MRP of all the items

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