Cambs May 2022

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What's On

WHAT'S ON IN MAY 1 MAY The Huntingdonshire Local Group of the Wildlife Trust Walk 10.30am Free event – donations welcome Experience the sight and scent of a carpet of bluebells in the ancient Brampton Wood. Meet at Visitors Barn, Brampton Wood (TL184698). What3Words plates.plodding. photocopy. Park in the Trust car park. Everyone welcome. Tel: George 01480 450809 3 MAY Hail Weston Wildlife and Gardening Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Members £1, non-members £3, under 18s free Guided walk in Brampton Wood, a haven for nature. Learn about the conservation work within this very beautiful site from the experts. Email: for more info/to book 3, 10, 17 & 24 MAY St Neots Sinfonia 7.45-9.30pm Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury Rehearsals are every Tuesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for membership enquiries Web: 4 MAY Brampton Flower Club 7.30pm Community Centre, Brampton High Street Meets the first Wednesday of the month. Visitors welcome. 4, 11, 18 & 25 MAY Kimbolton Bridge Club 10am-12pm Mandeville Hall, Kimbolton Meets every Wednesday for friendly, social bridge. Players of all standards are welcome with or without a partner. Just turn up!


4, 11, 18 & 25 MAY St Neots Choral Society 7.30-9.30pm Eynesbury Junior School, Montagu Street, Eynesbury Rehearsals are every Wednesday in term time. Tel: 01480 212298 for membership enquiries Web: 5 MAY Roxton & District Local History Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall Members free, visitors £4 Talk by Ken Lewis ‘The History of National Service. Did it make or break you’. Email: 5, 12, 19 & 26 MAY Riverport Singers 10.15-11.15am The Corn Exchange, St Ives Community choir for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends. Come along and sing a range of songs (folk, pop, musicals) in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Tel: Agi 07757 811802 Email: Web: riverportsingers 5, 12, 19 & 26 MAY Bingo 7.30pm Alconbury Sports & Social Club Eyes down for the weekly Bingo session! Web: 6 MAY St Neots Local History Society 7.30pm Eynesbury Primary School SNLHS members free, visitors £4 ‘The Facts and Folklore of the Littleport Riots 1816’ by Dr Maureen James. Web:

6, 13, 20 & 27 MAY Great Fen Little Bugs 10.30am-12pm Great Fen Countryside Centre, Ramsey Heights Wildlife Trust BCN child member £5, non-member £7 A fun and sociable morning of exploration and discovery for preschool children and their guardians. Web: 7 MAY The World of Gilbert and Sullivan 6.30pm St Botolph’s Church, Stow Longa Tickets £15 Performance by the well-known singing group ‘The Wandering Minstrels’ who will sing, act and dance their way through a selection from eight of The Savoy Operas. A must for G&S fans so get your tickets early. Proceeds to St Botolph’s Church. Tel: Tickets 01480 860263, 01480 860519 or 01480 860018 7 MAY Jubilation! 7.30pm-9.30pm Hinchingbrooke Performing Arts Centre, Huntingdon Tickets £19.50 A massed bands concert by the Band of the Grenadier Guards and Huntingdonshire Concert Band. Jubilation! will include an exciting programme of music for everyone spanning 70 glorious years. Raising funds for ‘SAFFA’ (The Armed Forces Charity). Web: Tickets: https://www.ticketsource. 7 MAY Huntingdon Comedy Club 7.30pm Commemoration Hall, Huntingdon Tickets £13 + booking fee With Troy Hake, Alison Spittle, Stephanie Laing and Adam Beardsmore. Line up may be subject to change. Web: huntingdon-may

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