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Get Walking for EAAA
from Henlow Feb 2022
by Villager Mag
Local News
Get Walking for EAAA!
At East Anglian Air Ambulance (EAAA) we’re looking forward to a busy spring and summer of events and connecting with our supporters more this year than we have been able to over the last 24 months. Together we really do save lives and know that our crews wouldn’t be able to take off and provide critical care for our patients - wherever they might be and whatever the time of day or night - without the help and support of the local communities that we’re here to help.
Together We Walk during February
It’s not too late to get involved! We’re kicking off 2022 with a virtual walking challenge where we’re asking you to walk 10,000 steps every day in February, which is about five miles. Whether you complete the challenge with your dog, family of friends, you will be helping to keep our helicopters in the sky. This challenge is free to take part in and you can do it wherever and whenever you like. As a thank you for taking part, we will send you an EAAA t-shirt to wear during challenge – remember to size-up on your t-shirt if you want to wear it over your jumper or coat. We suggest you set yourself a fundraising target of £50 and hope you will enjoy this challenge while building up your daily steps and fitness! To take part go to www.eaaa.org.uk/TWWalk
Trek 24 – The Chiltern Challenge Trek Saturday 23 July
A date for your diary if you enjoy being outside and taking in the stunning countryside views! This trek will take you high up into the Chilterns through many nature reserves and country parks, giving you sweeping views over Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire. Last summer was the first time we ran this event and on Saturday 23 July we’re really excited to be bringing it back, this time starting and finishing at Barton Hill Farm in Streatley. This is a fully supported trek with refreshments and lunch provided on the way, with a hot meal to greet you at the end once you’ve crossed the finish line. Find out more and sign up at www.trek-24.co.uk For a discount on group entries, please get in touch with our Events Team.