3 minute read
Pushing the 1948 St Neots Carnival Queen back to dance
from Cambs Aug 2020
by Villager Mag
Pushing the 1948 St. Neots Carnival Queen Back to the Dance! By Peter Ibbett

Time was when this time of year saw much recycling of household materials in preparing costumes and props for events such as the annual St. Neots Carnival, but the pandemic has taken care of mass community events for the time being. Back in 1948 the local Rowing Club had been given the honour of hosting the annual Championship Regatta for the Daily Herald Cup. In the making of the plans for this special Regatta Week it turned into the town’s first Carnival Week from Monday 6th September, culminating in the Championship Regatta on Saturday 11th September. As a ‘Ladybird’ children’s book reminds us, a beautiful maiden was required for leading the event as its Queen. A public event was held and the entrants were awarded marks out of 60 (facial 20; figure 10; hair style 10; deportment 10; & personality 10). Jean Covington, a 16 year old brunette waitress at Stiles Cafe won and her attendants were Glenys Norman from Toseland, a saleswoman at Speeds shop, Margaret Cutler (15 years old) employed by P. W. Pratt Limited & Fay Phillips from Ramsey (17½ years old) who was a saleswoman at Selfridges in London. The Carnival Queen won £5 and a ‘permanent wave’ hair-do to the value of £3-3s. Her attendants received two pairs of nylons. She was crowned by the Carnival Queen of Hastings at an evening dance event. After the ceremony, the new Queen and her Attendants together with Miss Hastings left the hall to the strains of ‘O you Beautiful Doll’ and were taken round St Neots and Eynesbury in a floral decorated and illuminated lorry, being preceded by a loudspeaker van. ( The 1991 photograph shows a float in Eynesbury). At the start of the journey, near Speeds shop, the van broke down and a second breakdown occurred in Brook Street on the return journey when the engine of the lorry gave out and it had to be pushed onto the Market Square ‘by willing hands’! The old Carnival is no more but the active Town Council has sponsored new events to help keep the tradition of local celebrations alive. Thanks to St Neots History Societies Newsletter from Summer 1997 and Lydia Pullen’s informative article on the 1st St. Neots Carnival. If you have unwanted material at home that might have ended up as part of a Carnival Float visit the now re-opened St. Neots Museum to enjoy ‘The Upcycling Crafter’ exhibition which shows you how to give your items a new life as art work. You might even buy a picture! Entry is free to locals and its shop has a range of attractive items.
St Neots Museum NOW OPEN
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St Neots Museum, 8 New Street, PE19 1AE Tel: 01480 214163 Things to do this summer Family craft activities and Iron Age St Neots Temporary Exhibition The Upcycling Crafter by Frances Corlett 1st July - 5th September 2020 Now on until Family trail around St Neots town centre KS2 local history videos Toddler Time Art Exhibitions Museum shop open Saturday 14th October 2017 History articles Books, cards, toys, fossils, jewellery, handmade gifts, souvenirs at St Neots Museum
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