4 minute read
What’s On in January
from Henlow Jan 2022
by Villager Mag
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 JANUARY Branch Out Social Club for Single People
8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
5 JANUARY Pic-n-Mix Social Group
10.30am-12 noon. Letchworth Library Meets the first Wednesday of every month. Each session has a theme or activity, and suggestions are made attendees. Drop in for a cuppa, a chat and make some new friends!
5 JANUARY Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group
1pm. Shuttleworth Members £5. ‘Ups and Downs of 30 Years’ Flying’ with Paul Drakes. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth is £15 (valid for one month) but free for SVAS and AEG members. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk
6, 13, 20 & 27 JANUARY Baby Rhyme Time
10.15-10.45am & 11.15-11.45am Hitchin Library Free - donations welcome Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills and are an opportunity for you to meet other families too. Booking essential. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
6, 13, 20 & 27 JANUARY Sapphire Social Singles Club
8pm. The Orange Tree, Hitchin Meet every Thursday. A friendly social group for single people to meet and make new friends - generally 50+ age group. Tel/text: Ian 07900 890583 for info Web: sapphiresocialsinglesclub.co.uk 50
7 JANUARY Bedfordshire Family History Society
7pm. Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford ‘The Brooks of Flitwick Manor’ by Richard Morgan. www.bfhs.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 JANUARY Baby Rhyme Time
10.15-10.45am & 11.30-12.00 noon Stevenage Library Free - donations welcome Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills. Booking essential. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 JANUARY Bridge Club
1.30-4.30pm. Springfield House, Old Stevenage Community Centre Play social cut-in Chicago Bridge. Play is informal and friendly. Tel: Richard Bean 01438 221517
7, 14, 21 & 28 JANUARY BookTrust Storytime
2.15-2.45pm Letchworth Library Free - donations welcome Interactive story sessions, perfect for pre-school children. No need to book. Web: www.hertfordshire. gov.uk
8 JANUARY Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society
2pm. Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Talk by Kerry Barehead on Roses dos and don’ts. Visitors welcome – small charge. www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
10, 17, 24 & 31 JANUARY Baby Rhyme Time
10.30-11am Letchworth Library Free - donations welcome Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills. Booking essential. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
10, 17, 24 & 31 JANUARY Stevenage Choral Society
7.45pm Stevenage Music Centre, Mobbsbury, Stevenage Meets every Monday during term time. No audition necessary. Meet like-minded people of all ages and abilities. Try out a wide range of music, from the classics to show songs. Tel: 01438 365769 Email: info@stevenagechoral.org.uk Web: www.stevenagechoral.org.uk
12 JANUARY Tedesca Quartet with Charles Matthews
8pm. Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £20, free entry for under 27s, livestream tickets £10, free virtual tickets for under 27s The first visit of the year from the popular Tedesca Quartet, joined by the pianist Charles Matthews. Preconcert dining £25. Web: https://benslowmusic.org
16 JANUARY Biggleswade Antique & Vintage Fair
9am-4pm. The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Café serving food and drinks all day. Free parking. Wheelchair/pushchair access. Tel: Marcel 07887 648255 Web: www.marcelfairs.co.uk
21, 23, 28 & 29 JANUARY The Sleeping Beauty
Fri & Sat 7.30pm, Sun 1.30pm & 5.30pm Meppershall Village Hall Adults £12, Children £7, Family of 4 £34 HATS present The Sleeping Beauty. Traditional family pantomime by Norman Robbins. Web: www.ticketsource.co.uk/hatsdrama
22 JANUARY Bedford RSPB Local Group Meeting
7.30-9.30pm ARA Club, Manton Lane, Bedford Members £1, guests £2, under 18 free ‘Jewels in the Air’ by Wilf Powell which describes aspects of the biology and behaviour of hummingbirds. . RSPB membership not essential. Annual membership £5. rspb.org.uk/groups/bedford
Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage It’s a magic carpet ride worth waiting for! Widow Twankey wants a husband, evil Abanazaar wants the lamp, Aladdin wants adventure and Wishee Washee wants some Spiderman Pants! - can the Genie grant their wishes? Web: www.gordon-craig.co.uk
30 JANUARY Afternoon Tea
4pm. Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin £19.95pp or £24.95pp with a glass of Prosecco. Enjoy afternoon tea at Benslow Music complemented with live music. Booking required. Tel: 01462 459446 benslowmusic.org
EVERY WEEKDAY Clifton Walking Group
Meets on weekdays at 8.30am and in the afternoon for an hour. A friendly bunch of people of various ages and abilities. Monthly weekend walk of 6-8 miles. No pressure to walk, just turn up as often or as seldom as you prefer. The group also meets for a coffee once a month and holds other social events. Tel: Suzanne I’ons 07933 709006 Email: ionssuzanne@gmail.com
Annual membership £10 per household Many groups and activities including wine appreciation, film, gardening, theatre, art design, books, discussions, games, sports, outings, walking and much, much more. New groups are starting all the time. Online talks every month. Non-members can try activities before joining. Web: LALG.org.uk