1 minute read
The Benefits of Singing
from Potton April 2022
by Villager Mag
Local News
The Benefits of Singing
Have you ever sung along to the radio on a sunny day or in the car as you travel alone? Do you sing in the bathroom and enjoy the way the sound echoes off the tiled surfaces? Have you ever sung a child to sleep? Our voice is a marvellous instrument which all of us can enjoy. Karaoke nights at bars are enormously popular and some people love the limelight, but for others the comfort of a group can be more pleasurable. Some hardy souls sing in a quartet with each member having a differing voice part. This is not for the faint-hearted but very rewarding to achieve. Singing releases endorphins, feel-good hormones for pleasure. It uses the full capacity of our lungs, which exercises the body. It requires concentration and memory to get it right, which exercises the little grey cells in our brain. Singers learn to use their voices to produce different effects, they learn to blend with others or stand out by altering their mouth shape and breathing. They need to memorise words and project to an audience. Some groups learn from sheet music, some from teach tracks and some have several voice parts to suit men and women or for high and low voices. There are many openings in choirs or choruses and much fun to be had on a dark winter or summer evening – joining in and getting to know new people whilst enjoying a rewarding hobby. Singing for others is fun and giving concerts can be a highlight. Look around and find somewhere to join in today! Shirley Course for Shannon Express Chorus www.shannonexpress.org.uk/lts