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Ask Alan - Potton Vets
from Potton Aug 2020
by Villager Mag
Ask Alan
Plant Stalks
This is an interesting case that was recently treated with a history of coughing persistently for 3 days. We found fragments of plant stalk in his palate and behind his tonsil which could have been responsible – but we were not convinced. So, to make sure, we used a bronchoscope to see inside his airways, all the way into his lungs. We could see a very thin end of a plant stalk. The first 2 attempts to remove it failed as the segments broke off very easily. Fortunately, on the third attempt the whole stalk and attachments were removed. The picture shows what we found. We’d be interested to know if anyone can tell us what plant this belongs to. Clearly it does not belong in a dog’s lungs! You’ll be pleased to know the patient is doing very well since removing it. Enjoy the rest of the summer!
Best wishes Alan If you have any questions you would like answered, please email them to villager@pottonvets.co.uk. For more information visit www.pottonvets.co.uk or pop into the clinic in Potton Market Square.
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Family run by Alan & René