1 minute read
Villager Prize Crossword
The Villager Prize Crossword

Complete the crossword and fill in your details below, before 16th November 2022
Either cut out this page and send to Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd. 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP Or photograph your entry and email to competitions@villagermag.com The winner will be drawn at random from the correct entries.
Prize £25
Across 7 Attentiveness (13) 8 Speaking (8) 9 Simple (4) 10 Breaks (7) 12 Prophecies (5) 14 Sound of a bell (5) 16 Happier (7) 19 Exhibit (4) 20 Approximate calculation (8) 22 Enquiry (13)
Down 1 Young male horse (4) 2 Way in (6) 3 Lures (7) 4 Boasts (5) 5 A narrow river (6) 6 Absurd talk (8) 11 Eating (8) 13 Held for ransom (7) 15 Solicitor (6) 17 Boundaries (6) 18 Large and heavy (5) 21 Implement (4)