3 minute read
Ways to Support EAAA this Christmas
from Hitchin Dec 2020
by Villager Mag
Ways to support East Anglian Air Ambulance this Christmas

2020 has been an incredibly eventful year and one which none of us will forget in a hurry. It has also been the year that EAAA has enjoyed being Charity of the Year at The Villager. From everyone at EAAA, we’d like to take this opportunity to say thank you and hope that you have found these monthly articles insightful and inspiring. Not many people realise that EAAA doesn’t receive regular government funding and is almost completely How can you help? Together we save lives. community funded. Some other fun facts about this There are a number of ways you can safely help EAAA life-saving charity are: on average, it costs £3,500 per over the festive period. Just visit www.eaaa.org.uk for mission, EAAA’s doctor and critical care paramedic more information on the following: teams help almost 2,000 patients a year and the 1. Attend EAAA’s virtual Christmas Carol concert on Thursday charity is 24/7 by rapid response vehicle from both 10 December from the comfort of your own home. Tickets of its bases. are available for a suggested £5 donation. EAAA has remained operational throughout the 2. Support the EAAA crews this Christmas by buying them a pandemic and been active in the Covid-19 response. virtual gift, such as the gift of reaching people or a blizzard Once again, its teams are prepared to support blanket to help keep a patient warm. hospitals in the region if they reach capacity in 3. Having a Christmas Light display this year? Choose to intensive care, by transferring critically ill patients, by support EAAA and they will support you with a unique land ambulance, to other hospitals with more room. contactless donation poster to help keep you safe. In order to keep flying and achieve its ambition of 4. Order your Christmas cards and gifts from EAAA’s online becoming the first helicopter emergency medical shop. Please note, you will need to order by 10 December service in the East of England to fly 24/7 next year, for delivery in time for Christmas. helping hundreds more people, the charity need to 5. Buy your Christmas tree from The Christmas Tree Firm in raise £13 million, annually. Cambridgeshire and they will donate £1 per tree to EAAA. Thanks to the incredible support of the local www.thechristmastreefirm.co.uk community, despite what has been a very challenging Give a gift with a difference? Why not buy a year’s year for everyone, EAAA is very grateful to have met subscription to EAAA’s life-saving lottery as a gift for this target in ‘19/20. However, it is forecasting a loss a loved one for £52. To order, please call: 03450 669 over the next year of over one and a half million 999 and quote The Villager. pounds, and to have to use its reserves to keep its Thank you for taking the time to read this article. yellow helicopters flying and saving lives. If you can, Everyone at The Villager and EAAA are wishing you please do something to help support this incredible a very safe and merry Christmas this year, however local lifeline. you’re able to mark the occasion. 16 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts

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