Shipitwise Investor Presenta!on Travel free of excess baggage
Problem Cost is an growing concern for travellers with baggage. Airlines will not guarantee that your baggage arrives on !me. No easy way exists to ship baggage conveniently, directly and safely.
Our Solu!on A platform for travellers to ship their baggage in order to:
Save Money
Travel Hands-Free
Skip Check-In
Market Valida!on
# of Airlines
total visits since Lufthansa launched it in 08/16
monthly visits in 01/17
stricter baggage policies in past 12 months
Market size
200 Million+
Tourist Arrivals (Worldwide)
Adventure & Sport Trips
Shipments w/ Shipitwise
Billion +
Total Available Market
Serviceable Available Market
source: World Tourism Organisation
source: Adventure Travel Trade Association
15% Market Share by 2021
Product Visit Our Website
Enter Your Basic Data
Receive Instant Pricing
Let Shipitwise Handle The Rest
Business Model We earn a 30% commission on each transaction
Shipments with Shipitwise
Avg total €300 per shipment
Revenue projected by 2025
15% of Available Market
Market Rollout CEE Regional Travel Direct to Customer Travel Fairs Marketing
Strategic Rela!onships Air Baltic Nordica
Rest of Europe Partnerships/Rela!onships Amadeus EasyJet Lufthansa Ryanair TravelPort + various airlines and travel companies
Network Building Direct Customer Marke!ng
Rest of World Partnerships/Rela!onships TravelPort/Orbitz Expedia UPS FedEx DHL
Traction Attracting customers through our affiliate partners - travel agencies and airlines.
*Partners onboarded in the last 6 months.
74 000
74 000
159 000
295 000
363 000
1, 853 000
1, 935 000
By current data we can see that average traffic of our affiliates in the last 6 months reached roughly 1,900 000 visitors a month.
Compe!!ve Advantage Dynamic Pricing Pay less for shipping more
Trusted And Insured Travel businesses trust the service and everything is insured
Full-Service Door to door
Ease Of Use Instant price quote
Customer Focused
Design and Brand
24/7 customer support
Great user experience
Team Aleksander Gansen
Olari Miiter
Aleksander is esponsible for strategic sales, spearheaded the creation of a dynamic platform to expedite, simplify and reduce shipping costs for consumers across the globe. Decades of international import/export experience. Co-Founder & Board Member, Palazzo Interior Studio Co-Founder & Ex-Board Member, Marmande B.A. (Economics), University of Tartu
Olari is responsible for all major corporate processes and strategic roadmap implementation, visual design experience, and proven international negotation success. Co-Founder & CEO, Fututec Architect, YIT Ehitus Designer, Baltika Group B.S. (Engineering), Tallinn University of Applied Sciences
Co-Founder & CEO
Co-Founder & COO
Ragmar Saksing
Anna Medjanskaja
Ragmar has nearly 2 decades of programming experience, specialised expertise in developing tourism & leisure software,automated shipping company ticketing and pass-through systems from scratch. Co-Founder & CTO, Fututec Co-Founder, Adventure Clinic Telco Team Leader, Proekspert Development Manager, Tuule Piletikeskus B.S. (Marine Biology), University of Tartu
Anna’s family owns one of the largest logistics firms in the Baltic’s. She also has experience and regional connections that are second-to-none. Jupiter Plus Transport, Project Manager B.A. (Economics), Tallinn University of Technology
Co-Founder & CTO
Co-Founder & VP Logis!cs
User Tes!monials Shipitwise was fast to react and the process of arranging my delivery was actually an enjoyable experience.
Shipitwise is ideally suited for travellers who want to escape the physical hassle and growing cost and limita!ons on baggage imposed by airlines.
The booking simplicity, robust insurance coverage and on-!me delivery guarantee made Shipitwise the easy choice for me.
_Tanel K, LONDON
_Nautilus Travel, EE
_Aigar H, Paris
Financials We are looking for €4M Seed round to achieve the following over 18 months:
$ 69K Shipments w/ Shipitwise avg €90 fee
€6.2M Revenue
over 18 months
Posi!ve Cashflow and Profitability