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What’s On in December
The Arts Society North Herts Doors open 10.15am, 11am-12.15pm Broadway Cinema and Theatre, Eastcheap, Letchworth ‘Drink thy wine with a merry heart’ - a pictorial history of drinking glasses by Jane Gardiner. Visitors welcome. theartssocietynorthherts.org.uk
1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22 & 29 DECEMBER
Retired Persons Table Tennis Club Mondays 11am-1.30pm, Thursdays 1.304pm Memorial Hall, Stotfold The club plays both doubles and singles. Monthly subscription payable. Vacancies for new members (but not beginners). Email: terrygriffiths50@gmail.com
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 DECEMBER
Hitchin Thursday Art Club 9.30am-12pm St. John’s Community Centre, St. John’s Road, Hitchin We meet every Thursday for painting and drawing, etc. Tel: Mike 07977 347707
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 DECEMBER
Baby Rhyme Time 10.15-10.45am & 11.15-11.45am Hitchin Library Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills. Booking essential. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
1, 8, 15 & 22 DECEMBER
Sapphire Social Singles Club 8pm The Orange Tree, Hitchin Meet every Thursday. A friendly social group for single people to meet and make new friends - generally 50+ age group. Tel/text: Ian 07900 890583 for info sapphiresocialsinglesclub.co.uk
2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23 & 30 DECEMBER
Bridge Club 1pm Howgills, South View, Letchworth £3. Tuesdays and Fridays. Play from 1pm. Beginners and improvers welcome – we play Rubber Bridge. Tel: Gill Cheaney 01462 686806 Email: bridgeclub@lalg.org.uk
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 DECEMBER
Storytime 10.30-11am Letchworth Library Interactive story sessions, perfect for pre-school children. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 DECEMBER
Bridge Club 1.30-4.30pm Springfield House, Old Stevenage Community Centre Play social cut-in Chicago Bridge. Play is informal and friendly. Tel: Richard Bean 01438 221517
The Signals Museum Open Day 10am-4pm RAF Henlow, SG16 6DN The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is open to the public. Entry is free but official photo ID required to get an entry ticket from the Guardroom Tel: 07778 837263 Web: www.rafsignalsmuseum.org.uk
Aladdin the Pantomime 3pm & 7.30pm STMA Digswell Hall, 10 Hitchin Road, Shefford Tickets £10 & £5. The Players at STMA Present Aladdin the Pantomime, a fun for all the family show. Doors open 30 minutes before show. Tel: 01462 816336 Web: www.ticketsource.co.uk/ themeppershallpllayers
Fun Charity Quiz 8pm Five Bells, Henlow Village £2.50 per person. Teams of up to 6 members. Prizes for the first two teams and last place. In aid of Williams Syndrome Foundation. Tel: John 07511 631045 quizzesforcharity@outlook.com
Monday Meet Up Social Group 10.30am-12pm Baldock Library Free - donations welcome Meets first Monday of the month with a different theme every month. A talk and Christmas project from Icknield Quilters. for conversation, speakers and refreshments.
5, 12 & 19 DECEMBER
Monday Painting Group 9am-12pm Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane Meets every Monday. Each term we choose a selection of subjects to paint. Valerie Williams 01462 624439 Email: mondaypainting@lalg.org.uk
5, 12 & 19 DECEMBER
Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11am Letchworth Library Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills. Booking essential. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
5, 12 & 19 DECEMBER
Stevenage Singers 7.30pm for 7.45pm The Music Centre, The Nobel School, Mobbsbury Way, Stevenage Stevenage Singers are ready to welcome new voices! They are so confident that you will enjoy it that they are giving you the first month FREE. Tel: Heather 01438 365769 Email: Info@stevenagesingers.org.uk Web: www.stevenagesingers.org.uk
5, 12 & 19 DECEMBER
Staplers Folk Dance Club 8-10pm St Johns Community Hall, St John’s Road, Hitchin Members £3, guests £4 Meets Monday evenings. Dance a wide variety of styles. Web: www.staplers.org.uk
5, 12 & 19 DECEMBER
Stevenage Choral Society 7.45pm Stevenage Music Centre, Mobbsbury, Stevenage Meets every Monday during term time. Tel: 01438 365769 Email: info@stevenagechoral.org.uk Web: www.stevenagechoral.org.uk
5, 12, 19 & 26 DECEMBER
Branch Out Social Club 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin For single people aged 50 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
Hitchin Community Choir Christmas Concert 7.30pm. Westmill Community Centre, John Barker Place, Hitchin Free entry. Retiring collection in support of Garden House Hospice and Westmill Community Centre.
6, 13, 20 & 27 DECEMBER
Craftea 10.30am-12pm Baldock Library A great way to meet new people, get craft advice, chat and relax or just bring your current crafty project. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth ‘Sextant to Sat Nav. 45 Years in Aviation’ by Peter Griffiths. Meets first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £19.50 or email to book free entry ticket. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk

North Herts Association of the National Trust 7.30pm Christchurch, Bedford Road, Hitchin Non-members £3 on the door ‘River Lea or Lee from Luton to Leyton’ with Richard Thomas. Tel: Colette House 07831 111062 Email: colettehouse@gmail.com www.facebook.com/nhertsant/
Concert by Tedesca Quartet 8pm. Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £20, under 27s free The quartet has a reputation for performances of integrity and maturity and is in increasing demand from chamber music societies throughout the country. Pre-concert dining available. Web: https://benslowmusic.org
Hinxworth Art Society 10am-12pm Hinxworth Village Hall Drawing, painting, coffee and chat. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com
7, 14, 21 & 28 DECEMBER
Baby Rhyme Time 10.30am-11am Baldock Library Free - donations welcome Fun session of songs and rhymes to help your child learn language skills.
7, 14, 21 & 28 DECEMBER
Storytime 10.30-11am Stevenage Library Free - donations welcome Interactive story sessions, perfect for pre-school children. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
Unicorn Ceilidh Doors open 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock With The Hosepipe Band and caller Mary Panton. Rockhopper Morris in the interval spot. Book online. Tel: Alan Creamer 07946 439095 Web: www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk
Stevenage Art Society Exhibition 9.30am-3pm Springfield House, High Street, Old Stevenage Free entry. A chance to visit the society where paintings, pottery and glass fusion will be available to view and buy.
Stevenage RSPB Local Group Trip to Abberton Reservoir Meet 10am Non-EWT members £2 All-day visit to Abberton Reservoir; a superb Essex Wildlife Trust reserve with excellent all-round winter birding. Meet in the reserve carpark at grid ref 168/TL965179 postcode CO2 0EH. Leader Graham Beevor. Email: trevorstorey54@gmail.com
Not Strictly Jazz 5-7pm. Fairfield House, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade Tickets £20, 10-18 years £10 Live music performed by exceptional musicians. 01767 312176 Email: sarahwiggs@hotmail.co.uk
Hitchin Flower Club 7.30pm. Church House, next to St Mary’s Church Churchyard, Hitchin Visitors £8. Christmas Social Evening.
Letchworth Music Concert 7.45pm Howgills, 42 South View, Letchworth Tickets £15, under 18/students £7.50 Eleanor Turner on harp and Clare O’Connell on cello.
Greensands Writers’ Group 7-9pm Free event. Enjoy writing? Join Greensands Writers’ Group for a monthly online meeting. greensandswriters.wixsite.com/
Clifton Walking Group Meets on weekdays at 8.30am and in the afternoon for an hour. A friendly bunch of people of various ages and abilities. Monthly weekend walk of 6-8 miles. Tel: Suzanne I’ons 07933 709006 Email: ionssuzanne@gmail.com
Annual membership £10 per household. Many groups and activities including wine appreciation, film, gardening, theatre, art design, books, discussions, games, sports, outings, walking and much, much more. New groups are starting all the time. Online talks every month. Nonmembers can try activities before joining. Web: lalg.org.uk