9’ 9’ Rolling Rolling Tree Tree Bag Bag We’ve We’ve taken taken ourour best best selling selling Santa’s Santa’s Bag Bag tree tree bag bag and and improved improved it. it.Now Now with with anan easy easy to to load load toptop opening. opening. Item Item No.No. SB-10187 SB-10187 Dimensions: Dimensions: 59” 59” X 27” X 27” X 24” X 24”
EZEZ Access Access 3-sided 3-sided toptop loading loading bag bag
Exterior Exterior handles handles stitch stitch across across 100% 100% width width of bag of bag
3 Wheels 3 Wheels andand plastic plastic lined lined panel panel for for extra extra protection protection
Interior Interior webbing webbing reinforced reinforced handles handles
Heavy-duty Heavy-duty stitching stitching