2 minute read
Football Needs Footfall
from Cambs Sept 2020
by Villager Mag
Just like every other aspect of the economy, football has suffered a significant loss of revenue during the coronavirus pandemic. For anyone in love with the beautiful game, two questions arise: firstly, how will football clubs survive amid social distancing and other measures? Secondly, what can supporters do to keep local teams alive?
The Impact of Coronavirus So Far
The impact of the lockdown on football included a premature end to League One and League Two seasons. English Premier League and Championship games did manage to resume in early June behind closed doors, which allowed the leagues to progress to a natural conclusion. However, from lost match-day revenues through to cancelled contracts for ancillary services e.g. advertising and sponsorship, all clubs face a cash-flow squeeze. The big clubs are generally more financially secure anyway and did manage to recover some revenue from television rights at the end of last season. The story is very different for the lower league and nonleague teams, which rely on supporter attendance for the bulk of their income.
The Future of Football in the New Season
Even if, by the time you read this article, the government guidance has changed to allow football attendance, social-distancing rules will reduce the number of people allowed in to watch the game live. Lower league teams have smaller turnouts anyway, meaning the financial impact will continue well into the new season and perhaps in the years to come. To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122

Helping Your Local Team
The biggest risk to most smaller teams during this pandemic is the inability to balance their books. Dwindling income from match-day revenues and ticket sales have left many clubs with deficits that they will struggle to clear. More than ever, the support of their fans is essential for survival. • Buy a season ticket even if you know you are unlikely to make it to every game. • Many clubs have turned to fundraising in an effort to stay afloat so if you can see an opportunity to both support and spread the word about their plans, make every effort to do so. • Sales of replica kits and badged wear – from scarfs to bags – really make a difference both in club’s revenues and in keeping the club’s name known in your local area.
Staying Safe at Football Matches
There are going to be social-distancing measures in place – that’s a given. But every football lover has a role to play to ensure football matches remain safe in order to keep stadiums open. Yes, it’s uncomfortable to wear a mask – but not half as uncomfortable as catching the virus. Yes, your team can’t hear you shouting or cheering as clearly, but ironically it’s that very activity that is ideal for sending the virus out beyond the usual two metres. Support for your local team means more today than ever before. Whether it’s through fundraising, buying team merchandise or a season ticket, there is something every football fan can do to help.