3 minute read
Autumn Show
from Hitchin Sept 2020
by Villager Mag
By Pippa Greenwood

Now that autumn is upon us, leaves, shrubs and pale green to shades of yellow and orange in the climbers grab our attention with their change of autumn. It needs a lime-free or acidic soil and does colours, transforming to scarlets, reds and golds. So not do so well in a tub. why not include some in your garden? Cotinus or smoke bush also has fantastic autumn Climbing plants with spectacular autumn colour colours, and is a shrub with attractively rounded include Parthenocissus quniquefolia, or Virginia leaves in shades of green, pinkish-orange or purple. creeper, a sizeable climber that can be used to clothe The fluffy seed heads look just like little clouds or walls without a support system. In autumn the leaves plumes of smoke. are numerous shades of scarlet, orange and red. For smaller gardens it’s hard to beat one of the For less extensive covering, consider Parthenocissus Japanese maples with their stunning divided leaves henryana. Its divided leaves are a dark green to turning rich purples, reds, oranges and yellows, bronzy colour with pretty silvery white veins that depending on which one you have planted. They do turn to rich red in autumn. well in large tubs and are perfect for a sheltered back Another autumn climber, Vitis coignetiae, grows yard or patio, and look great in a bed or border. rapidly and has huge heart-shaped leaves with Making the Best of Autumn Colour Potential splendid scarlet and crimson colours come the • To help choose plants for autumn colour, why autumn. It can be grown through large trees and over not visit local garden centres or an arboretum? If sturdier supports, and the colours often improve in possible, buy autumn colour plants now so you poor soil! can see the precise shades that the various plants Amelanchier lamarckii (snowy mespilus or have to offer. serviceberry) is a large shrub covered with lovely • Check the ultimate height and spread of trees or whitish blossom in spring. The emerging leaves shrubs you’re considering – there’s no use planting change from a coppery colour to bright green, but in something that will outgrow its space in a couple autumn the entire shrub almost appears to be on fire. of years’ time. The small-scale blueberry is an acid-loving, boggy• Planting at this time of year works well but wait soil-needing plant that turns into a miniature ball of for better conditions if your garden soil is very fire once it takes on its autumn colour, and two or wet. In dry soil plants still need watering well, and more plants will provide a crop of delicious fruit. the soil around the roots must be kept moist once Fothergilla major or Witch Alder is a smallish to the plants are in the ground. medium-sized shrub whose bare stems will be Visit Pippa’s website (www.pippagreenwood.com) to covered with scented creamy-white spiky flower book Pippa for a gardening talk at your gardening clusters early in the year. The foliage changes from club or as an after-dinner speaker. 24 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts

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