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Villager Prize Crossword
from Potton December 2022
by Villager Mag
The winner will be drawn at random Win £25 in our from the correct completed entries.
Christmas Crossword
7 A red fruit (6) 8 On every side (6) 9 Deceased (4) 10 Hold back (8) 11 Sprinkle (7) 13 Weeps (5) 15 Concerning (5) 17 Farewell (4-3) 20 Acquainted (8) 21 Require (4) 23 Disclose (6) 24 Thick, oily substance (6)

1 Finished (4) 2 Outlaw (6) 3 Expedition (7) 4 Severe (5) 5 Terror (6) 6 Completely (8)
12 Green vegetables (8) 14 Bravery (7) 16 Allied (6) 18 Beast of burden (6) 19 Feminine (5) 22 Simple (4) Complete the crossword, fill in your details below, and send your entry to:
Prize Crossword, Villager Publications Ltd 24 Market Square, Potton, Beds SG19 2NP Closing date: 16th December 2022
Name: Address: