3 minute read
What’s On in December
from Alconbury Dec 2021
by Villager Mag
1, 8 & 15 DECEMBER St Neots Choral Society
7.30-9.30pm Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury New members. Rehearsals are every Wednesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for enquiries Web: www.stneotschoral.org.uk
UNTIL 4 DECEMBER Bring It On The Musical
2.30pm and 7.30pm New Theatre, Peterborough Tickets from £18 Amber Davies and Louis Smith are ready to BRING IT ON as the smashhit Broadway Musical backflips into the UK.
Cambridge Arts Theatre Suitable for ages 1-101! Tel: 01223 503333 Web: www.cambridgeartstheatre.com
5 DECEMBER Warden Abbey Vineyard Christmas Wine Sale
11am-4pm. The Garden Suite, Shuttleworth House, Old Warden Free entry. Local food and crafts. Tel: 07981 113714 Web: www.wardenvineyard.org.uk
5 & 11 DECEMBER Winter Wreath Making
Wandlebury Country Park, Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge £18 per family. Cambridge Past, Present & Future event. Web: www.cambridgeppf.org
7 DECEMBER Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group
7.15pm for 7.30pm Hail Weston Village Hall Members £1, non-members £3 ‘The 12-Month Garden - Colour All Year Round’ with Geoff Hodge. Email: hwwgg@yahoo.com for info
3 DECEMBER St Neots Local History Society
7.30pm. Eynesbury Primary School SNLHS members free, visitors £4 ‘Hereward of the Fens’ by Mark Steinhardt, story teller. The surviving text of our most important regional story is interesting because of the way it moves back and forth between verifiable history and legend. But Hereward valued above all the hope of surviving in legend, so does it matter which bits are true? Web: http://stneotslhs.org.uk

3-5 DECEMBER Christmas Tree Festival
St Andrew’s Church, Kimbolton Grand opening Friday evening. Seasonal refreshments available throughout. www.kymchurch.org.uk
4 DECEMBER Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society
2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Talk by Timothy Walker, retired Head of Oxford Botanic Gardens and wellknown speaker. Visitors welcome Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
7, 14 & 21 DECEMBER St Neots & District Camera Club
Via Zoom. Regular talks and competitions. Web: www.stneots-camera-club.org.uk
8 DECEMBER The Huntingdonshire Local Group of the Wildlife Trust Talk
7.30pm on Zoom. Free event Fascinating talk on the more unusual aspects of wildlife that we may sometimes overlook by Brian Eversham, Chief Executive of the Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. Email: jp.doody@ntlworld.com
8, 12 & 17 DECEMBER Willow Wreath Making
10am-12 noon or 1-3pm The Wildlife Trust Countryside Centre, 2 Chapel Road, Ramsey Heights Wildlife Trust BCN members £10, non-members £15. Enjoy a guided walk around the Ramsey Heights nature reserve collecting natural materials to make your own festive wreath decoration. Booking essential. Web: eventbrite.co.uk/e/willowwreath-making-tickets-177239065817
10 DECEMBER Kimbolton Community Cinema
7pm. Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Tickets £5, concessions £4 The Man Who Invented Christmas (PG). Bar, ice cream and free popcorn. Tickets from The Flower Shop, Bytes Café, Old Swan Pharmacy, or on door.
10 & 11 DECEMBER A Christmas Carol (Charles Dickens) at the Leper Chapel
7.30pm. Leper Chapel, Newmarket Road, Cambridge Adults £14, Under 18s £10 Cambridge Past, Present & Future event. Festive play as Dicken’s performed it himself. One man, one stage. Web: www.cambridgeppf.org
11 DECEMBER Open Mic Poetry Event
2-4pm. All welcome Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon Come along to enjoy a wide selection of poems. Share a poem or join the audience and listen to the poems.
11 DECEMBER Family Christmas Concert
4pm. Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon Adults £15, Children/concessions £5 An enchanting children’s concert by Huntingdonshire Philharmonic Orchestra and Choir who will bring to life the adventures of Paddington Bear as he leaves home, meets his new family and enjoys his first concert. Tickets available on the door (cash only) or online. www.huntsphil.org.uk
21 DECEMBER Dementia Café
10am-12 noon. St Ives Free Church, St Ives. £2.50 per person For people with dementia and carers. Tel: George Smerdon 07725 588145 Web: facebook/stivesdementia friendlycommunity
u3a Bridge Group
Guest Hall, Priory Centre, St. Neots. Mondays & Thursdays. 2pm - 4.30pm. With a cup of tea/ coffee and biscuit thrown in. All for £1.50. Interested? Contact Jenny O’Dell 01480860339 Email jennyodell@mypostoffice.co.uk