2 minute read
Short Story: A Choice of Kevins
from Stevenage Sept 2021
by Villager Mag
A Choice of Kevins
“So all Darren told you was that his name’s Kevin?” Jenny calmly admired herself in a shop window. “And he was at school with us?” “Yes, and that he couldn’t wait to see you again,” Donna repeated. “You look great in that colour Jenny, really glamorous.” “I know.” Jenny pouted. “But you’d better not have dragged me out for no reason.” “We’ll have a laugh,” Donna said. “Have a few drinks, reminisce about old times, just you, me, Darren and this Kevin.” “Yes, but which Kevin, Donna?” Jennifer frowned and reapplied her lipstick. “There must have been about a million Kevins in our year.” In reality, there had been four Kevins and two Jennifers – Cool Jenny and Swotty Jenny – and she knew which one she was. “Do you remember that Clingy Kevin?” Donna laughed, walking on. “How he would follow us around like a lost puppy singing Love Me Tender?” “Urgh!” Jenny shivered. “It had better not be him.” “I heard he got married in Vegas.” Donna checked her watch, they were right on time. “Wife’s expecting twins.” “Good for him,” Jennifer yawned dismissively, checking her manicure. “And what about Kanga Kev?” Donna giggled. “Remember when he turned up for PE in a homemade costume.” “If anyone’s wearing a kangaroo suit at the pub,” Jenny huffed, “I’m going straight home.” Donna chuckled. “And what about that Kevin who was Captain Hook in the school play and fell off the stage?” “He went off to work on the cruise ships.” Jennifer raised one eyebrow. “Clearly he didn’t learn his lesson.” “That only leaves that gorgeous Kevin Cooper, doesn’t it?” Donna said as they turned into the pub car park. “I heard on the grapevine that he was back in town.” Jennifer knew for a fact that he was because she’d done her research. He’d dated lots of girls in school, so handsome with his blond hair and wet look gel, but bizarrely never once asked her out. She reassured herself that he probably had a secret crush on her all along but thought she was out of his league. It wouldn’t surprise her if he’d been carrying a torch for her all these years. Between all the tables and umbrellas laid out in the beer garden, she spotted Darren putting down a tray of drinks, with another man who looked over at her expectantly. She would know that blond hair anywhere. “Kevin Cooper!” Donna laughed as they approached the table. “We were just trying to work out which Kevin you’d be!” He seemed taken aback – perhaps he’s disappointed that I’ve not come alone thought Jenny. She smoothed down the dress she could barely breathe in, reminded herself that she was Cool Jenny and it was his job to impress her. “You remember Jenny from school?” Darren said, making introductions. “I think I remember you.” Kevin scratched his head and glanced sheepishly at Darren. “It’s a bit embarrassing, but I was expecting the other Jenny.”
By Jackie Brewster