6 minute read
What’s On in August
from Potton August 2022
by Villager Mag
1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25 & 29 AUGUST
Retired Persons Table Tennis Club Mondays 11am-1.30pm. Thursdays 1.30-4pm Memorial Hall, Stotfold The club plays both doubles and singles. Monthly subscription payable. Vacancies for new members (but not beginners). Please email Terry for further details. Email: terrygriffiths50@gmail.com
1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22 & 26 AUGUST
Open Door 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Tea, coffee and chat. Mondays (not bank holidays) and Fridays. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 AUGUST
Monday Painting Group 9.00am-12pm Letchworth Corner Sports Club, Whitethorn Lane Meets every Monday. Each term we choose a selection of subjects to paint. If you are interested, you are welcome to try it for £5 per session. Tel: Valerie Williams 01462 624439 Email: mondaypainting@lalg.org.uk
1, 8, 15, 22 & 29 AUGUST
Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth Guests £5 ‘Keys Don’t Float’ by Bryan Pill of the Mission Aviation Fellowship. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £19.50/£17.50 online in advance (valid for 30 days). Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk
Wonderful Woodland Animals Activity Trail 11am12pm Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine £3 per child (age 1+) Can you find the woodland friends hidden in the sensory garden? Book online. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org
3, 9, 19 & 26 AUGUST
Concerts at Benslow 8pm Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin Tickets £20, under 27s free entry 3 August - Jazz Night with Paul Eshelby and Friends. 9 August - Sarah Leonard (Soprano) and Stephen Gutman (Piano
5, 12, 19 & 26 AUGUST
Sandy Ukulele Group 7-9pm Baptist Chapel Hall, Bedford Road, Sandy Meets every Friday. Please email for more information on joining. Visitors welcome. Email: sandyukulelegroup1@gmail. com Web: www.sandyukulelegroup.com
Coffee Morning 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cakes, cards, Bric-a-Brac, Books and jigsaws etc. Held on the first Saturday every month except January. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 AUGUST
Open Craft and Coffee 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 AUGUST
Open Wednesday at the Walled Garden 10.30am-4.00pm Luton Hoo Estate, Luton Entry £7.50 including guided tour, school age children £1, under 5s and carers free Last entry 2.30pm. No access from the hotel – please use LU1 4LF. Tel: 01582 721443 Web: www.lutonhooestate.co.uk
4, 11, 18 & 25 AUGUST
Hitchin Thursday Art Club 9.30am-12pm St. John’s Community Centre, St. John’s Road, Hitchin We meet every Thursday for painting and drawing, etc. We are a friendly group who enjoy art and chatting. Tel: Mike 07977 347707
Craft & Food Fayre 10am-3pm Jordans Mill, Broom A fantastic range of stalls including sweet treats, hand-made items, locally made foods and more. In the front car park and throughout the grounds of Jordans Mill.
The Signals Museum Open Day 10am-4pm RAF Henlow, SG16 6DN The Signals Museum at RAF Henlow is open to the public. Entry is free but official photo ID required to get an entry ticket from the Guardroom. See website for full information. Call on the day if information is needed. Tel: 07778 837263 Web: www.rafsignalsmuseum.org.uk
Sunday Stroll 10.30am Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Free - donations welcome Gentle Sunday walk around the park lasting approximately 2 hours. No need to book. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts
Fun Charity Quiz Night 8pm Five Bells, Henlow Village £2.50 per person Teams of up to 6 people. Prize for the winning team and also for last place, together with spot prizes and a raffle. In aid of Garden House Hospice Care. Tel: John 07511 631045 Email: quizzesforcharity@outlook. com
Comedy in the Garden Doors open 6pm, show 7.30pm Brewpoint, Cut Throat Lane, Bedford With Cally Beaton and Mike Gunn. Web: www.castlecomedy.co.uk
Craft Fair 10am-3pm Biggleswade Social Club Free entry Support local small businesses. Email: thestitchincraftcabin@ outlook.com Web: facebook.com/ crafteventsatbiggs

14 AUGUST 2022
(Not Strictly) Jazz 5 - 7pm Fairfield House, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade. SG18 0AA. Tickets £20, 10 - 18 £10 Featuring a quartet of professional musicians who will perform jazz classics. Refreshments are included. For tickets, please contact Sarah Tel 01767 312176 or email sarahwiggs@hotmail.co.uk
17-23 AUGUST
Dinosaur Activity Trail 11am12pm Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine £3 per child (age 1+). Can you find the dinosaurs hidden around the sensory garden? Book online. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org
Coffee Extra 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea, homemade cakes. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
Pride & Prejudice 5pm The Old Rectory, Sutton Tickets £15 This Is My Theatre open air performance. Limited supper tickets £32 to include performance and three course meal on the terrace. Tel: Jo Hollington 07889 255043 Email: joannahollington@btinternet. com
Family Fun Day 10am-2pm Eyeworth Village Hall Free entry Stalls, games, refreshments and special guest appearances. In aid of All Saints and Eyeworth Village Hall. Web: www.facebook.com/ events/1200361014043608/
Castle Comedy Doors open 7.30pm, show 8pm The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Rd, Biggleswade A great night out in a friendly environment with some of the UK’s finest comedians on the bill. Web: www.castlecomedy.co.uk
Afternoon Tea 4pm Benslow Music, Benslow Lane, Hitchin £19.95pp/£24.95pp with a glass of Prosecco Enjoy afternoon tea at Benslow Music complemented with live music. Booking required. Tel: 01462 459446 Web: https://benslowmusic.org
Sandy Astronomical Society 7pm Zoom general meeting followed by ‘Listening to Einstein’s Universe: the Exciting Dawn of Gravitational-Wave Astronomy’ by Prof Martin Hendry. Email: info@sandyastro.co.uk Web: sandyastro.co.uk
Red Kite Concerts 2022 5-6pm St. John’s Church, Cockayne Hatley Tickets £15, under 18s free The Flautadors Recorder Consort, performing on beautiful Renaissance instruments. Featuring some of the finest consort music of the 16th century by Byrd, Holborne and Dowland. Tickets available online or on the door. Web: www.redkiteconcerts.com
The Village Show at Keysoe Keysoe Village Hall Free entry. Please contact Penny for a schedule. Tel: 01234 378878 Email: penny.heming@btinternet. com
Claude Bourbon Guitar Concert 7.30 pm St Peter’s Church, High Street, Offord Darcy Tickets £10 inc. complimentary drink Claude is known for his amazing guitar performances that have Blues, Spanish, Gypsy, Jazz, and Russian influences. All seats unreserved. Parking available. Tel: 07776 426103 Email: /ticketoffice.stpeters@gmail. com
Until 2 October Body & Soul Exhibition The Higgins, Bedford Free entry. Body & Soul is a new exhibition exploring how women have been represented in art over the past two centuries. Web: www.thehigginsbedford.org.uk

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