3 minute read

Another Successful Adoptober


As Adoptober draws to a close we reflect upon the 4) Having an older pet through the adoption service true magic of this service. With online searches for has plenty of advantages. It does eliminate the puppies tripling, adoption is an amazing solution. need to go to puppy training classes each week, Adopting a dog or cat as a family pet is becoming paying for microchipping, training them to go to much more common as people are finding out the the toilet in the correct way. many advantages it has over buying a kitten or puppy. 5) You are helping more than one animal. By giving New owners are becoming much more scrupulous money to the rehoming centre you are giving about the history and background of the animals they help to all of the animals within the centre. Also, welcome into their lives. The large majority of cats and by adopting an animal you are making room for dogs that are part of the adoption scheme are there another animal to come into the centre. as a result of a house move, death or divorce. Not Advantages of Having a Pet because they have behaviour problems or were stray. Where to begin. There are numerous benefits to Many people are attracted to adoption for this reason, having a pet, whatever the age, shape or size. Having and the idea of giving the animals a second chance. a pet can be an exciting adventure, be it a cat, dog, Why Adopt? hamster or rabbit. They have several health benefits 1) A second chance – you are giving a second chance including; reducing stress, decreasing loneliness, to a much loved pet by adopting one rather than helping to raise activity levels and improving ones buying one. RSPCA shelters are bursting with happy immune system. According to studies spending time and healthy pets, ready for their next new home. with your pet can increase levels of oxytocin in your 2) Happy and healthy pets – you would be rehoming a body, as well as lowering your blood pressure. happy and healthy pet that is already house trained Pets can help you to find and make friends. It’s and used to living with a family. amazing how many people you can end up talking to 3) The cost – getting a new pet can be more as you take your dog for a walk. Or even while you expensive than you had originally anticipated. The are in the pet shop buying hamster bedding. Pets are prices of kittens and puppies are still on the rise, always such a great talking point at work and in turn with popular dog breeds fetching £3000 each. Not help you to socialise. only is the animal cheaper from a shelter, other Pets are great for children. They can boost their expenses are often free. Most shelters spay, neuter confidence and skills of empathy. Pets are wonderful and vaccinate all animals reducing the cost of listeners and can help children to feel safe. Animals having a pet even further. teach children how to be responsible, as they can help to feed, clean and walk their pets. So, if you, a friend or family member are considering making the decision to be a pet owner – consider adoption – consider the RSPCA.

If you need to contact our Branch (North Bedfordshire) for any reason we can be reached by the details below, or for an animal welfare issue or emergency, contact; 0300 1234 999. Lines are open 7 days a week 24/7. Email: info@rspcabedsnorth.org.uk Tel: 01234 266965 / 01234 930304

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