The Villager Prize Crossword Prize
Across 1 Nearest (7) 5 Inexpensive (5) 8 Type of cattle (7) 9 A slight fever (5) 10 Sweet, thick liquid (5) 11 Flat area of high land (7) 12 Form of dance (6) 14 In good condition (6) 17 Family member (7) 19 Trimmed (5) 22 Enclosed within (5) 23 Non-professional (7) 24 Dizzy (5) 25 Painters (7)
Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this page and send to the address below before
16th November 2021 Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP The winner will be drawn at random from the correct completed entries.
Down 1 3D squares (5) 2 To give or volunteer (5) 3 Prototype (7) 4 Soldiers (6) 5 Bedtime drink (5) 6 Obvious (7) 7 Contaminate (7) 12 Imploring (7) 13 Highly intelligent (7) 15 Graceful (7) 16 Type of fruit (6) 18 Unclean (5) 20 Conjecture (5) 21 Risks (5)
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