1 minute read
True Crime
The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession
by Michael Fenkel
available in June, hardcover, Knopf Breitwieser stole almost 2 billion dollars worth of art during his active time, but never sold any of it. Fenkel chronicles the rise and fall of an unusual thief that you find yourself almost rooting for. An engaging non-fiction that reads like a novel, perfect for those who are interested in a great biography! –Kiana
Cults : Inside the World’s Most Notorious Groups and Understanding the People Who Joined Them
by Max Cutler
available in July, paperback, Gallery Books
Cutler does a wonderful job at analyzing cults all around the world and capturing those who were involved and why. It’s a fantastic look into why people do the things they do and how easily someone may be manipulated to join. You won’t be able to put this one down! –Maddie
Trailed : One Woman’s Quest to Solve the
Shenandoah Murders
by Kathryn Miles
available now, paperback, Workman
This follows the heartbreaking Shenandoah Murders of 1996, Miles does a wonderful job of presenting a factual account of the crimes as well as an accurate depiction of the victims’ lives before the murders. Definitely makes you question how safe the outdoors really is. A great read for anyone interested in true crime! –Maddie