2 minute read
What’s On in November
from Alconbury Nov 2021
by Villager Mag
2 NOVEMBER Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group
7pm. Hail Weston Village Hall Members £1, non-members £2 Moths and Butterflies in Huntingdonshire with speaker Martin Davies. Email: hwwgg@yahoo.com
2. 9. 16. 23 & 30 NOVEMBER St Neots & District Camera Club
Via Zoom. Regular talks and competitions. www.stneots-camera-club.org.uk
3, 10, 17 & 24 NOVEMBER St Neots Choral Society
7.30-9.30pm. Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury New members. Rehearsals are every Wednesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for enquiries Web: www.stneotschoral.org.uk
5 NOVEMBER St Neots Local History Society
7.30pm. Eynesbury Primary School SNLHS members free, visitors £4 ‘Digging for Buckden’ with Aileen Connor of Oxford Archaeology East on the discovery and excavation of Anglo-Saxon Buckden. Web: http://stneotslhs.org.uk
5 NOVEMBER Kimbolton Castle Fireworks
Gates open 5.45pm Adults £15, under 16s free Fireworks at 8pm approx.
6 NOVEMBER Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society
2pm. Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Plant hunting in Vietnam’ with Andrew Luke who is the head gardener at Wrest Park. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
6 & 7 NOVEMBER Dracula at the Leper Chapel
7.30pm. Leper Chapel, Newmarket Road, Cambridge Adults £14, Under 18s £10 Cambridge Past, Present & Future event. Jonathan Harker recounts his terrifying encounter with Dracula. Web: www.cambridgeppf.org
10 NOVEMBER History and archaeology walk
10am-12 noon Wandlebury Country Park, Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge Free – donations welcome Cambridge Past, Present & Future event. Gentle guided walk with a warden. Web: www.cambridgeppf.org
10 NOVEMBER The Huntingdonshire Local Group of the Wildlife Trust Talk
7.30pm on Zoom Free event ‘Lockdown wildlife’ with Jim Stevenson who has recently retired as the Senior Wildlife Ranger for Paxton Pits. Often known as Ranger Jim on Radio Cambridgeshire, he had spells with the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust under Peter Scott, and over 20 years with the RSPB. Tel: Alistair 07775 365507 Email: alistairrgrant@hotmail.com for more info or jp.doody@ntlworld.com to book
13 NOVEMBER Little Paxton Community Litter Pick
1.30-3.30pm Start and finish at the QEII Playing Field. Litter grabbers, high viz jackets, bin bags provided. Please bring own gloves. Little Paxton Parish Council event.
13 NOVEMBER The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde
7.30pm The Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon The Pantaloons present ‘The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde’. Recommended for children over 12.
16 NOVEMBER Dementia Café
10am-12pm St Ives Free Church, St Ives PE27 5AL £2.50 per person For people with dementia and their carers. Tel: George Smerdon 07725 588145 Web: facebook/ stivesdementiafriendlycommunity
17 NOVEMBER Advent Coffee Morning
10am-12 noon. Buckden Village Hall Entry £2 inc. refreshments St Mary’s Fundraisers. Cards and gifts; raffle; white elephant and cake stall. Everyone welcome. Tel: Patsy Gray 01480 810041
19 NOVEMBER Kimbolton Community Cinema
7pm for 7.30pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Nomadland (12A). Tickets from The Flower Shop (not Mondays) The Old Swan Pharmacy, Bytes Café on Monday and Friday mornings and by email. Email: jrstratford@hotmail.com
26 NOVEMBER-4 DECEMBER Bring It On The Musical
2.30pm and 7.30pm New Theatre, Peterborough Tickets from £18 Amber Davies and Louis Smith are ready to BRING IT ON as the smashhit Broadway Musical backflips into the UK.
27 NOVEMBER Forest of Imagination Exhibition
10.30am-3.00pm. Free entry Wandlebury Country Park, Gog Magog Hills, Cambridge Outdoor exhibition of artwork. 2 December-29 January Aladdin. Cambridge Arts Theatre Suitable for ages 1-101! Tel: 01223 503333 Web: www.cambridgeartstheatre.com
3-5 DECEMBER Christmas Tree Festival
St Andrew’s Church, Kimbolton Grand opening Friday evening. Seasonal refreshments available throughout. www.kymchurch.org.uk