1 minute read
Fun Quiz
from Hitchin Dec 2021
by Villager Mag

Christmas Literature
1. In which fictional land is it always snowing, but never
Christmas? 2. According to the famous nursery rhyme, when Little
Jack Horner put his thumb into a Christmas pie, what did he pull out? 3. The first ever Royal Christmas Message was delivered by King George V, but which famous author wrote it? 4. In a famous novel set around Christmas time, who lived on Mount Crumpit with his pet dog Max? 5. Who wrote the 1997 novel The Hogfather, where the
Santa Claus-like title character would grant children’s wishes and bring them presents on December 32nd? 6. Who wrote and illustrated the 1984 children’s book
Mr Christmas? 7. Although originally published anonymously in 1823,
Clement Clarke Moore is generally thought to have written the poem called A Visit From Saint Nicholas.
Also used as an alternative title for this poem, what are its first five words? 8. Tom Fletcher and Dougie Poynter, who wrote the 2012 book The Dinosaur That Pooped Christmas, are best known as members of which pop band? 9. Which famous author recalled his Christmas memories as a child in Swansea in the 1954 book A
Child’s Christmas In Wales? 10. “God bless us, every one”, the final line of Charles
Dickens’ A Christmas Carol, is said by which character?

6. Roger Hargreaves (as part of his Mr Men series) 7. ‘Twas the night befoe Christmas 8. McFly 9. Dylan Thomas 10. Tiny Tim 1. Narnia 2. A plum (“he put in his thumb and pulled out a plum”) 3. Rudyard Kipling 4. The Grinch 5. Terry Pratchett
Crossword Puzzle Solution from our November Edition

Last Month’s Crossword Winner - Mike Read, Meppershall