9 minute read
What's On
from Cambs March 2020
by Villager Mag
2 March NIA (Non-Impact Aerobic) Dance 7-9pm Tesco Community Room £5. Come and try this mindful, dance, fitness practice. For anybody seeking a gentler movement class to complement and facilitate healing of mind, body, emotions and spirit. No floor work involved. Tel: 07590 909057 www.stneotstimebank.org.uk 2, 9 & 16 March Singing Shed 1.30-2.30pm Arthur’s Shed, Arthur Rank Hospice, Cherry Hinton Road, Shelford Bottom Free - £5 suggested donation. An informal drop in choir, no experience required. Tel: 01223 675777 www.arhc.org.uk/arthurs-shed.asp 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 March Osprey Judo Club Juniors 6.30-7.30pm, Seniors 7.30-9.30pm Ellington Village Hall, The Green, Ellington Sessions every Monday night. Tel: Sensei Paul Aston on 07747630361. Web: ospreyjudo.com 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 March Scottish Country Dancing 8-10pm Queen Elizabeth School, Godmanchester Tel: Mrs Pat Crowe 01480 453774 Email: pat@patcrowe.plus.com 3 March Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group 7.30pm Hail Weston Village Hall Members £1, Non-members £2. ‘Chelsea exhibits and the gardens of Grenada’. An informative talk by Suzanne Gaywood MBE, RHS Chelsea Flower Show Gold Medal Winner. New members/visitors welcome. Email: Liz Bacon lizbacon187@gmail.com 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March Men’s Shed 1.30-2.30pm Arthur’s Shed, Arthur Rank Hospice, Cherry Hinton Road, Shelford Bottom Free - £5 suggested donation. An informal drop in choir, no experience required. Open to all. Tel: 01223 675777 Web: www.arhc.org.uk/arthurs-shed.asp 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March St Ives Photographic Club 8-10pm Winter programme - see website for full details. Email: events@stives-photoclub.org.uk Web: www.stives-photoclub.org.uk 4 March Friends of Paxton Pits Talk 2.30pm Visitor Centre, Paxton Pits Nature Reserve £2.50 on the day. The Insects of Paxton Pits’, an illustrated talk by Keith Porter. Keith is an entomologist who has recently retired from Natural England. He will talk about the last 25 years of recording insects on the Reserve, and explore which habitats are most important. Tel: 01480 406795 4 March Brampton Flower Club 7.15pm Community Centre, High Street, Brampton Visitors £6 on the door. ‘A Life of Flowers’ with Emma Remington. ‘Working with Nature’ with Tim Meakin. Tel: Jan Dobie 01480 531822 Web: www.bramptonflowerclub.com 4 March Little Paxton Gardening Club 8pm Little Paxton Village Hall Members £1, Non-members £2. ‘A History of Gardening in 100 Objects’ by Michael Brown, garden historian, researcher, horticulturist and lecturer, who is well-known to our club. Tel: Jane 01480 218805 Email: lpgardeningclub@hotmail.com 4, 11, 18 & 25 March Kimbolton Bridge Club 9.30am-12 noon Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Meets every Wednesday morning to play friendly, social bridge. No partner needed. Tel: Vanessa 01480 453929 5, 12, 19 & 26 March Yelling Art Group 10am-12.30pm Yelling Village Hall Meets on Thursdays during term-time. We are a friendly group seeking new members of any art ability. Tel: 07580 470166 6 March St Neots Local History Society 7.30pm Eynesbury Junior School Members free, non-members £3 ‘Love and Toil’, a talk by Grace Richards. Web: http://stneotslhs.org.uk 7 March Saturday Workshops Adult Learning & Skills, St Ives Beekeeping, Breadmaking, Dowsing, First Aid, Indian Head Massage, Indian Street Food, Art: Watercolour - Pen and Wash, Wedding Flowers and Windows 10. Web: www.aclearning.org.uk 7 March Art & Craft Fair 9.30am-4pm Free Church Hall, St Ives Free entry. Quality handmade art and craft stalls. 7 March Quiz Night 7.30pm Offord Village Hall Tickets £5 each. Teams of up to 6 can be made on the night. Bring your own food and drink. Tel: John 01480 810049 for info/tickets 8 March Farrington Scents - Beginners Soap Making Workshop 10am-12.30pm & 1.30-4pm Ferry Meadows, Peterborough £25. Each person will make at least three soaps, using all natural ingredients and make unique packaging for the bar. Age 18+. Tel: 01733 234193 Email: visitor.services@neneparktrust.org.uk 9 March Wild Home Educator Session 1.15-3.15pm Ferry Meadows, Peterborough £5.50. 2 hour sessions on the second Monday of every month for home schooled children. Each session will have curriculum and nature focused activities, with a different theme each month. Theme for March is pirates. Aimed at KS1. Tel: 01733 234193 Email: visitor.services@neneparktrust.org.uk 9 & 23 March Cambridge Backgammon Club 7.30pm The River Mill, Eaton Socon Join us to play the world’s oldest game! We meet to play casual games and informal tournaments depending on numbers, and for more serious players we have a league that runs throughout the year. Players of all standards welcomed. 10 March St Ives Sugarcraft Guild 7.30pm Reading Room, Hemingford Grey Monthly meetings where you can learn, hands on, various cake decorating techniques and/or sugar modelling. Tel: Shirley 01480 454616 for more info 12 March Local Police Surgery 6-8pm Little Paxton Village Hall Meeting Room St. Neots Community Policing Team’s Police Surgery. A great opportunity for residents to meet the local Police team and to raise any concerns. 13 March Prize Bingo 7.30pm Offord Village Hall Raffle. Refreshments are provided. 14 March Hemingford Village Market 9am-1pm Parish Centre, Hemingford Grey Second Saturday of the month. Food, crafts, plants and flowers from small local businesses. Hemingford Grey Parish Council surgery should you wish to meet councillors to discuss local issues. Refreshments. 14 March St. Mary’s Church Charity Auction Viewing 10-11am, auction begins 11am prompt Buckden Village Hall. All proceeds to St. Mary’s Church Repair Fund. Tel: Patsy Gray 01480 810041 for further details 15 March Spring Clean Litter Pick 10am or 10.30am-11am CambridgePPF event. Do your bit to keep the stunning Coton countryside reserve looking beautiful by lending a hand to help pick litter from footpaths and hedgerows in the reserve and surrounding village. Part of the Great British Spring Clean – with the aim of inspiring half a million people nationwide to join forces and collect, dispose of and recycle single-use plastic litter. Meet outside The Plough pub in Coton village. Tel: 01223 243830 extension 207 Email: bookings@cambridgeppf.org Web: www.cambridgeppf.org/whats-on What’s On In March Deadline for What’s On entries is the 12th of the previous month. What’s on entries to whatson@villagermag.com

To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 53 16 March St Neots Royal Naval Association 7.30pm The RAFA Club, 44 Huntingdon Street, St Neots St Neots & District Branch of the Royal Naval Association meet on the third Monday of every month. For further details contact the Secretary Tel: Tony Webley 01480 215218 Email: jj.awebley@btinternet.com 16 March Little Paxton W I 7.45pm St James’ Church Meets every third Monday of the month, except December when it meets on the second Monday. Email: evans-margaret@sky.com 17 March Kimbolton Flower Club 7 for 7.30pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Visitors £7.50. Flower arranging demonstration by Stephanie Laing entitled ‘On the Move’. Raffle of the arrangement and refreshments. Visitors welcome. 19 March Friends of Paxton Pits Guided Walk 10am-12.30pm Visitor Centre, Paxton Pits Nature Reserve £2.50 on the day. Explore Paxton Pits Nature Reserve with experienced local experts. The route will depend on the time of year and conditions underfoot, but will be designed to show you the best of what the Reserve has to offer. Don’t forget your binoculars. Walks start at the Visitor Centre and last approximately two hours. No need to book. Tel: 01480 406795 19 March St Ives & District Flower Club 2.15pm Visitors £7, annual subscription £43 Hemingford Pavilion, Manor Road, Hemingford Grey Demonstration by Vicki Hease titled ‘Treasured Moments Part 2’. Meets third Thursday of the month except August and December. 19 March Love’s Farm Women’s Institute 8-10pm St Neots Football Club Meets on the third Thursday of the month. Come to make friends and do something new. Tel: Nikki Jackson 07563 715043 Email: lovesfarmladieswi@gmail.com 20 March Baby Clothes swap 10am-1pm St Neots Library Come along to our baby clothes swap. Donate your unwanted baby clothes (0-3) and get one of our bags to fill up with clothes your baby needs. If you don’t have any clothes to donate, you can buy one of our bags to fill for only £1. 21 March Lego Club 2-3.30pm 50p per child. Come along to our monthly Lego club and see what you can build. Suitable for children aged 5 and above. 21 March Be Part of the Pick 2-4pm QEII Playing Field, Little Paxton Come along and take part in the village Community Litter Pick. All equipment provided. Several litter routes around the village to choose from. Little Paxton Parish Council event. 21 March Simply Saturday Quiz Night 7.30pm St. James Church, High Street, Little Paxton 6 people per team. Bring your own food and drinks. Closing date for tickets 19 March. Tel: Lee Duncan 07931 315648 Email: lm.duncan@ntlworld.com 22 March Wandlebury Wildlife 10am or 10.30am-11am Wandlebury Country Park, Cambridge Free event, parking £3. CambridgePPF event. Explore the habitats of Wandlebury and the wildlife that calls it home. Learn from interactive displays and talks from our conservation partners, and meet the team that works to protect and safeguard Wandlebury’s wildlife. Fun and learning for all ages! Donations welcome. Tel: 01223 243830 Email: bookings@cambridgeppf.org Web: www.cambridgeppf.org/walking 25 March David Brown Art Workshop 10.30am-1pm St Neots Library Tickets £10. Join David Brown for the next in his series of art workshops. This month’s class will be focussing on drawing in pen and ink. All materials provided. Tickets available from the library. 25 March Roxtonettes Music Evenings 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall, High Street, Roxton £2.50 inc. refreshments. Do you enjoy singing or playing a musical instrument? We meet twice a month – dates can be found on our Facebook page. 7.30pm onwards for instrumentalists and 8pm onwards for singers. Under the guidance of Eamonn Nicholson-Clinch. You do not need to read music! Tel: Eamonn 07422 501131 Email: eamonnnc@googlemail.com 26 March RNLI Ouse River Bridge Drive 10.15 for 10.45am Roxton Village Hall £16 inc. fork luncheon. Book by 14 March. Tel: 01767 225341 Email: netmcnair@hotmail.co.uk 27 March A Polish Heart in a Feldgrau Uniform 2-4pm St Neots Library Free event. By May 1945 almost every third man who wore a battledress with ‘Poland’ on his shoulder titles at some point in the past wore a feldgrau uniform. Magda Kowalska-Cheffey will talk about the often complicated journeys those soldiers had to undertake to find a place for themselves in the Polish Army. Tickets available from the library. 27 March The Hinchingbrooke Bösendorfer Piano Concerts 7.30pm Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon Adults £15, Groups 20+ £10 each, Under 21s £5 Marina Nadiradze and Grace Mo, piano duo. Both performers come with an impressive history of international prizewinning and will include in their programme music by Schubert, Debussy and Ravel. Tel: 01480 375678 (9am-3pm) Web: www.ticketsource.co.uk/hinchingbrookepac 27 March Downton Abbey (U) 7.30pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Adults £5, Over 60s £4, Children £2.50 Kimbolton Community Cinema. Tickets available from Oliver’s, Old Swan Pharmacy, Bytes Café or on the door. Bar, ice creams and free popcorn. Email: jrstratford@hotmail.com Web: http://e-voice.org.uk/ themandevillehallkimbolton/community-cinema 28 March Polish Evening Offord Village Hall Food and drink tasters. Tel: Sarah Cutworth 01480 811888 for info/tickets Email: sarahcutworth@yahoo.co.uk 28 March Huntingdonshire Philharmonic Choral and Orchestral Concert 7.30pm Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon Adults £15, Children/students £5. Brahms , Symphony No 4 in E minor. Schumann , Missa Sacra. Conductor, Bjorn Bantock This moving work deserves to be heard, appreciated, and enjoyed so much more widely. Tickets available online or on the door. Web: www.huntsphil.org.uk 29 March Friends & Family Volunteering Session 10am-12 noon & 1-3pm Ferry Meadows, Peterborough Children, couples, grandparents, friends - everybody welcome. All tools and training provided, just bring along lots of enthusiasm. Free car parking for all. Age 5+. Tel: 01733 234193 Email: visitor.services@neneparktrust.org.uk 30 March Wildlife Trust Talk: Innovative Conservation 6.45-8.30pm David Attenborough Building, Cambridge £2.50. John Comont, Conservation Director Wildlife Trust in Cambridgeshire, will talk about some of the exciting new conservation projects which are taking place across Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire. Tel: Edgar Turner 07738 243676 Email: ect23@cam.ac.uk Web: www.wildlifebcn.org/events/2020-03-30- innovative-wildlife-projects-three-counties What’s On In March This is a small selection of the What’s On for the full listing please go to our website www.villagermag.com