2 minute read
Let’s talk about the Perimenopause
from Potton June 2021
by Villager Mag
I was 39 when I started having menopausal symptoms. By 42, hot flushes were a daily annoyance; I was waking up several times a night with joint pain; and I just felt generally old. In short, the perimenopause was proving a royal pain in the ass. The average age of the menopause is 51, but the perimenopause (the time leading up to the menopause when levels of oestrogen and progesterone are decreasing) can last for years.
The most common symptoms include: • Irregular periods • Hot flushes/night sweats • Mood changes • Fatigue • Loss of libido • Joint paint • Urinary problems
Some types of HRT may slightly increase your risk of breast cancer but HRT could also decrease your risk of other serious illnesses, particularly if you’re going through the menopause early. In my case, my GP felt it was the right choice for me. Since being on HRT, my joints no longer ache, I have more energy and the hot flushes have gone (thank god). Dr Louise Newson is a leading menopause specialist and the founder of the Balance app. She recommends seeking help early: “The perimenopause is when hormone levels start to reduce so this is actually the best time to start taking HRT. When hormone levels reduce, symptoms commonly occur and also health risks start, such as an increased risk of heart disease and osteoporosis.”
Before starting HRT, I took turmeric and evening primrose oil, which did seem to ease my symptoms. However, there is little evidence about how effective supplements are, and some should not be taken if you have certain health conditions. So do your research, speak to your doctor and only buy from a reputable retailer.
Dealing with hot flushes
I kept a bottle of rose water in the fridge to spritz on my face when the heat hit. An electric fan can help, as can wearing layers that are easy to whip off. The NHS advises reducing alcohol and caffeine. (Neither of which I succeeded at.) If hot flushes are making your life a misery, do talk to your doctor, as they may be able to prescribe something.
Weight-bearing exercise (such as running) offers you some protection against osteoporosis. Ideally, find an exercise partner to keep you motivated. And if you’re a fan of The Walking Dead, you need to try the ‘Zombies, Run!’ app. If you’re not keen on running, there are thousands of exercise videos on YouTube, from Yoga With Adriene to high-energy dance workouts.
Useful info
• The Menopause Doctor website has advice on everything from HRT to contraception. www.menopausedoctor.co.uk • The Balance app can help you to keep track of your period and symptoms. www.balance-app.com • www.healthandher.com offers a wealth of advice and relevant products. • If your friends aren’t at the same stage, why not join a forum? ‘Totes Merry Peri’ on Facebook is my personal favourite. (Please note that this article is intended to give a general overview of the subject and is not intended as medical advice.)