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2-Trainer Spotlights ........................................ 21
Meditation... Journey Worth Taking... Habit/Practice Worth Building
I had a lot of lofty and just down-right incorrect ideas about meditation: magical enlightenment from the get-go, immediate answers to all my problems, and instantaneously turning into the most peaceful, loving, positive person on the planet. I thought i had to have a certain belief system, way of life, yadda, yadda, yadda. Truth is... Meditation is for everyone, any time, anywhere. The only qualification you need is to be a human being and, I’m pretty sure if you are reading this, you meet this qualification. So, let’s get started!
Keep it simple! The three simplest meditation practices
1. Simply focus on your breath and as thoughts come up, allow them to pass through. 2. Envision breathing in and out of your heart space (yep... It’s in your heart area and your fourth chakra) and seeing your heart expanding and receiving and sending love. 3. So Hum meditation. As you breathe in, say to yourself, “so” and as you exhale, you say “hum”. So Hum means, “i am that” which means that you are part of and belong to everything in this awesome, amazing university. So beautiful! Don’t get all judgy on yourself. All is well and good in meditation. Some days you experience some amazing sense of peace and the next you may or may not. You are just being the observer... Not the judge. Plan for a consistent time of day to practice and be patient. Habits are built through consistency and the benefits of this particular practice are mind-blowing; reduced stress, greater creativity, productivity, kindness, and self-awareness, ability to manage negative thoughts, and the list goes on. Get an app. Use that electronic device for the good stuff. Apps have all kinds of meditations, courses, etc. My favorite is Insight Timer. So... Get your meditation on! Namaste