Potton Jan 2022

Page 19


Save Energy… and the planet

There are many simple changes you can make in our homes to reduce your electricity and gas usage and do our bit towards saving the planet. Thermostat - The thermostat is your friend! It’s an uncomplicated way to take control of your energy usage. By turning the heating thermostat down by one degree you can save around £60 a year. A smart thermostat can connect to your Wi-Fi so you can control your heating and hot water through your smart phone, tablet, or desktop. A smart meter monitors and displays your energy use in near realtime so you can see exactly how much electricity and/ or gas you’re using and use the information to make adjustments to cut household costs. Lighting - Buy energy saving lightbulbs. Gradually phase out any incandescent or halogen bulbs in your home. LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) are the most energy-efficient bulbs available and are much cheaper to run. Turn lights off in unused rooms. Consider a timer switch to set lamps to come on and off. These plug straight into the wall can be programmable. Did you know that dust sitting on lampshades or bulbs can dim the light in your home? Regularly clean lamp shades or fittings to ensure the light can get through. Stop the standby - Switch appliances off at the plug to save energy. This alone could save you £35 a year. Unblock the radiators - Items of furniture are often placed in from of radiators which partially blocks heat circulation. Moving furniture just a few centimetres away from radiators can help boost the temperature of your room, which means you may be able to turn your thermostat down and save money, without feeling the temperature difference. Also, many radiators are placed under windows, and are completely covered by full-length curtains when they are drawn, effectively curtailing their ability to heat a room. Hemming curtains to a shorter length can make a massive difference. By Caitlin McNamara

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Articles inside

Short Story: The Cupboard Under the Stairs

pages 89-90

Villager Prize Crossword

pages 86-88

Seasonal Recipe: Ramen Tofu Noodle Bowl

page 79

Personal Electric Transport

pages 76-78

Choose a Gym

pages 70-71

What’s on January

page 75

Plumbing Problems

page 67

A Fresh New Year

pages 64-66

Used Car Bargains

pages 60-62

RSPCA: Why Not Foster?

pages 54-55

All the Colours of the Rainbow

pages 50-52

How to be a Vegan

pages 44-46

Plants as Air Purifiers

page 53

Out of Business? Your Rights

page 47

Greensand Champions Awards

pages 40-42

Fishing for Benefits

page 43

How to put an outfit together

pages 37-39

Choosing and Using Neutral Colours

pages 23-25

New Year, New You for 2022

pages 35-36

Health and Well-Being Holidays in the UK

pages 4-7

Fun Quiz

page 29

The Perfect Cup of Coffee

pages 10-11

7 Easy Beauty Resolutions You’ll Want to Keep

pages 26-28

Save Energy... and the Planet

pages 19-22

Healthier Alternatives to Sugar

pages 30-31
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