1 minute read
Villager Prize Crossword
from Stevenage July 2020
by Villager Mag
The Villager Prize Crossword Prize £25
Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this page and send to the address below before

16th July 2020
Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP
Address: Across 1 Written announcement (6) 4 Film regulator (6) 9 Fan (7) 10 Subject (5) 11 Type of hat (5) 12 Closest to (7) 13 Sound transmitters (11) 18 Ruler (7) 20 Edition (5) 22 Tale (5) 23 Easily seen (7) 24 Lower down (6) 25 Helpful (6) Down 1 Close to (6) 2 Stopwatch (5) 3 Custodian of museum (7) 5 Surplus (5) 6 Most important (7) 7 Repeat aloud (6) 8 Carried along (11) 14 Make better (7) 15 Beginnings (7) 16 Stopped (6) 17 Relating to teeth (6) 19 Type of poem (5) 21 Horizontal board (5))