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R.S.P.C.A. Hertfordshire East News
from Stevenage Aug 2020
by Villager Mag
RSPCA Hertfordshire East News
We hope all our readers are safe and well during If you have had a clear out during the lockdown, this trying period. we are in desperate need of your donations. They By the time you read this, hopefully our charity can be dropped off on Tuesdays and Fridays only to shop at 19 Churchyard, Hitchin SG5 1HP will be allow quarantine measures. Lack of storage prevents open for business as usual, our dedicated team of us from accepting donations every day. volunteers and staff will have returned, and where We hope you will return and admire our efforts. We you will be able to find good quality items at would not exist without your continued support to bargain prices. fund the treatment of sick and abused animals. The Branch Trustees took the opportunity during If you would like to volunteer in the shop or as a the lockdown to give the shop a makeover, giving fosterer, home visitor, helping with local events or it a boutique feel about it. The shop floor was on our Committee, thrashing out fund raising ideas, cleared of everything, so that the walls, doors and highlighting awareness of what the RSCPA Herts. window frames could be painted and the floor East Branch does for local animals, we would love professionally cleaned. The shop is now bright, to hear from you. Please contact the Branch Office friendlier and organised. A variety of new, colourful telephone number below or pop into our charity summer clothes now hang on the rails, with new shop to pick up a Volunteer Application Form. It is stock on the shelves, including accessories, bric-arewarding and fulfilling work when you can spare as brac, children’s’ toys, books and jewellery for you to much time as you want, knowing you are making a bag a bargain or two. difference to distressed animals. The health and safety of our customers and staff are important to us, so we will allow only In the event of an emergency or cruelty, two customers in at one time. There are 2 metre please call 0300 1234 999 distancing tapes on the floor, a sanitizing station Branch Office: 01462 672278 provided for customers, a sneeze guard on the counter and a one-way system implemented. Our Why not follow us on Facebook:- staff will use sanitizing gel, wear gloves and masks www.facebook.com/hertfordshireeastbranch for their (and customers) protection. Payment is by or on our website:- credit card only. www.rspca-hertfordshireeast.org.uk To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 29