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Could You Remember Age UK Hertfordshire in your Will?


Age UK Hertfordshire is committed to being there for older people who need us. But the challenges we face as a society and the demand for the services we provide are only set to increase in future years, due to a projected rise in the number of older people in the UK. There are currently 10.8 million people over the age of 60 living in the UK. By 2031 this number is set to rise pass 20 million. In Hertfordshire the pattern is much the same with the over 65 population set to grow by 23% in the next five years. With the demand for Age UK Hertfordshire’s services rising exponentially and the ever increasing pressure on public funds, there is a risk that we won’t have the resources to ensure every older person can access the support they need in the future. In recent times, gifts in wills from our kind supporters have helped us fund many of our vital services for older people across Hertfordshire. We are very grateful for this generous support and want to ensure that many more generations can benefit from our services. Mark Hanna, Interim Chief Executive, said: “By leaving a gift to Age UK Hertfordshire you can help make sure that in the future no one in Hertfordshire has to face the challenges of older age alone.” “If you, like many others, have already remembered Age UK Hertfordshire in your will, thank you for your kindness” said Ellie Males, Community Engagement Officer. She continues, “Your legacy gift however small, will mean that we can still be there for people who need the support from Age UK Hertfordshire’s services”.

To find out more please contact us on communications@ageukherts.org.uk or visit us online at: https://www.ageuk.org.uk/ hertfordshire/get-involved/legacies/

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