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What’s On in February

1, 8, 15 & 22 FEBRUARY Lunchtime Concerts 1pm. St Paul’s Church, Bedford

Free recitals with a retiring collection (suggested £5) in aid of church funds. 1 Feb - Phoenix Choir; 8 Feb - Emanuel Bach, Violin; 15 Feb - Yiming Guo, piano and 22 Feb - Maxime Morise and Chris Cohen, Violin. Tel: 01234 340163


2 FEBRUARY Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm. Shuttleworth

Members £5. ‘RAF Henlow’ by Ted Martin. First Weds of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth is £15 (valid for one month) but free for SVAS and AEG members. E: 99aegr@gmail.com W: www.a-e-g.org.uk

2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25 & 28 FEBRUARY ‘Open Door’. 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street

Tea, coffee and chat. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays.

3, 10, 17 & 24 FEBRUARY Biggleswade & District Camera Club 8-10pm. Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade

Non-members £3 https://biggleswadecameraclub.co.uk

4 FEBRUARY Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm. Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford

‘Life in Nelson’s Navy’ by Major Alan Gilmore. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk

4 FEBRUARY Bedford Art Society. 7.15 for 7.30pm Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford

Members free, visitors £6 Local artist Michael Croker will demonstrate oil landscape painting. Tel: Jean Paterson 01234 307210. www.bedsartsociety.co.uk

4, 11, 18 & 25 FEBRUARY Sandy Ukulele Group 7-9pm. Baptist Chapel Hall, Bedford Road, Sandy

Meets every Friday. Visitors welcome. Email: sandyukulelegroup1@gmail.com Web: www.sandyukulelegroup.com

5 FEBRUARY Coffee Morning. 10-11.30am

Coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cakes, cards, Bric-a-Brac, Books and jigsaws etc. Held on the first Saturday every month. Tel: 01767 261138

5 FEBRUARY Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm. Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade

‘A history of Daffodils in art, history, culture and gardens’ by Twigs Way, designer and garden historian. www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk

5 FEBRUARY The Big February Show Doors open 7.30pm, show 8-10.45pm The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Rd, Biggleswade

Castle Comedy brings you a great night out with some of the UK’s finest comedians on the bill! Tel: Tickets 07736 060541

7, 14, 21 & 28 FEBRUARY Learning Lunchtimes 11am-12 noon. Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine

7 Feb: The Bedford and Milton Keynes Waterway Park; 14 Feb: John Bunyan Country; 21 Feb: The BBC and Glenn Miller Orchestra in WW2 Bedford and 28 Feb: The mystery of scientific names. Tel: 01234 767037 Web: www.marstonvale.org

9 FEBRUARY Lunchtime Talk 10.30am-12.30pm. Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade

Adults £21.50, Members £8 Don Albone meets Colonel and Mrs Shuttleworth. Hot drinks and cake on arrival. Admission includes 30-day access to the visitor attraction. Web: www.shuttleworth.org/talksprogramme to book

15 FEBRUARY Sandy Women’s Institute 10am-12 noon. Sandy Conservative Club, Bedford Road, Sandy

Visitors £4. Meets third Tuesday of every month, except August. Sally Searle will be talking about how a holiday in Kenya got her involved in helping local street children and eventually setting up Little Faces Schools for them. Tel: 01767 680644 Email: sandywibeds@gmail.com

15 FEBRUARY Bedford National Trust Association 2.15-3.15pm. Addison Centre, Kempston

BNTA members £3, NT members £3.50, visitors £4. ‘Corsets, crinolines and camisoles’ by Fran Saltmarsh on the fashions of these items. T: Garry Telling 01480 819625 E: garry.geoff.telling@gmail.com

20 FEBRUARY Biggleswade Antique & Vintage Fair 9am-4pm. The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade

Café serving food and drinks all day. Free parking. Wheelchair/pushchair access. Tel: Marcel 07887 648255 Web: www.marcelfairs.co.uk

25 FEBRUARY Sandy Historical Society 7.30pm. Stonecroft Hall, St Swithins Way, Sandy

Entry £2.50 inc. refreshments, members and students free ‘Humphry Repton at Waresley Park’ by Eleanor Jack. Tel: 01767 680171

26 FEBRUARY The Big Blunham Book Sale 10am-3pm. Blunham Parish Church, MK44 3NQ

Back for 2022! Enormous selection of nearly new books - specialist and fiction sorted into categories. Refreshments served all day. Raffle. All profits to Blunham Church Fabric Fund. Tel: Sue 01767 640572 www.riversmeetbenefice.co.uk

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