7 minute read
What’s On in March
from Hitchin March 2022
by Villager Mag
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 MARCH
Storytime 10.30-11am Stevenage Library Free - donations welcome Interactive story sessions, perfect for pre-school children. No need to book. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
The Arts Society North Herts Doors open 10.15am, 11am-12.15pm Broadway Cinema and Theatre, Eastcheap, Letchworth ‘Miniatures of the Wallace Collection’ by Stephen Duffy. Visitors welcome. Lift access. theartssocietynorthherts.org.uk
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH
Baby Rhyme Time 10.15-10.45am & 11.15-11.45am Hitchin Library Free - donations welcome Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes, perfect for helping your child to learn language skills. Booking essential. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 MARCH
Sapphire Social Singles Club 8pm The Orange Tree, Hitchin Meet every Thursday. A friendly social group for single people to meet and make new friends - generally 50+ age group. Tel/text: Ian 07900 890583 for info sapphiresocialsinglesclub.co.uk
Bedford Art Society 7.15 for 7.30pm Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford Members free, visitors £5. Stephie Butler will demonstrate how to use liquid charcoal in conjunction with watercolour to create exciting works of art. Tel: Jean Paterson 01234 307210 Web: www.bedsartsociety.co.uk
4, 11, 18 & 25 MARCH
BookTrust Storytime 2.15-2.45pm Letchworth Library Free - donations welcome Interactive story sessions, perfect for pre-school children. No need to book. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
4, 11, 18 & 25 MARCH
Bridge Club 1.30-4.30pm Springfield House, Old Stevenage Community Centre Play social cut-in Chicago Bridge. Play is informal and friendly. Tel: Richard Bean 01438 221517
4 & 25 MARCH
Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm and 7.30pm on Zoom Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford 4 March - ‘The Admiral and His Mistress – Horatio and Emma’ by David Fowler. 25 March – ‘My Ancestor Was a Liar’ by Dave Annal. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk
Ashwell’s Famous Flea Market 9.30am-1.00pm St Mary’s Church, Ashwell Free entry All sorts of weird and wonderful things for sale. Tea and coffee available.
The Signals Museum Open Day 10am-4pm RAF Henlow, SG16 6DN The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is open to the public. Entry is free but official photo ID such as a driving licence, passport or over 60s bus pass is required to get an entry ticket from the Guardroom. See website for full information. Call on the day if information is needed. Tel: 07778 837263 Web: www.rafsignalsmuseum.org.uk
Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Hostas – Little and Large’ by Colin Ward. Colin is a well-known nursery owner and a member of our group. Plants for sale. Visitors welcome – small charge. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk
Five Bells, Henlow Village Fun Charity Quiz in aid of Jackie’s Drop-In Centre, starting at 8pm. Teams of up to 6 members are invited. Entry is £2.50 per person. There is a cash prize for the winners and a prize for last place, as well as spot prizes and a raffle. Further info from John on 07511 631045 or emailing quizzesforcharity@ outlook.com
7, 14, 21 & 28 MARCH
Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11am Letchworth Library Free - donations welcome Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes are perfect for helping your child to learn language skills and are an opportunity for you to meet other families too. Booking essential. Web: www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 MARCH
Stevenage Choral Society 7.45pm Stevenage Music Centre, Mobbsbury, Stevenage Meets every Monday during term time. No audition necessary. Meet like-minded people of all ages and abilities. Try out a wide range of music, from the classics to show songs. Tel: 01438 365769 Email: info@stevenagechoral.org.uk Web: www.stevenagechoral.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 MARCH
Staplers Folk Dance Club 8-10pm St John’s Community Hall, Hitchin Meets every Monday apart from bank holidays and some school holiday dates. It’s easy to start as all the dances are walked through first then called. Everyone welcome, whether a complete beginner or with some experience. You don’t have to bring a partner as many dancers come alone or with friends. Tel. 01462 624144 or 01462 680995 Web: www.staplers.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 MARCH
Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
Unicorn Ceilidh Doors open 7.30pm. St Mary’s Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock Vicki Swan and Jonny Dyer, caller Bob Morgan and Tappalachian in the interval spot. Ceilidh dances are great fun, easy to learn - and addictive! Book online. Alan Creamer 07946 439095 Web: www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk
Bedford National Trust Association 2.15-3.15pm Addison Centre, Kempston BNTA members £3, NT members £3.50, visitors £4 ‘35 years as a TV quizzer’, a talk by quizzer James Higg, veteran of such shows as 15 to One, Eggheads and The weakest link. Non-members welcome. Garry Telling 01480 819625 Email: garry.geoff.telling@gmail.com

Ceilidh. 7pm for7.30pm Grange Community Centre, Middlefields, Letchworth £12 per person. Letchworth Arts & Leisure Group event. Music by Time of your Life Trio with caller Barry Goodman. Pay bar. Bring snacks for the interval. Web: lalg.org.uk/ceilidh
Early Music Day Concert with The Parnassian Ensemble 1pm. Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £10, free entry for under 27s, livestream tickets £10, free virtual tickets for under 27s Early Music Day is a celebration of more than a millennium of music, through concerts, events, and happenings taking place simultaneously across Europe. It is held every year on 21 March, the first day of Spring and birth date of Johann Sebastian Bach. Web: https://benslowmusic.org
Lunchtime Talk 10.30am-12.30pm Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade ‘The House: The Shuttleworth Peacock’, this engaging presentation covers the story behind the Shuttleworth Minton Peacock and the Wreck of the Loch Ard. Web: shuttleworth.org/talksprogramme
Stevenage RSPB Local Group Trip to Therfield Heath & Fox Covert Meet 9.30am No charge for RSPSB members Morning visit by car to this downland site near Royston and the adjoining H&MWT woodland reserve. Meet at the Sports Centre car park off Baldock Road, grid ref 154/TL 347404, postcode SG8 5BJ. Leader Trevor Storey. Booking not required. Tel: 01438 232055
Stevenage RSPB Local Group Trip to Fen Drayton Lakes. Meet 10am No charge for RSPSB members All-day car trip to RSPB reserve in Cambridgeshire for what should be an excellent day’s all-round birding. Meet in the reserve car park at Fen Drayton Road, grid ref 154/TL 342 697, postcode CB24 4R. Leader Graham Beevor. Booking not required. Tel: 01438 232055
Mozart Requiem 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Ashwell, SG7 5LY Anthems by Brahms, Mendelssohn & Mozar. Royston Choral Society Musical Director - Andrew O’Brien Tickets £15 Under 18s £1 Available from: www.roystonchoralsoc.org.uk 01920 822723 or ask a choir member
Afternoon Tea. 4pm Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin £19.95pp or £24.95pp with a glass of Prosecco. Enjoy afternoon tea at Benslow Music complemented with live music. Booking required. Tel: 01462 459446 www.benslowmusic.org
Sweet Charity Doors open 7.15pm for 7.45pm Pirton Village Hall Tickets: Wednesday £10, other days £12 Pirton Players perform the terrific musical Sweet Charity. Tickets available from Pirton Village Shop or online. Bar available. www.pirtonplayers.org
A Taste of Benslow Music with Symphonia Academica 7.30-10pm. Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £30. An Evening of music, wine tasting and cheese on a journey through Europe. Web: benslowmusic.org
Clifton Walking Group Meets on weekdays at 8.30am and in the afternoon for an hour. A friendly bunch of people of various ages and abilities. Monthly weekend walk of 6-8 miles. No pressure to walk, just turn up as often or as seldom as you prefer. The group also meets for a coffee once a month and holds other social events. Tel: Suzanne 07933 709006 Email: ionssuzanne@gmail.com
Letchworth Arts & Leisure Group Annual membership £10 per household. Many groups and activities including wine appreciation, film, gardening, theatre, art design, books, discussions, games, sports, outings, walking and more. New groups are starting all the time. Online talks every month. Non-members can try activities before joining. Web: LALG.org.uk

Crossword Puzzle Solution from our February Edition

Last Month’s Crossword Winner - Nathalie Powers, Lower Stondon