Swimming to victory See photos, page 12
Art memories See page 4 VOLUME 85, ISSUE 14
MARCH 29, 2012
Emotions high as staff cuts loom " Students plead to board as 43 employees face lay-offs.
By Benjamin Diaz Copy Editor The Board of Trustees listened to students, teachers and supportstaff speak against the proposed eliminations of 43 classified positions and the reduction in hours of 96 positions. Six students in the honors program described the academic support, guidance and encouragement they have received from Alta Costa, the program’s senior administrative assistant. Evelyn Loya, said, “Without her, I would have been lost. … I do things in the community because of the honors program.” Costa’s position is on the list of 43 support staff positions proposed to be cut. The other five students did not believe the honors program would work without Costa’s diligence. Speaking before the meeting about the proposed cuts, Christian Caldera, a political science major, said, “LBCC is heading into a student self-service.”
Clara Cordeiro/Viking LAY-OFF FACE-OFF: Honor student Evelyn Loya, left, was emotional when speaking to the Board of Trustees about lay-offs Tuesday, March 27. Trustee Jeff Kellogg was the only member of the board to directly address some student and staff concerns. Tamara Lincoln, an early childhood education major, works at the Student Success Center at the PCC and said three out of six positions are proposed to be cut. Lincoln said the center is supposed to run part of the Promise Pathways program and that it is unclear how the center could oper-
ate with a skeleton crew. When talking about the Promise students who arrive next fall, she said, “They’re going to see tutors overwhelmed, one person at the counter, it’s not going to be a friendly atmosphere.” Speaking after the meeting Board member Roberto Uranga
said he liked when students speak at the meetings and talk about what is important to them. “I listen, what it does, it raises questions of your staff.” Uranga said the coordinating planning committee and the budget advisory board made the pro-
posal that would have a net impact of 43 positions cut and 96 positions being reduced in assignment. He said, “I’m hopeful that through the negotiation process, that the pain will not be as hurtful.” Nassef Girgis, manager of the International Students Program, explained to the board that the program costs $86,000 per year and brings in $190,000 in net profit. The remaining $126,000 goes back into the general fund, he said. Girgis hi-lighted the international students program having the highest transfer rate. Carlos Sacramento, 21, an international studies major and international student, said that the support received by the program “goes beyond academic services.” The program guides the students through registration, compliance with immigration visas and health insurance, Sacramento said. “Some students arrive with limited language skills and can feel intimidated to walk up and ask questions from every teacher or department.” During the meeting president Oakley said the board and administration were reacting and preparing with the community on the impact of difficult decisions.
Ladies, gentlemen Freeze out at the Beach start your go-carts " Massive budget cuts force Cal State Long Beach to stop enrollment.
By Michael Chhu Co-News Editor Fifteen Cal State University campuses will implement an enrollment freeze for Spring 2013 as a result of increased budget cuts. Eight of the 23 colleges will keep enrollment open, but will severely limit the number to a few hundred students. Schools that will remain open are Los Angeles, Fullerton, San Francisco, Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay and Sonoma. The new plan was discussed by the board of trustees in a meeting on Tuesday, March 20 at Cal State Long Beach. LBCC transfer coordinator Ruben Page said the freeze could
have drastic effects for many stuRichard Chavez, 22, a sociolodents at the college. gy major, said, “It is really unforPage said, “This type of deci- tunate that colleges are closing sion causes even more of a hurdle their doors, especially to qualified for students who want to move students who are trying to beyond LBCC. advance.” “ I equate it to airplanes wantiPage encourages students to ng to land, but being told to fly not lose sight of their goals amid around the runway a few more the difficult times. times until there is space.” He said, “Don’t give up, with The effort to reduce enrollment such hurdles, it’s easier to say it is an attempt by the CSU system isn’t worth the work to try and to deal with massive state budget transfer. cuts that has left “Now more the schools with than ever, stu$750 million doldents will need lars in funding “Don't give up,with such to remember reductions for the their motivahurdles.” fiscal year of tions for transRuben Page fer and keep 2011-2012. Transfer coordinator the path to Lisa Yang, 20, an anthropology their goals.” major, said, “Transferring in two The CSU system could also years is a pretty daunting task potentially face increased enrollespecially with all these cuts ment reduction for Fall 2013 and going around. an additional $200 million in cuts, “An obstacle like closed enroll- if a tax initiative by Gov. Jerry ment will really impact students Brown fails to pass in November. and definitely discourage some as The plan has wide support state well.” wide according to a recent poll.
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ment based on enthusiasm, presence, and campus involvement. The festivities will culminate Amid 37 years of constant in the main attraction: a three-man change, The Mini Grand Prix has pushcart race tournament. Live remained a constant at LBCC. music will be played and Super The carnival has remained one Mex and All American Softy food of LBCC’s strongest traditions trucks will be available. and on Sat., The festiviApril 21 it will ties will take be turning 37 “A great experience for place at years old. Ve t e r a n s students.” Festivities Stadium. The will include a opening cereWalt Webber JR. mony, a parade chili cook-off, a Student life advisor car show, and a of the particiKing and Queen pating carts, contest. Contest hopefuls may kicks off at 10:45 a.m. The event pick up registration forms in the is open to the community. Student Life office. Student Life advisor Walt The contestants bestowed with Webber Jr., who graduated from the King and Queen’s crowns, as LBCC in 1987, offered his chosen by a panel of faculty mem- thoughts on the importance of the bers, will receive a $250 scholar- Mini Grand Prix: “It’s a great ship. experience for students to practice The winners will be chosen organizing such an event. after extensive interviews with the See Race preview, page 9 panel, which will make its judgBy Alexander Metalis Staff writer
! Video: “College Promise” ! Photo slide show “Candor” ! Poll: What would you like to see the viking cover ?
MARCH 29, 2012
Vet seeks ‘The Undiscovered’ By Liz Daniels Staff Writer
Jeremiah Rosborough/Viking AUDIO-MIXING IT UP: Speech communication major Yulanda E. Cheval, 51, left, learns audio mixing from recording engineer major Gabriel Eze, 21. Cheval has mentored students with their audio and video projects for the music, radio and television programs at LBCC. She helps them expand their skills through her show, “The Undiscovered”.
Students choose between campuses
! Quality and safety are among the issues being debated over.
LBCC that the on-campus crime rate at PCC has traditionally been lower than that at LAC.” PCC is currently under construction for a major modernization. Associate Vice President Byron Breland said, “The first set of new By Alannah Jones classroom and office space is set Staff Writer to open this Fall.” “Along with the opening of Students at LBCC said they these new spaces, PCC will also prefer to take classes at the LAC begin to offer a more compreheninstead of the PCC for different sive educational curriculum that reasons, while others said they are will more fully support student comfortable taking classes at both transfer, associate of arts and scicampuses. ence degree attainment and certifiPeople interviewed said they cate completion,” Breland said. prefer the LAC A few stubecause more dents who had classes are offered classes at both with better profes- “I donʼt think there is a PCC and LAC sors, the campus said they difference.” looks better and noticed a difyounger students Katherine Medina ference in the are more prevalent Social services major p r o f e s s o r s at LAC. between the Mark Anthony two campuses. Violango, 19, a kinesiology major, Sergei Smirnoff, 23, a film said, “Yes, I would take classes at major, said, “The PCC is great, but PCC. It’s just that there is an age the teachers would teach us the group difference on the campus.” minimum material. I felt like I didSome students said they think n’t get as much as I should have the LAC is safer than PCC. from the class.” Christian Covic, 30, a theater arts Another student, Brian major and a veteran, said, “LAC is Campbell, 26, an anthropology safer. Just location. It’s as simple major, said, “I say the professors as that because some parts of Long should have to teach at both PCC Beach aren’t safe.” and LAC.” In regards to the safety of LAC Katherine Medina, 21, a social and PCC, Brendan Hayes, envi- services major, said, “I don’t think ronmental health and safety and there is a difference where you get parking services manager, said, “It your education from, as long as has been my experience here at you get it.”
It all began in 2008 when Yulanda E. Cheval, 51, a speech communications major and military veteran, arrived at Cabrillo Villages housing complex to attend a women’s program called Women’s Advance. She endured undisclosed trauma in Sacramento and arrived at Cabrillo for treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. Women’s Advance helps women deal with their issues and helps them get back on track. While in the program, Cheval conducted women’s ministry, prayer meetings and spent many hours counseling others. She was surrounded by people who helped her set a course, decipher challenges in her life and aim her in the right direction. She admits the first step of her healing was attending the program. Step two was applying it to a mass of people and step three was returning to college. Transitioning from a traumatized, homeless veteran to a thriving chief executive officer is like turning lemons into lemonade. She decided “lemons into lemonade” would be her theme. Cheval is grinding to the top with her lemons. Cheval is sergeant of arms of the Young Poet Society, a club that allows freedom of expression through arts such as music, dance and poetry. The club allows artists
to speak, so they will not choke on the trauma they have endured. From the club came the birth of her show, “The Undiscovered”. Two years ago, Cheval orchestrated a show called “The Undiscovered” for the students of LBCC and the community. About 20 to 25 members of The Undiscovered include LBCC students and local people. Cheval said, “It all started in radio with KLBC.org with ‘Lady Fred’. It was impregnated in radio, incubated in radio, and born into video.” She has 1,000 hours or more in radio and hopes to produce a collective video with all “undiscovered” artists to allow for much greater exposure. The show caters to people seeking healing through art form and want to share it with others. Sharing is therapeutic and important to some of the artists who seek a solution to their painful situation, Cheval explained. “The Undiscovered” is an inspirational affirmation tool that deals with all aspects of communications, she said. As part of the healing process, aspirations are important and should always be intact, she added. No matter how minimal people think their talent is, it is always welcome at Undiscovered, Cheval said. Someone there will lend a hand, their input, their energy or mere excitement for whatever it is people may need to help them get to the next stage, she said.
MARCH 29, 2012
Candidates outline goals for college By Pedro Cruz Staff Writer
of the LBCC full-time teachers union approached her over three years ago at the California Teachers Association school board dinner and suggested she run for trustee. It took Keiser nearly two years before deciding to take on the challenge because she wanted to
Candidates for the Board of Trustees met at the Long Beach candidate’s forum on Monday night in LAC T1200 multipurpose room to discuss budget cuts, Gov. Jerry Brown’s tax proposal, the Long Beach City College Promise Pathways Program and their goals if elected to the board. About 40 people attended the event. Bryan Thomas, 22, an undeclared major, said, “Who ever gets elected URANGA KEISER should really try to fix the budget cuts and improve stu- make sure she was ready. dents success.” Kaiser has been married to her Davina Keiser a 57-year-old husband Frank for the past 35 Wilson High School math teacher years. They have two children, a and Long Beach native, is chal- daughter Erin, 27, and a son Ryan, lenging current board President 23. Doug Otto. Keiser said her "success" as the Second District Trustee treasurer of the Teachers Roberto Uranga is running unop- Association of Long Beach for the posed after 12 years on the board. past six years, and her track record Election day will be April 10. of turning a $400,000 deficit into a The deadline to register was $250,000 reserve, are evidence of March 26. her “ability to understand budgets" Keiser said she is running for and re-allocate funds to where trustee to ensure LBCC is accessi- they will benefit most those for ble and affordable for all stake- whom they were intended. holders. The recent past-president Otto emphasized the signifi-
cance of the governor’s budget proposal. He said he believes Brown will get enough signatures to put the tax initiative on the November ballot. If not, he said "we will be faced with an additional $5 million in midterm budget cuts." Otto has been on the board for the past eight years. He was elected presiJacob Rosborough/Viking dent in his sec- CONTEST: Griffith Park equestrian center was site of competition. ond term. He is a Long Beach native and a Millikan High graduate. The Viking newspaper and mentions in news writing and critOtto was journalism students won 11 ical review, Tanner Ruegg won pleased with the OTTO endorsement by awards at the Journalism second in sports writing, Edward of Community Mahurien received an honorable the two teacher association unions Association state conference March mention in sports writing and Colleges and the board. Clara Cordeiro, Mahurien and He is a private attorney in Long 22-24. Twelve students attended the Danielle Williams were awarded Beach and was a key figure on the bond money used for construction conference at the Burbank Airport fourth place for team feature for Marriott Hotel and participated in reporting on the equestrian center. work on both campuses. Mahurien said, “The state conHe said the Long Beach competitions and workshops. vention is much more difficult. General excellence was awardPromise Pathways Program is one were able to carry over our We of the best programs that have ever ed to the Viking newspaper and successes from so cal into state the City Magazine, George come to LBCC. The program encourages chil- McGinest won honorable mention and do very well with the stiffer dren beginning in the fourth grade for mail-in editorial cartoon and competition.” Ruegg, competing at his first Andrea Sampson was awarded to come to LBCC. said, “I was kind of conference, In his finishing remarks, first place for bring-in essay. For on-the-spot competitions, amazed that there were so many Uranga said, “When it comes to April and November, please go out Benjamin Diaz won fourth place other people that were passionate in copyediting, and honorable about journalism.” and vote."
Journalists win 11
Applications open for ASB positions Applications are now available to students seeking elected and appointed ASB positions. Students may apply for elected positions, ASB president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and student trustee, by Friday, April 6. Student applications are due Friday, April 20 for appointed positions: representative of legislative affairs, student health and environment, academic affairs,
arts, athletics, communications and volunteer services. Applications are available online or at the office of Student Affairs (E123 at LAC or GG200 at PCC). Candidate forums will be Wednesday, April 18 and Thursday, April 19. Online voting for elected positions will begin Tuesday, April 24 and end Thursday, April 26.
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MARCH 29, 2012
Exhibit honors artist ! Los Angeles
legend remembered with display in LAC gallery. By Cynthia Montes Staff Writer
Rodney Weiss/Viking POLY-ART: LBCC art student Kathy Leon, 19, admires a polyurethane sculpture during the exhibit being presented at the art gallery in K100. For more photos visit lbccvikingnews.com
‘Long Bridge’ roles show wide diversity By Joel Sabajan CitySyle Editor The LBCC theater department, the Cultural Affairs Club and the Cultural Diversity Committee will present James Still’s A Long Bridge Over Deep Waters, a powerful lyrical drama directed by Anthony Carriero. The play starts today, Thursday, March 29 in the Auditorium. What defines people as individuals and what gives a person an identity are questions frequently asked. Characteristics that separate people include by age, gender and ethnicity. With a cast of around 30 LBCC students, they will perform an unwinding story of diverse groups of people. Although they are all different physically and spiritually, they are all connected to each other whether they are aware of it or not. The thought-provoking play has Devout Catholics, a Tongva Indian, women of the Jewish faith
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and a Cambodian family saved by Catholicism. Characters include an African American Methodist lost in space with a Nichiren Buddhist, a devout atheist, a humanist, a gay Muslim, a family of the Baha’i faith, a Hindu, a loving lesbian couple and a young man that can possibly have the most significant journey of all. The cultures have certain characteristics that divide each other. Little do they know, their differences and their stories bring them together to share a significant purpose in each other’s lives. The play runs from March 29April 7. Show time dates are Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and an April 1 matinee at 2 p.m. Show times for April 5-7 include Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m. and conclude with two Saturday shows on April 7 at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Tickets are $15 for general admission and $10 for employees and senior citizens. More details found by calling (562) 938-4659 or visiting lbcc.tdf.edu.
“Candor: In honor of Mike Kelley,” an exhibit by artists who were former students of Mike Kelley opened at the LBCC Art Gallery Wednesday, March 7 and will end April 6. Kelley died in February at age 57. Kelley was a contemporary artist whose “psychologically complex works was instrumental in making Los Angeles an international capital of contemporary art,” the Los Angeles Times reported. The Guardian, a U.K. newspaper, in its report said Kelley established a career “with hurricane force on both sides of the Atlantic and became a big success of his generation.” Chris Freeman, 18, an art major, said, “It’s a very dynamic show,” as he admired a hollow sculpture of Superman’s head mounted above him. He said, “It is inspiring how one can take past work of a man and interpret it your own original way.” Kelley started out as a musician with a band he formed at the University of Michigan named Destroy All Monsters. His “noise” sculpture is one of his conceptual work that includes performance, sculpture, painting, writings, video and public art. Superman’s imaginary city of Kandor, cave structures, consumerism, thrift store objects and music are some of his materials as he examined underground culture, politics, gender and sexuality. Habib Zamani, director of LBCC’s gallery, said, “The show is about memory.” His gallery notes said that all affected by Kelley’s art and teaching will agree that he clearly argued the importance of “directness” in expression. Yousef Ahmed, 26, a graphic arts major, said, “Some of the works are really amazing.” He said he feels like touching the 8foot tall sculpture made of spray foam. “It‘s a very surprising work.” The participating artists, all accomplished and prominent, said Zamani, are Andy Alexander, Kathryn Andrews, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Jessica Bronson, Alice Clements, Kurt Forman, Sharon Lockhart, Daniel Mendel-Black,
Gallery lecture: Thursday, April 5 from 7-8 p.m. in the gallery in the K Building A lecture on Mike Kelley by Noelle Roussel, who obtained her doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris in 2003 with a dissertation on Kelley.
Nora Jean Petersen, Frances Stark, Pam Strugar, Stephanie Taylor, Shirley Tse and Charlie White. A lecture on Kelley by Noelle Roussel, who obtained her doctorate from the Sorbonne in Paris in 2003 with a dissertation on Kelley, is scheduled for Thursday, April 5 from 7-8 p.m. at the gallery in the K Building. Also, Stephanie Taylor will present her “sound.at The Schindler House: The Stephanie Taylor Songbook” on Wednesday, March 28, from 7-8 p.m. in the fashion design room F110. Further information is available by calling Zamani at (562) 938-4815. Meanwhile, “Colors of the City,” a juried exhibit of artists from LBCC opened on March 28 and ends April 1 at the Hellada Gallery, 117 Linden Ave. in Downtown Long Beach. The opening reception is Friday, March 30 from 7–10 p.m. The exhibit is an initial presentation of Club D’Art, an association of LBCC art students.
Rodney Weiss/Viking CITY AT CITY: Leon looks at a piece called “Forced Prospective” by Nora Jean Peterson. The piece appears to be an establishing shot of a city. Petersen said the work was inspired by fictional and non-fictional sources and the term “Forced Prospective” is derived from cinema.
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MARCH 29, 2012
Study: Assessment tests often not valid By Cynthia Montes Staff Writer Assessment tests do not predict college success and too many students are in remedial classes they don’t need, according to studies published in February. New studies by the Community College Research Center at Columbia University’s Teachers College say placement tests “do not yield strong predictions of how students will perform in college” in contrast with high school GPA's. Kyle, Miraflores, 19, a nursing major who has not yet taken the LBCC placement test, said, “I’ll take the assessment test soon. I hope I do well and not do remedial classes.” All students are required to take the assessment test, said Jannie Mackay of the assessment counseling office. and Exemptions are for those with associate or bachelor’s degrees from a U.S. college. Other exceptions are indicated in LBCC’s course catalogue. All high school graduates with high GPA’s can take advnced courses based on their assessment tests, Mackay said. At LBCC, recent high school graduates can be in classes with
military veterans, professionals ical engineering major who was who are changing career paths, placed in English 105, agrees: mothers in college for the first “My teacher told me I have the time after raising children and highest A in class. I could have other students with varying life taken another class instead of circumstances. English 105. Now I am a semesSheryl Cox, 55, a medical ter behind.” Galvan got an A in administration major who needs AP English literature in high remedial classes in math, English school. The 2010 California and reading, said she has to spread Leadership Alliance for Student them out.” Success report for Cox, who goes LBCC show that to the learning in 2006, 3,354 “I could have taken center for help, took the assesssaid, “College another class ... Now ment test. A total courses can be of 1,092 were hard for people Iʼm a semester behind.” placed in collewho have not English, Cristian Galvan giate been in school Mechanical engineering majorr math and reading. for a while.” The students The studies were tracked for say assessment inaccuracy places from 2006 to 2009. The report many students in remedial classes found that more students succeed that can discourage them continu- in college algebra if they take the ing on to college. Placement course sequence leading to col“error” is higher in English than in lege algebra. The reverse is true in math. English composition. Eva Bagg, associate dean of Persistence matters. The institutional effectiveness at LBCC report found that more stuLBCC, agreed that being assigned dents who took pre-collegiate to remedial classes could discour- courses persisted on to the next age students from taking college semester and beyond. courses. She said with the Jethro Pili, 24, a journalism Promise Pathway program, LBCC major, was placed in remedial is piloting a new method of Math 805, said, “After that I took assessing incoming students using Math 110a, 110b and Math 130. available high school data. Now I am in Statistics 1. Cristian Galvan, 18, a mechan- Remedial helped me a lot.”
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Victor Posadas /Viking Music composition majors Jaimie Carcamo, left, and Samuel Garcia play “Santiago” by Pieter Vander Staak on LAC benches on Tuesday, March 27.
Students weigh in on safe sex and its importance ! Being prepared and protected at all times may not be a priority.
demand that man wear condoms, Palacios said. One of the consequences of unsafe sex are unwanted pregnancies. It’s a huge problem at LBCC and she constantly sees young women who end up with a baby they didn’t plan. By Pedro Cruz The young women are left Staff Writer struggling with a baby and their lives changes completely, she Unwanted or unprepared preg- explained. In some cases, she said nancies are commonplace in parents kick their daughters out of today’s society. Every day at their home because they ended up noon, viewers can tune into “The pregnant. Maury Povich Show” and see Vincent Cossio, 21, a computcountless people take DNA tests er science major, said, “People to prove or disprove paternity of a complain about how difficult it is child. to have a baby. But they don’t LBCC students are no excep- practice safe sex and those are the tion. consequences. If you want to “Sex is not a game” Frank avoid this problems in your life, Budista said, a 52-year-old think before you act.” returning student, when talking Other dangers of unsafe sex about the risk of unsafe sex. are miscarriage, STD’s, diabetes, Marianne Palacios, LBCC’s Chlamydia, hepatitis, infection, student health genital warts and services nurse, HPV, Palacios said it’s more said. “Every time I have sex I of a universal A higher risk always use protection.” problem in a of unsafe sex particular Richard Morones practice occurs group of peowhen alcohol and Computer science major ple under the drugs are age of 26 involved, she because young people don’t want said. “Alcohol changes things.” to be the “odd” ones in the group. She encourages people who are So they fall into the pressure from sexually active to make good their friends to have sex. decisions because most of the Palacios said, “The risks of times young people don’t rememunsafe sex are dangerous and in ber who they had sex with. some cases they can cause death. Richard Morones, 18, a comMy advice for those sexually puter science major, said. “Every active is to always wear a condom time I have sex, I always use proand to know their partner,” tection for my safety and I don’t A student who asked to remain want to end up with STD’s” anonymous said, “Safe sex is no Students should never feel sex.” embarrassed to ask for help, Young men refuse to wear con- Palacios said. The student health doms, saying it “takes the plea- services offers free pregnancy sure away” or that it’s OK to have test, counseling and can provide sex just for a little bit and then support for women and men who they can put it on. need it. Women should stand up and
MARCH 29, 2012
Banquet honors 14 former stars By Omar Mejia Sports Editor
Victor Posadas/Viking SAFE: LBCC freshman Chris Miranda steals second base in the bottom of the second inning on Thursday, March 15 at Joe Hicks Memorial field. Miranda scored the Vikings' first run after a fielding error by Harbor's Anthony Canjura in the same inning to tie the game 1-1. Vikings won the game, 3-1.
Vikes hit the skids
! Following six game winning streak, baseball 1-4 in last five. By Edward Mahurien Co-Editor in Chief
Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s been a rollercoaster season for Viking baseball. After a 4-7 start hindered by a lack of offensive production, Long Beach found its stride and rattled off a six-game winning streak carried by dominant pitching. During its streak, LBCC hurlers allowed only six runs,
while the offense brought 32 runners home. That has become a distant memory. Since the loss to Harbor on March 19 that ended the sixgame streak, the Vikes are 1-4. In the past five games, the pitching staff has given up 18 runs, which is still just 3.6 runs per game, but the bats have once again gone silent, scoring only nine runs in support. Despite the .500 record, the 1111 Vikings are ranked 17th in the latest California Community College Baseball Coaches Association So Cal rankings. Tuesday, the Vikes lost 6-2 to conference leader and seventh
ranked Mt. San Antonio. They will play them on the road Thursday before returning home Saturday at noon to complete the three-game series with the Mounties. Long Beach catches a break with the next two series facing off against 9-15 Irvine Valley and 417 Pasadena before finishing up the season with 11th ranked El Camino and 14th ranked Compton. The Vikings are tied for third in the South Coast Conference standings with a 6-4 record. Compton is second with a 7-3 conference record and El Camino is fourth, trailing LBCC by one game with a 5-5 record.
On a night full of memories and laughter, the Hall of Champions executive committee sponsored its 11th annual induction banquet in the gymnasium on Friday, March 23. Rod Gaspar, Rick Miller, Kevin Beal, Sarah Gibson, Dennis Putman, Brad Harris, Christine Phillips and Dan Ripley were inducted into the hall. Also, the emeritus inductees were honored after they were earlier recognized March 2. Hall of Champions Chairman Chuck McFerrin announced the former outstanding athletes and coach. Gaspar attended Lakewood High before LBCC. After LBCC, he attended Long Beach State. Gaspar played baseball with the Vikings in 1965. He received the Mike Romero award for being the top hitter with a .367 average. He played right field and was part of the 1969 World Series Champions â&#x20AC;&#x153;Miracle Mets.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;I am just very honored, very happy that they selected me as a Hall of Champions, its a thrill.â&#x20AC;? Gaspar said on receiving the honors. Miller played offensive and defensive tackle for the Vikings, earning him the nickname â&#x20AC;&#x153;Truck.â&#x20AC;? In 1974, Miller was honored as LBCCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Offensive Lineman of the Year. Miller continued his career at USC through 1975 and 1976. He was a part of the 1975 Liberty Bowl and the 1977 Rose Bowl championship team. Beal played power forward for LBCC from 1993 to 1994. Beal
ended his freshman season scoring 673 points, which placed him 8th on the LBCC all time highest single season scoring record. In 1994 he surpassed that, scoring 807 points, averaging 21.2 points per game. Beal was also part of the 1994 State Championship team. Gibson played as a defender for the Vikings from 2000 to 2001. Throughout her time at LBCC, the Viking womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s soccer team held a record of 50 wins and two losses. In her two years at LBCC she brought home two state championships. Putman was another local coming from Jordan High school. During his time at LBCC, he set a majority of LBCC All-Time records including the honor of receiving the LBCC MVP award. He also set the national record in the 50 and the 100 free. Harris competed for the LBCCâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s track and field program from 1980 to 1981. He then moved on to Washington State University where he won two NCAA dual meet championships and was the runner-up in the 1982 Pac-10 decathlon. Coming out of Long Beach Poly, Phillips led the Vikings in volleyball from 1994 to 1995. She was the first LBCC womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volleyball player to have AllAmerican honors. Ripley coached LBCC track and field from 1987 to 2002. In that period his teams were state champions three times in 1995, 1996 and 1998. He has been honored Coach of the Year twice. in 2010 he was inducted into the California Track and Cross Country Coaches Hall of Fame.
CITY SPORTS Three Viking place high in the sprints at CSULB Classic The LBCC track and field menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and womenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s teams participated in the Cal State Long Beach Classic at Pasadena College on Friday, March 2. Ashley Craddock led the Vikings in the 100-meter run coming in 13th with the time of 12:80. Craddock also led LBCC in the 200-meter run, finishing in 16th with the time of 26:20. Ronald Banks led the men, placing 37th in the 100-meter run with a time of 11:55.
Alumnus John Morris to be honored at athletics annual fundraiser golf tournament John Morris, alumnus and restaurant owner of many restaurants around Long Beach including his latest venture Smoothâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sports grill in Belmont Shore, will be the featured honoree for the athletics departmentâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s annual golf fundraiser. Morris was a member of the LBCC Hall of Fame class of 1989. The golf tournament is scheduled for May 10 at Recreation Park Golf Course near CSULB.
LBCC softball falls to Cerritos
Viking outfielder Shanise Comptonâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s home-run at the bottom of the fifth was not enough to rally the Vikings to victory. The Vikings fell, 4-1, against a strong 21-7 Cerritos team. The Vikings hosted Cerritos on Tuesday, March 27 at the Viking Field at the LAC. Cerritos led throughout the game, building a three-run lead to start the seventh inning and close out the game. The Vikings are 13-14 and will compete in the Ventura Tournament on Saturday, March 31.
LBCC dominates in swim meet The LBCC swim team hosted Rio Hondo and Chaffey on Friday, March 23. The Viking women won seven of the 15 events while the men dominated, winning 10 of the 15 events. Freshman Christine MacLennan led the women, winning three events including the 50, 200 freestyle and the 50yard butterfly. Sophomore Matthew Collins led the men, also winning three events including the 100, 200yard breaststroke and the 200 yard individual medley.
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MARCH 29, 2012
Coach battles â&#x20AC;&#x153;war on fitnessâ&#x20AC;?
they will teach their kids how to stay healthy too.â&#x20AC;? The â&#x20AC;&#x153;motivationâ&#x20AC;? that moves DeMinter to teach his two classes every day is the â&#x20AC;&#x153;the war on fitness.â&#x20AC;? He said students need to understand how important it is to exercise and to keep their bodies
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr. DeMinterĘźs class is a good class to take if you are committed and motivated into losing weight or staying active.â&#x20AC;?
PEDRO CRUZ As the sun worked its way out under gray skies on a cold Tuesday morning in Veterans Stadium, Tyrus DeMinterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s boot camp class was in full swing. DeMinter, who on a daily basis shows up in sports clothing to conduct his class and coach the menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s track team distance runners when dressed-out of the ordinary to fulfill what a boot camp class really is, and what it needs a general. I am one of his students. The Army camouflage hat, shirt and pants are a good fit for his character, a man who pushes his students to work hard and push their bodies to their limits. His energy is transmitted through every shout, every word of motivation and every scream. Daniel Rivera, 21, an architecture major, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;This class pushes my body past its limits, some-
Candy Hernandez
forensic science major
Pedro Cruz/Viking BOOT CAMP: Naomi Cortez does jumping jacks while Tyrus DeMinter teaches with a strong approach.
thing I never thought Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d do.â&#x20AC;? After running a lap around the track, a group of his students were on the wrong side of the field. DeMinter, raising his arms and screaming in a humoristic tone, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;What are you doing over there? The party is over here,â&#x20AC;? as he pointed with his finger to the other students who were doing their sit-ups and
pushups. DeMinter has a major in physical educational. He was an LBCC student and a cross country state champion in 1990 and 1991 and earned an associate of arts degree in speech communications. He later went to Cal State Long Beach where he gained an athletic scholarship and earned a bachelor of science degree in
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speech communication. This is DeMinterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s second year teaching a boot camp class, DeMinter said he â&#x20AC;&#x153;hopesâ&#x20AC;? to have the class next Fall semester because of budget cuts. While teaching, DeMinter said he noticed how many young people are coming out of high school unhealthy. â&#x20AC;&#x153;If these young people understand how to be healthy,
Rabbit run and walk set for April By Konkin Evans Sports Editor
The Rabbit 5K Run and Walk starts on Saturday, April 7 at 8 a.m. and Kids Fun Run is 9 a.m. at Veterans Stadium at LAC. Contestants may register in person at the Legacy Running store at 4103 Viking Way, Suite C, on the corner of Viking Way and Carson Street near LAC. LBCC students may show their student ID to receive a special discount. Participants may also pre-register on Active.com or send a check and complete entry form to LBCC Athletic Department, Rabbit Run, 4901 E. Carson St., Long Beach, 90808. Entry fees are $30 for the 5K
Run and Walk, $20 for LBCC students and $20 for the 1K Kids Run. Race day registration begins from 6:30-7:50 a.m. The race starts and finishes on the track at Veterans Stadium. The course is a scenic loop around historic LBCC. Awards include medals for the first three in each age division, a special award for masterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s male and female, medals for kids in the 1K Fun Run, and Tshirts and goodie bags for all preregistered entrants and late entrants while supplies last. Parking is near Veterans Stadium. More information is available by contacting the physical education office or call (562) 938-4876.
Volleyball team wins 3 over Santa Barbara
By Omar Mejia and Konkin Evans Sports Editors
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active. DeMinter said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I spend an hour with them every day and I try to incorporate workouts that will help them grow stronger and healthier.â&#x20AC;? Candy Hernandez, 20, a forensic science major, said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Mr. DeMinterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s class is a good class to take if you are committed and motivated into losing weight or staying active.â&#x20AC;? DeMinter asked with a blank look on his face, â&#x20AC;&#x153;How many people in LBCC can run one mile under 10 minutes?â&#x20AC;? He took a deep breath and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Not so many and we are losing the way in my eyes.â&#x20AC;?
The LBCC menâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s volleyball team continues strong, winning three games in a row against Santa Barbara City College on Friday, March 16 after suffering a loss to Moorpark on March 14. Two of those wins were on the road where they went 5-1. Freshman Jeff Utupo led the team with 11 kills, five digs and two blocks. Joâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Lon Clark had six kills, two aces and two blocks, while Aniefre Etim-Thomas had
seven kills and four blocks. Freshman Max Wechsung had a total of 21 assists, three kills and three blocks, while sophomore Rob McLean had five kills, two aces and three blocks. The Vikings are preparing to close out their season with only five games left. They are 11-1 and 4-1 in the conference. Moorpark, the only opponent to defeat the Vikings, will visit LBCC on Wednesday, April 4. The Vikings look to begin their playoff run April 17 hope to play in the state finals at LBCC.
lbccvikingnews.com IMPORTANT DATES
Astronomy professor Courtney Seligman will present the last astronomy open house of the semester Friday, April 27. For more information, people may visit cseligman.com/openhouse.htm
Board of Trustees members representing Areas 2 and 4 will be selected Tuesday, April 10 by voters. Registration to vote may be completed by visiting the Los Angeles County registrar of voters at lavote.net
April 9-13: no classes.
The schedule of classes for the Summer 2012 session will be available online beginning April 16. Priority registration starts May 7.
The Fall 2012 Schedule of Classes will be available online as of May 16. Priority registration will begin July 9.
STUDENT ELECTIONS ASB applications are now available online and at the office of Student Affairs at the LAC in E213 and at the PCC in GG200. Applications for elected positions (ASB president, vice president, treasurer, secretary and student trustees) are due Friday, April 6. Applications for appointed positions are due Friday, April 20. For more information, students may contact the Student Affairs office at the LAC at (562) 938-4154.
The 40th annual Horticulture Club plant sale begins Wednesday, April 4 through Saturday, April 7 from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. in the horticulture gardens at the PCC. For more information, people may email Jorge Ochoa at jochoa@lbcc.edu or call the horticulture department at (562) 938-3092.
Cal State Long Beach is presenting transfer workshops at its campus from April 6-June 29. Admission is free and parking will be provided for free. Students may register online at csulb.edu/divisions/students/ uosr/Undergraduate_Admissio n/Transfer/workshop.htm
Directed by Anthony Carreiro, the play will be presented in the Auditorium Thursday, March 29 through Saturday, April 7. For more information, people may call (562) 9384563.
The Marian Sims Baughn Center for Literary Arts Writerʼs Readers Series will welcome poet and author of “What We Ache For” Eric Morago Wednesday, April 4 from 12:30 p.m. in P104 at the LAC. There will be a poetry reading and book signing session. Admission is free. For more information, people may visit lbccbaughncenter.com or call (562) 243-7114.
Art exhibition featured in the gallery through Friday, April 6 in K100. For more information, people may visit artgallery.lbcc.edu or call (562) 938-4815.
The Cultural Affairs Committee presents the International Day of Transgender Visibility in the Nordic Lounge at the LAC Thursday, April 5 from 1-4 p.m. For more information, people may call the LAC Student Life office at (562) 938-4552.
LBCC offers a text-based emergency service for mobile phones. In the event of an emergency, those signed up will be alerted in real-time by text message. To sign up and for more information, people may visit lbcc.edu/BusinessSupport/em ergencytextalerts.cfm
MARCH 29, 2012 APRIL
Tuesday, April 10 at 3 p.m. vs. Compton.
SU M 1 2
T 3
W TH F S 7 5 4 6
9 10
Thursday, April 12 at 3 p.m. vs. L.A. Harbor.
16 17
23 24
Saturday, March 31 at noon vs. Mt. San Antonio. Thursday, April 5 at 2 p.m. vs. Irvine Valley. Wednesday, April 11 at 2:30 p.m. vs. Barstow.
Wednesday, April 4 at 6 p.m. vs. Moorpark. Friday, April 6 at 6 p.m. vs. El Camino.
Friday, March 30 at 12:30 p.m. vs. Pasadena and L.A. Trade Tech.
Friday, March 30 Long Beach Invitational at 3 p.m.
Runs every 30 minutes from 7:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m. Every hour from 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Then back to every 30 minutes until 6 p.m. No shuttle service on Fridays or Flex days.
Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays.
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday 8 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays.
Monday-Thursday 7 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday 7 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Saturday 7 a.m.-2 p.m. Closed Sundays and holidays.
Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Closed weekends.
Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Closed weekends.
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MARCH 29, 2012
President creates two-year agenda ! Expansion of promise pathways suggested for students’ success. By Tyler Parker-Hawkins Staff Writer President Eloy Oakley has published his new 24-month agenda for 2012-2014, which better aligns the planning process and resources with the LBCC Board of Trustees and Educational Master Plan goals. Oakley will be hosting two presidential forums. The forums will allow all to hear what the administration is doing to what it says makes LBCC a better learning environment for students. The first forum will be at noon Tuesday, April 3 at PCC in FF 105. The second forum will be at noon Wednesday, April 4 at LAC in the Nordic Lounge. President Oakley said in his agenda, “LBCC continues to carry a tradition of academic excellence and a proactive pursuit of equality in education goal attainment for its students. Throughout the financial crisis that has gripped California, LBCC
persists in seeking to innovate in LBCC-Cal State Dominguez Hills ways that position our students for pathway to success partnership, success.” expand the student participation In the 2009-2011 agenda, ratio, work with all employee Oakley looked to support the groups to build a spirit of colleimplementation of the Long giality and respect throughout the Beach College Promise. college and implement the PCC The partnership with Cal State educational plan, which will Long Beach and the Long Beach address the core curricular needs Unified School District prioritize and challenges of the PCC as they resources to ensure the institution- relate to developing and impleal success of transfer. menting a comprehensive educaStudent success plan and tion curriculum course related proMark Taylor, LBCC grams that support director of public associate degree, affairs, college certificate and transadvancement and govfer readiness. ernmental relations, The plan called said, “President Oakley for development of has worked to expand the PCC to increase the Long Beach it’s scope of course College Promise at offerings leading to LBCC by helping to an associate degree develop the promise or career certificate. pathways program. For the 2012“This will help ELOY OAKLEY 2014 agenda, Oakley develop new programs looks to input key “New programs” and efforts to help elements of the promise pathways more students complete degrees, agenda, expand and strengthen the certificates and transfer.” College Promise, continue to supPresident Oakley is also workport the development of key ing with Dr. Mildred Garcia to implementation of the assessment maintain the CSUDH Pathway to of outcomes, focusing on data to Success Partnership as she plans improve student learning out- to transition to the presidency of comes. Cal State Fullerton. In this year’s agenda, Oakley wants to review and expand the
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Jacob Rosborough/Viking Employees of Verizon finish after installing fiber-optic cable in to the P and N Buildings, to improve connection speed for the LAC on Wednesday, March 21.
Santa Monica offers high-priced classes College in the nation that is to be attempting to implement a twotier unit system, according to the Santa Monica City College is latimes.com. considering a two-tiered unit sysDetails of exactly what the protem where high demand general gram is implementing are still classes would be $200 a unit unclear but it is known that the rather than $46. higher unit price would be used Fees are currently $36 a unit once state-funded classes have and will be raised to $46 a unit filled up. starting this Summer at all Financial aid can be used on California Community Colleges. the higher-priced classes, but The governscholarships ing board of from private Santa Monica “Santa Monica is presenting funds for needy City College students are an interesting idea.” approved the b e i n g creation of a Doug Otto r e s e a r c h e d , nonprofit founBoard of Trustees member officials said. dation to offer Attorney and math and civic activist English at $200 a unit starting Susan Steinhauser and husband with the Summer and Winter ses- Daniel Greenberg, a businessman, sions at first, but if successful, the donated $250,000 in scholarship entire school year. opportunities once they read about Board of Trustees member the proposal of the two-tier pricDoug Otto said, “Santa Monica is ing at Santa Monica College. presenting an interesting idea that Otto said, “I don't know all the could potentially change the way details but there are definitely we deliver education.” some good ideas in the two-tier Santa Monica City College is system that could help students the only known Community get the classes they need.” By Clara Cordeiro Co-Editor in Chief
Mini Grand Prix: from page 1
For more information, visit: www.marymountpv.edu/transfer-students Contact us: Tel: 310-303-7311 Email: admission@marymountpv.edu
Club members formed committees and subcommittees and have been meeting every week since November to hammer out the details.” Walt Webber has seen 27 LBCC Grand Prix. For the second consecutive year, he’s an advisor for the time-honored event. “The Grand Prix has gone through some changes. We lost our Toyota sponsorship, which hurt a bit. “Also, we’ve made it more accessible to the public by moving the event to Saturday.” Order of Tong club member and psychology major Darryl Harris, 19, is hopeful that his squad will prevail in the race:
“We’re confident. We got all the way to the finals last year. Now I know the importance of stamina and knowing my team members.” “It’s a really fun event and it’s a good way to connect with other students and people in the community. Last year, all of my friends and I brought a bunch of our other friends and family members.” Undeclared major Jose Guillen, 21, said, “It sounds fun. I’m surprised I haven’t heard of it given how long it’s been going on for, but I usually don’t hear abut stuff that goes on here.” Webber predicts attendance this year will exceed last year’s approximate 300.
MARCH 29, 2012
Two-tiered classes sold to the highest bidder ! Santa Monica students will pay more for classes.
Cynthia Montes/Viking
Food-ful thoughts ! Students fed up
with low-quality overpriced food.
As students’ hungry stomachs rumble, they head over to the campus Food Court to nourish their needy bodies. Walking into the court, they are greeted with an awkward setting The way the Food Court is structured lacks creativity. Often times, the Food Court reminds us of grade school lunch benches, dulled and distasteful. Except for the energetic schoolspirited mural, colors are monotone and longing for excitement. Restaurants usually decorate it’s walls to attract customers, but with the looks of this place, it seems that they are trying to repel students on purpose.
Walking over to the food area, the situation doesn’t get any better. As students scramble for a meal to satisfy their eager bodies, they are stumped to find that the options available are nothing short of unpleasant. The only healthy options that are offered at the food court are overpriced salads. It is ridiculous that a slice of pizza costs less than a salad. And honestly, who would want to eat it anyway, the salad has probably been sitting there for hours because most people will opt for the cheaper stuff. Studies show people who eat a hearty, healthy meal (especially, breakfast and lunch) perform better in work and school. We students spend many hours on campus, we want healthier, better options. Students are often on a budget
to begin with, with tuna and cheap ramen filling apartment cabinets. As it is, we already have to cut costs at home to maintain the budgets, and to our dismay, we get to school and find that a single slice of pizza costs more than $2. Too high for low quality food. The food isn’t so top-quality that we’re willing to cough up that much money for cold, rubbery pizza, half wilted salads, greasy hashbrowns and slimy oatmeal. The fault lies not with the Food Court workers who are attentive and friendly but with Aramark seeking a bigger profit. Typically, when food is prepared in large quantities, it’s of lower quality and uses lower-grade ingredients. Perhaps the Food Court should consider making smaller batches of food of better quality and variety.
lbccvikingnews.com facebook.com/vikingnews twitter.com/lbccvikingnews Editors in chief: Edward Mahurien and Clara Cordeiro Copy editors: Benjamin Diaz, Arnold James and Vann Mosier Front page editor: Amber Bobadilla News page editors: Michael Chhu and Tanner Ruegg CityStyle page editors: Victoria Norfleet and Joel Sabajan Sports page editors: Konkin Evans and Omar Mejia Opinion page editor: John Odom Photo editor: Jacob Rosborough and Wendy Garcia Images page editor: Ruby Campos Video editor: Dusty Stiggers Online editors: Alex Campbell and Jesus Hernandez Page editors: Danielle Williams and Grace Orozco Advertising manager: Kori Filipek Advisers: Patrick McKean and Jim Truitt
Pedro Cruz Liz Daniels Jessica De Soto Jose Galindo
Alannah Jones Natalie Ly Alex Metalis Cynthia Montes Tyler Parker-Hawkins
Santa Monica Community College is considering implementing a two-tiered unit pricing system that may be beneficial to LBCC, but may bring controversy. Community Colleges in California are again challenged by major budget cuts, which will affect many current and incoming college students. Santa Monica City College is forming a nonprofit foundation to offer main courses for students running up to $600 each or about $200 per unit. After three years of reducing classes, the college will still offer regular courses currently priced at $36 per unit. This Summer Santa Monica plans to start adding the premium classes, which may be quadruple the amount. Unfortunately, with the issue becoming active, this is something many students are going to have to face, most importantly focusing on their transferable classes. “It says there’s one kind of education in California for those with financial resources and another for those without, but I understand the pressure they’re under,” said Patrick Callan, president of the Higher Education Policy Institute. Santa Monica has cut 1,100 classes out of 7,430 since 2008, with the reduction becoming an
DeʼAnthony Phillips Charles Reindorf Jeremiah Rosborough Rodney Weiss
Language Arts Building. Telephone 938-4285 or 938-4284 or e-mail vikingnews@lbcc.edu. The Viking is a member of the Journalism Association of Community Colleges, the California Newspaper Publishers Association, Unity Journalists of Color and the California First Amendment Coalition. The Viking reserves the right to deny any advertising space. Printed by Beach Community Publishing. Delivery Staff: PCC Student Life staff and Thane menʼs honor society.
! "#$" %&'()*&+ ,*(-./0('1 $#23$
At National University, we know you can’t sit in class all day or lock yourself in a library. You want to finish your degree and move on into a new career. National University makes that possible. The deadline for news, advertisements and letters to the editor is the Thursday before publication. The Viking will be published April 26, and May 10. The Viking will be published by the Journalism 80 and 85 students of the Long Beach City College English Department, with funding from the Associated Student Body. The views expressed in the Viking do not necessarily reflect the views of the advisors, administration or ASB. The Viking newsroom is located at LBCC, 4901 E. Carson St., Long Beach, Calif., 90808, Room P125,
obstacle for many students. It has become a higher risk for them not receiving the courses they need to graduate. The two-tiered plan is a good idea for those who can afford it and for the students who cannot; it will affect their transfer plans. We’re hoping donations will be made for those with financial aid and access for scholarships. It is difficult for many of us students who want to succeed since the majority of us comes from small communities such as Bellflower, Downey, Paramount, and other areas. So therefore we turn to our larger communities hoping we will receive the help we need to sustain our education. Many of us have trouble getting into the classes we need to transfer due to the overpopulation on campus. If administrators move decisions to cut classes it will be horrible news for us. Many of us are attending a Community College to complete our general education, now if they slash the main courses, what will happen to students who will not be able to pay the courses needed? College officials have announced that LBCC needs to cut to an amount of $9.8 million to balance the budget cuts for 2012-2013. However, because of the sixteen-week semesters at LBCC, the college will offer a Winter intersession starting in January 2013 and will offer a limited summer session to the budget cuts they’re facing.
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MARCH 29, 2012
How would you feel if LBCC adopted Santa Monica College’s two-tier, class fee system?
Promise Pathways is a beneficial program ! The college president guarantees continuing students are safe.
Gaby Gillet, 19 Human services
Cameron Chapman, 22 Engineering
“Community Colleges “I don’t like the idea are meant for students because it’s a who do not have the Community College, but means to pay for the U.C. I do like the idea or Cal States. By raising because we have had a the prices, they are defeat- lot of budget cuts and we ing the purpose of going need new classes and to a Community College.” programs that we can’t afford.”
Amber Gonzalez, 19 Science
Kathy De Leon, 19 Art
“Raising the fees on classes could cause students to protest or even riot. No one can afford to have anymore expenses. As it is, most students can’t afford to eat on campus.”
“As an artist, materials are expensive enough. To raise the fees of classes to such a high price would be somewhat of a disaster. I would have to work more than two jobs just to raise the money for classes.”
Compiled by Jessica De Soto at the LAC on Tuesday, March 27
Pathways, unconvincing promise I’ve asked many students about the Promise Pathways program and I get the same answer, “I don’t like it.” Continuing students need the help, the resources and the $6.8 million in grants reserved for the Pathways. It may not seem like a big deal right now, but next Fall you will know the pain. When you try to enroll in your English, writing and math classes PEDRO you will find out your seat has been taken by a freshman because administration has decided to give them priority registration before you. Let’s make sure to send a “thank you” letter to the administrators for holding us back on our
education. We, as continuing students are living examples of strength. Regardless of all the cuts and high-tuition rates, we are still here fighting for our educations. We are working our way around jobs, parenting and real-world responsibilities, but our administrators are road-blocking us with the Pathways. We are fighting a war, our battle is education and CRUZ our futures are on the line. Administration is able to put LBCC on a pedestal, getting recognition from the White House, high-fives from the Little Hoover Commission, grabbing the nation’s attention, “modeling success” with Promise Pathways.
Let’s face reality, Promise Pathways is not the answer. Administration should focus more on the problems within the school and helping continuing students succeed. With the budget cuts, not enough classes limit enrollment and teachers losing their jobs how can a student possibly transfer within two years? The problem is while trying to help high school graduates; administration is hurting the body of the school which is us the continuing students. We cannot improve education for future generations if we don’t solve our present problems. When the first semester for the freshman is over they will be left struggling to get classes just like the rest of us. What good then, did Promise Pathways have?
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Registration begins April 2. (800) 963- 2250 x 60001
California State University, Long Beach College of Continuing and Professional Education
The paramount concern of every administrator, faculty and staff member at LBCC is to help every one of our students attain their education goals. The college would not implement this program if it would negatively impact our current students. The Promise Pathways program is designed to increase the college preparedness of incoming high school graduates and accelerate the completion of degrees, certificates and successful transfer. What we learn from this cohort we will use to support all of our students. It is important to understand that the Promise Pathways program is designed to serve a population of students who already enroll at LBCC each fall. Nearly 1,700 recent graduates from Long Beach Unified high schools enroll at LBCC each Fall and the new program will only be available to these students. The first cohort of Pathways students is expected to range from 1,000 – 1,200 students. This cohort will comprise a small percentage of our new students and only 5 - 6 percent of the total student body. Even though most of the students in the Pathways program would have enrolled at LBCC with or without the program, the college will add additional sec-
tions of classes in English, math and reading to offset the additional course load generated by students in this cohort. By doing so, more seats in courses in other areas of the college will be available to returning students. It is also important to remember that returning students will still have enrollment priority and have the opportunity to select and enroll in classes before other first time students. I urge every returning student to pay close attention to your registration dates and to select your classes as soon as you are able because the demand is currently so high. Finally, I want to remind every student that the course reductions at LBCC and every other community college in California are a direct result of state budget cuts. California has reduced funding to its community colleges significantly and has left colleges no alternative other than offering fewer courses. LBCC has made every effort possible to preserve courses and other services for students, but the significant reductions have clearly made it more difficult for students to get the classes they need. These cuts are the root of the problem. I strongly believe that we have designed our new program in a way that will not further exacerbate this issue for continuing students. Eloy Oakley LBCC President
Twain contributed more than n-word
As a faculty co-organizer for the 2nd annual Read Across Campus event, having the Viking news run three separate articles about this year’s author, Mark Twain, was exciting. However, the Viking News denigrated the event by focusing on one word out of thousands. A student panel selected Twain since he was a prolific writer with a career that spanned almost 50 years. This group selected him to honor American literature at a critical turning point and chose not to let hot-topic issues, i.e. Twain’s use of the “n-word,” dissuade their choice. I attended both events at the LAC and PCC and saw a diverse group learn more about Twain’s literary prowess. His voice was channeled by
students and faculty alike who spoke of growing up in the West, pontificating about travels throughout Europe, critiquing contemporary authors, and testifying before Congress. Many students used his famous quotes which are critical of humanity and still ring true today. It’s sad the Viking News chose to report on one potentially negative aspect rather than on positive topics which might have increased attendance and an appreciation for reading a journalist who became the “first truly American author.” Christiane R. Woerner Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
Have an opinion? The Viking welcomes letters to the editor. Writers must identify themselves by showing their ASB card, driver’s license or ID card and email. Only names will be published with the letter. The Viking newsroom is located at LBCC, 4901 E. Carson St., Long Beach, Calif., 90808, Room P125, Language Arts Building. Telephone (562) 938-4285 or (562) 938-4284 or email vikingnews@lbcc.edu.
MARCH 29, 2012
Diving into a winning season
Swimming coach Chris Oeding talks strategy with an LBCC athlete.
Scott Chan dives off of the 1-meter platform to come in 6th with a final score of 113.85.
Photos by Victor Posadas First place women始s 50-yard breaststroke winner Jackie Rojas swims to the finish line with a time of 33.29.
See story on page 6
Viking freshman Mackenzie Aakhus competes in the men's 200-yard butterfly on Friday, March 16 at the LBCC aquatic center. Aakhus won the 200-yard butterfly and the 200-yard backstroke. LBCC's men's and women's swim team will host Pasadena and Los Angeles Trade-Tech on Friday, March 30.