3 minute read
New Year, New You for 2022
from Stevenage Jan 2022
by Villager Mag
New Year, New You, for 2022
You don’t get fat and unfit between Christmas and New Year…. Think about that phrase, and then understand that the reality is, all the damage is done between New Year and Christmas! So, why is it that every year, despite our best intentions, those heartfelt resolutions we make at New Year fail to continue beyond February? The main two reasons are: • We don’t set ourselves clear, specific or even realistic targets, instead making statements like
“I’ll get fitter this year” or “I’m going to eat more sensibly” • We inherently anticipate ‘failure’ as it is what we have always done…..right? WRONG…… Let’s do it differently this year by trying to adhere to the following 5 step plan: 1) SET A GOAL - Make sure that this goal is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and
Time-framed) not just a vague statement like,
“I’m going to lose weight this year”. Change that for something like “I’m going to get back into my favourite jeans by March!’ or “I want to be able to Run 5k by Easter”. With either of these statements there are simple ways to get yourself started. With running you can easily download one of the many apps that are available that will take you from the sofa to a 5k run. Diet wise, you should always initially think about creating
a calorie deficit i.e. putting less calories in to your system than you are burning, by tracking your movements and balancing that against the calories that you consume. 2) MAKE A PLAN - Failing to plan is planning to fail.
How are you going to achieve that goal? Start a training and food diary and ensure that what you write in there is realistic, honest and achievable.
The mere act of logging information acts as a catalyst to help you stay on track. 3) PREPARE TO CHANGE - Habits; they are usually our downfall when it comes to following and continuing a plan. It takes at least two months for us to adopt a change or a new habit. That may be exercise, eating, drinking or anything else and so we must always bear this in mind when setting out on this journey. 4) OWN THE DECISION - Once you have decided upon your plan and your goal, you need to ‘Own
It’. This means writing it down, sharing it with friends and relatives and maybe even making a statement on social media. That way, you will feel invested, and others will help and support your endeavours. 5) ASK FOR HELP - We are not all experts in nutrition, exercise and how to even go about setting ourselves a goal. So if you are unsure, seek help. Contact a Nutritionist, talk to a Personal
Trainer or ask the community for help. The last two years have been a bit of a rough ride for us all, so why not use the start of 2022 as a stepping stone towards a brighter future?

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Contact Jane to find out more: E: janecaseywellness@outlook.com W: janecaseywellnesscoaching.com @janecaseycoach
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