Hitchin October 2021

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What's On


Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm on Zoom Members free, Visitors £1 ‘The Dangers of DNA: Who’s the Father?’ with Dr Nick Barratt. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk

4, 11, 18 & 25 OCTOBER

Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-11pm. Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Meets every Monday night and is a medium-sized social club for single people. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk


1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 OCTOBER

Bridge Club 1.30-4.30pm. Springfield House, Old Stevenage Community Centre Play social cut-in Chicago Bridge. Play is informal and friendly. Tel: Richard Bean 01438 221517


Weston Music Society Concert 7.30pm. Holy Trinity Church Weston Tickets £20, 25 years and under £5 The Piatti Quartet Purcell: Chacony in G minor; Mendelssohn: String Quartet No. 6 in F Minor; Dvorak: String Quartet ‘American’. Bookings: https://www.trybooking. co.uk/BFGF


21st Ashwell Book Weekend Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1.30pm-4.30pm Admission £1, children under 16 free Great selection of books to browse and buy for children and adults both fiction and non-fiction. Tea, coffee and home-made cakes.

Craft Fair 9.30am-4.00pm. Pirton Village Hall, High Street, Pirton Admission £1, under 16s free if accompanying an adult A variety of stalls selling high quality handmade crafts. Light refreshments. Email: pirtoncraft2021@gmail.com



Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm.Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Award Winners’ with Tim Fuller, the owner of Plantsmans Preference Nursery. Plants for sale. AGM will be held before the talk. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk


Quiz Night 7pm for prompt 7.30pm start The Letchworth Educational Settlement Ticket £15 Teams of six or individuals welcome. Tickets available from the Settlement office and include fish and chip supper. Licensed bar. Tel: 01462 682828 Web: www.letchworthsettlement.org. uk for info/booking

The Arts Society North Herts 11am-12.15pm Broadway Cinema and Theatre, Eastcheap, Letchworth ‘Coventry Cathedral: Icon & Inspiration’ by Alexandra Epps. Visitors welcome. Lift access. Web: theartssocietynorthherts.org.uk


Unicorn Ceilidh Doors open 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall, Church Street, Baldock With Geckoes, caller Alan Simpson and Wicket Brood in the interval spot. Ceilidh dances are great fun, easy to learn - and addictive! Book online. Tel: Alan Creamer 07946 439095 or 01582 724261 Web: www.unicornceilidhs.org.uk

4, 11 & 18 OCTOBER

Stevenage Choral Society 7.45pm. Stevenage Music Centre, Mobbsbury, Stevenage Meets every Monday during term time. No audition necessary. Meet like-minded people of all ages and abilities. Try out a wide range of music. Tel: 01438 365769 Email: info@stevenagechoral.org.uk Web: www.stevenagechoral.org.uk

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16 & 17 OCTOBER

Antiques Fair 10am-4pm. Burgess Hall, Westwood Road, St Ives, PE27 6WU Around 40 stalls. Free parking, wheelchair access, refreshments and licensed bar. Tel: 01480 896866 Email: parkhousepr@aol.com Letchworth Arts & Leisure Group Annual membership £10 per household Many groups and activities including wine appreciation, film, gardening, theatre, art design, books, discussions, games, sports, outings, walking and much, much more. New groups are starting all the time. Online talks every month. Non-members can try activities before joining. Web: LALG.org.uk


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Hitchin October 2021 by Villager Mag - Issuu