3 minute read
That Slimming World Feeling
from Cambs Sept 2021
by Villager Mag
Ian and Jo Burroughs have lost an amazing 8 Stone between them following the extremely Easy, generous, and sustainable Food Optimising Plan with Slimming World. Over the years both Ian and Jo’s weight has fluctuated, but throughout lockdown their weight started to increase more. With their first grandchild on the way, and both about to turn fifty they knew needed to do something about it. They had both been members of Slimming World before and knew they would not go hungry and would really enjoy the food they were able to eat but this time they joined with a new determination, and both managed to reach their Target weight during lockdown. Before losing weight Ian struggled to find the motivation to do any kind of exercise although he knew the health benefits of having a more active lifestyle. With the incentive of being able to achieve awards, for both weight loss and completing just 45 minutes a week of exercise, (referred to as Body Magic), this has helped the couple to build their passion for running and cycling again. Neither of them had run for over 25 years! At the end of July, they were both elated to be able complete their first 5K as part of the local Park Run Hinchingbrooke Country Park. It was not just the fabulous food plan that helped them to achieve their dream weight. Without the support received from their consultant, and the other members of the group, both as part of the
Ian Burroughs Jo Burroughs
virtual classes in lockdown and now back in live Groups. Both say that this was invaluable to their weight loss journey, and they continue to attend now share ideas and keep motivated. Ian says, I do not think we would have had the drive and determination to lose weight consistently without the support and infrastructure of Slimming World. Tash has been amazing throughout staying connected and making sure we are both happy with how things are going. The wider group have been incredibly supportive, offering encouragement and tips and being understanding when we had those inevitable “bad weeks “Jo reached her goal in March, with me a month or so later which was about 6 months after we joined. We have tried lots of meals from the Slimming World magazines and regularly enjoy Slimming World frozen meals from Iceland. With Groups running 6 days a week in and around Huntingdon you are sure to find a day and time that suits. For more information go to www.SlimmingWorld.co.uk


Godmanchester Godmanchester Comrades Club 58 Cambridge Street Godmanchester, PE29 2AY Mondays at 9:30am Call Holly on 07944 906969
Godmanchester Godmanchester Comrades Club 58 Cambridge Street Godmanchester, PE29 2AY Mondays 5:00pm & 6:30pm Call Katie on 07465 210278
Brampton Brampton Memorial Centre Thrapston Road, PE28 4TB Mondays 5:30pm & 7:00pm Call Tasha on 07847 667613
For more information please contact the individual consultant

Huntingdon Stukeley Meadows Primary School Wertheim Way, PE29 6UH Tuesdays at 5:30pm & 7:00pm Call Kelly on 07711 949380
Buckden Buckden Village Hall 7 Burberry Road, PE19 5UY Wednesdays at 5:30pm & 7:00pm Call Tasha on 07847 667613
Huntingdon Stukeley Meadows Primary School Wertheim Way, PE29 6UH Wednesday at 6:00pm Call Cassie on 07947 796903
Huntingdon Coneygear Centre Coneygear Park PE29 1PE Thursday at 9:30am Call Cassie on 07947 796903
Huntingdon Stukeley Meadows Primary School Wertheim Way, PE29 6UH Saturdays at 8:30am & 10:00am Call Kez on 07491 303535