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What’s on in November
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 NOVEMBER
Craftea 10.30am-12pm Baldock Library A great way to meet new people, get craft advice, chat and relax or just bring your current crafty project. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth ‘X-Planes - US Military Projects’ by Ray Hankin. Meets first Wednesday of every month. Email to book free entry ticket. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk
North Herts Association of the National Trust 7.30pm Christchurch, Bedford Road, Hitchin Non-members £3 on the door ‘In the Footsteps of a Wedding Master’ with James Higgs who joined the world of ‘Toastmastering’ in 2005. Tel: 07831 111062 Email: colettehouse@gmail.com www.facebook.com/nhertsant/
2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 NOVEMBER
Hinxworth Art Society 10am-12pm Hinxworth Village Hall Drawing, painting, coffee and chat. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com
The Arts Society North Herts Doors open 10.15am, 11am-12.15pm Broadway Cinema and Theatre, Eastcheap, Letchworth ‘The Divine Sunflower in Art and Culture’ by Twigs Way. theartssocietynorthherts.org.uk
3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 & 28 NOVEMBER
Retired Persons Table Tennis Club Mondays 11am-1.30pm, Thursdays 1.30-4pm Memorial Hall, Stotfold Play both doubles and singles. Monthly subscription payable. Vacancies for new members (but not beginners). Email: terrygriffiths50@gmail.com
3, 10, 17 & 24 NOVEMBER
Hitchin Thursday Art Club 9.30am-12pm St. John’s Community Centre, St. John’s Road, Hitchin We meet every Thursday for painting and drawing, etc. Tel: Mike 07977 347707
Concert by Coull Quartet 8pm Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £20, under 27s free The Coull Quartet will be performing an exciting programme of string repertoire. Web: https://benslowmusic.org
Fun Charity Quiz 8pm Five Bells, Henlow Village £2.50 per person Teams of up to 6 members. Prizes for the first two teams and last place. In aid of Wilson Larkins Charity. Tel: John 07511 631045 quizzesforcharity@outlook.com
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Baby Rhyme Time 10.30-11am Letchworth Library Fun half hour sessions of songs and rhymes. www.hertfordshire.gov.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Stevenage Singers 7.30pm for 7.45pm The Music Centre, The Nobel School, Mobbsbury Way, Stevenage Stevenage Singers are welcoming new voices! They are so confident that you will enjoy it that they are giving you the first month FREE. Tel: Heather 01438 365769 Email: Info@stevenagesingers.org.uk Web: www.stevenagesingers.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Staplers Folk Dance Club 8-10pm St Johns Community Hall, St John’s Road, Hitchin Members £3, guests £4.Dance a wide variety of styles from dances written in the 1600s to modern American Contras and Squares. Web: www.staplers.org.uk
Monday Meet Up Social Group 10.30am-12pm Baldock Library Meets first Monday of the month with a different theme every month. A talk and Christmas project from Icknield Quilters. for conversation, speakers and refreshments.
Lego Club 4-5pm Letchworth Library £3 per child. First Monday of the month. For children ages 5-12 years. Booking essential at the library.
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Monday Painting Group 9am-12pm Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane Meets every Monday. Each term we choose a selection of subjects to paint. If you are interested, you are welcome to try it for £5 per session. Tel: Valerie Williams 01462 624439 Email: mondaypainting@lalg.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Branch Out Social Club 8.30-10.30pm. Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 50 upwards. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 NOVEMBER
Stevenage Choral Society 7.45pm Stevenage Music Centre, Mobbsbury, Stevenage Meets every Monday during term time. No audition necessary. Try out a wide range of music. Tel: 01438 365769 Email: info@stevenagechoral.org.uk Web: www.stevenagechoral.org.uk
Letchworth Music Concert 7.45pm Howgills, 42 South View, Letchworth Tickets £15, under 18/students £7.50 Gamal Khamis on piano. Tickets available at the door.
Unicorn Ceilidh Doors open 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock With The Cock and Bull Band and caller Fee Lock. Baldock Midnight Morris in the interval spot. Ceilidh dances are great fun, easy to learn - Tel: Alan Creamer 07946 439095 Web: www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk
Pirton Village Craft Fair 9.30am-4.00pm Pirton Village Hall Entry £1. Craft fair with a wide variety of stalls selling high quality homemade crafts, Christmas wreaths, decorations, and much more. Refreshments. Profits go towards upkeep of the village hall.
Grease Sing-Along Doors open 7.00pm, film 7.30pm Shillington All Saints Church Tickets £15. With supper and a glass of prosecco. Pre-booked tickets only. Tel: Sabine 07867 632 033

12 & 26 NOVEMBER
Sabbath Service 11am & 7pm Stevenage Liberal Synagogue welcomes members and visitors to their sabbath services on the second Saturday morning and fourth Friday evening of the month. Tel: 01438 300222 stevenageliberalsynagogue@gmail. com www.stevenageliberalsynagogue. org.uk
Not Strictly Jazz 5-7pm Tickets £20, 10-18 years £10 Fairfield House, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade Live music performed by exceptional musicians. Refreshments included. Call or email for tickets. Tel: 01767 312176 Email: sarahwiggs@hotmail.co.uk
Icknield Quilters 7.45pm Baldock Community Centre, Simpson Drive, Baldock Meets second Monday of the month. Visitors welcome.
Stevenage RSPB Local Group 7.30pm The Friends Meeting House, Cuttys Lane, Stevenage Members £3, non-members £4, accompanied under 16s 50p Talk by Michael Hooper entitled ‘Antarctica’. Tel: 01438 236310 Email: trevorstorey54@gmail.com
Hitchin Friendship Club 2.15-4.15pm St Michaels Mount Community Centre Meets third Thursday of the month. Interesting talks, pub lunches, day trips, coffee mornings, holidays and much more. Refreshments, book exchange, raffle and quiz. Tel: 07974 374106
Christmas at Harriet Kelsall Bespoke Jewellery 10am-5pm Fairclough Hall Farm, Halls Green, SG4 7DP Join us for the launch of our brandnew extension with a celebratory day of festive drinks and nibbles, free jewellery cleaning and the chance to get behind the bench yourself in aid of the Garden House Hospice. Web: hkjewellery.co.uk
Weston Concerts 7.30pm St Nicholas Church, Rectory Lane, Stevenage Tickets £20, age 25 and under £5 The Maggini Quartet - one of the finest British string quartets - twice nominated for Grammy Awards. Web: westonmusicsociety.org.uk
Stevenage RSPB Local Group Trip to Lackford Lakes Meet 10.00am All-day visit to Lackford Lakes; a Suffolk Wildlife Trust reserve with a mixture of habitats to ensure a good variety of species. Meet in the reserve carpark at grid ref 155/TL 801706 postcode IP28 6HX. Leader Graham Beevor. Email: trevorstorey54@gmail.com
Hitchin Flower Club 7.30pm Church House, next to St Mary’s Church Churchyard, Hitchin Visitors £8. ‘Magic and Sparkle’ a Christmas floral demonstration by Emily Broomhead.
Stevenage RSPB Local Group Trip Meet 9.30am Morning visit Amwell Nature Reserve; this old favourite for resident and winter visiting birds. Meet at the viewpoint at grid reference 166/TL 376128, postcode SG12 9SS. Leader Trevor Storey Email: trevorstorey54@gmail.com
Aladdin the Pantomime 3pm & 7.30pm STMA Digswell Hall, 10 Hitchin Road, Shefford Tickets £10 & £5. The Players at STMA Present Aladdin the Pantomime, a fun for all the family show. Doors open 30 minutes before show. Tickets on sale now. Tel: 01462 816336 Web: www.ticketsource.co.uk/ themeppershallpllayers
Changing Times: A Century of Modern British Art Exhibition The Higgins, Bedford Sculpture, paintings and works on paper by some of the best-known and well-loved names in British art. Web: www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk