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R.A.T.S. Rehoming Appeal
from Potton April 2022
by Villager Mag
Rehoming Appeal
Luna & Layla
Luna and Layla were born on 12th August 2021, they are Dwarf X female rabbits, both fully vaccinated for this year (they will need yearly boosters) and both are spayed. They are such a sweet natured pair; Luna being the lively, inquisitive one, whereas Layla is much quieter and happy for her bolder sister to lead the way. They will need at least a 5ft double hutch or a 6ft single, and a good sized covered run so that they can enjoy time on the grass in the summer months. These girls will make a great pair of pets for any family. For their comfort and welfare, our small mammals can only be adopted within an hour of their foster homes in Bedfordshire. If you would like to find out more about Luna and Layla, please contact Zoe on 01234 342150. Alternatively, please e-mail Philippa at info.rats@gmail.com who will be pleased to forward your enquiry on to the team View the dogs, cats and small mammals currently in our care for re-homing on our website: www.rats-animalrescue.co.uk or facebook: www.facebook.com/ratscharity. You can also see photographs and details of the animals in our care in our charity shop in Hitchin Street, Biggleswade SG18 8AX. Open Monday to Saturday from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm.