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Henlow Clifton Tigers Cub Pack
from Henlow Nov 2020
by Villager Mag
Local News
On 10th October 1950, Henlow Clifton Scout Group opened its first Cub section called Tigers. The Group (originally known as 13th Bedfordshire Scout Group) originally were only for older Scouts and Senior Scouts. This year Henlow Clifton Tigers Cub Pack will be celebrating our 70th birthday. The Pack has run continuously since first opening with a string of volunteers filling the role of Akela (Leader of the Pack) and numerous Assistant Cub Leaders taking the various names from the original Jungle Book such as Baloo, Bagheera, Rikki Tikki Tavi and Mor the Peacock. Even during the Covid lockdown, still continued to run weekly Pack meetings via the online Zoom. We have had guest speakers join us on our Zoom meetings as well as having ‘virtual’ camps at home in dens and tents and completing several badges at home. The Scout Association gave us clearance to restart very limited face to face Cub Pack meetings in September. To celebrate our amazing 70th birthday, we held socially distanced parties for the Cubs, playing games as well as getting a camp fire going. Cubs bought along their own party food and drink to have during the evening. They also brought along their own mug from home for hot chocolate we heated over the campfire. History of Cubs - The concept of Cubs was based on the Seonnee wolf pack from Jungle Book written by Rudyard Kipling. This is why our leaders have names like Akela and Bagheera taken from the book. When a new Cub Scout joins the Pack, he is like Mowgli entering the Seonnee wolf pack. In 1990 girls started being allowed to join some UK Cub Packs and, from 1 January 2007, all Scout Groups allowed girls to join. More about Tigers - Tigers has always been a very active Cub Pack. We have a wide programme of activities that vary from cycle rides, hikes and astronomy to fire lighting, camping and pioneering. Each Cub has the opportunity to complete numerous badges and we hope that they want to challenge themselves to achieve the highest award in the Cub section, the Chief Scout Silver Award.