1 minute read
The Villager Prize Crossword
from Henlow Aug 2020
by Villager Mag
The Villager Prize Crossword Prize £25
Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, cut out this page and send to the address below before

16th August 2020
Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP
Across 1 Cut short (4) 3 Adversary (8) 9 Error (7) 10 Board game (5) 11 Very eager (12) 13 Informal (6) 15 Small piece of food (6) 17 Books giving meanings of words (12) 20 Relating to the moon (5) 21 Absence of sound (7) 22 Moving very fast (8) 23 Spheres (4) Down 1 Business (8) 2 Start of (5) 4 Written in rhyme (6) 5 Now and then (12) 6 Protect the eyes (7) 7 Throw (4) (8) 16 Untie (6) Name:
8 Produced (12) 12 Small bunches or groups 14 Physics or chemistry (7) Address:
18 Lying within (5) 19 Add to (4)