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What’s On in June
from Potton June 2022
by Villager Mag
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Children’s Trail 9.30am-4.30pm Jordans Mill, Broom £3 per child, Join in the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations dressed in your favourite prince or princess costume. Don’t forget to hand back your completed trail sheet back to the Mill Shop to claim your prize! jordansmill.com/events
Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Shuttleworth Guests £5. ‘Roald Dahl’s War’ with Graham Laurie. Meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Entry to Shuttleworth £15 (valid for one month). Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk
1, 8, 15, 22 & 28 JUNE
Open Craft and Coffee 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
Roxton & District Local History Group 7.15pm for 7.30pm Roxton Village Hall Members free, visitors £4 ‘Knights and Ladies, Peasants and Priests’. Annual membership £20. Email: mariascreen1@gmail.com Web: roxtonhistory.org.uk
2 & 16 JUNE
Sandy Astronomical Society 2 June 7pm Zoom general meeting followed by talk by Philip Short. 16 June 7.30pm Zoom talk by Dr Martin Braddock. Email: info@sandyastro.co.uk Web: sandyastro.co.uk
Bedford Art Society 7.15pm for 7.30pm Putnoe Heights Church, Bedford Members free, visitors £5 Jill Buckingham paints portraits in soft pastels. Tel: Jean Paterson 01234 307210 for info Web: www.bedsartsociety.co.uk
3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24 & 27 JUNE
Open Door. 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Tea, coffee and chat. Mondays (not bank holidays) and Fridays. Everyone welcome. Tel: 01767 261138
Coffee Morning 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cakes, cards, Bric-a-Brac, Books and jigsaws etc. Held on the first Saturday every month except January. Tel: 01767 261138
Craft & Food Fayre 10am-3pm Jordans Mill, Broom Support local, independent traders. A fantastic range of stalls including sweet treats, hand-made items, locally made foods and more. In the front car park and throughout the grounds of Jordans Mill.
Summer Fun 2-6pm Dunton Recreation Ground Dunton Recreation Association & Friends event. Bouncy castle, funtography, obstacle course, face painting, raffle, music, tombola, stalls, food, bar and much more.
Jubilee Flying Circus Air Show 9.30am-5pm Shuttleworth, Old Warden Park, Biggleswade Circus performers on the ground and in the air will leave you with wide eyes and open mouths, whilst a circus skills workshop will teach your children the ropes. Web: www.shuttleworth.org/ jubileeflyingcircus
Sunday Stroll 10.30am Forest Centre, Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Free - donations welcome Gentle Sunday walk around the park lasting approximately 2 hours. Tel: 01234 767037 for more details Web: www.marstonvale.org
6, 13, 20 & 27 JUNE
Branch Out Social Club for Single People 8.30-10.30pm Cromwell Bar, The Sun Hotel, Hitchin Medium-sized social club for single people aged 40 upwards. Meets every Monday night. Tel: Lorna 01438 233657 Web: www.branch-out.org.uk
7, 14, 21 & 28 JUNE
Lunchtime Concerts 1pm St Paul’s Church, Bedford Free recitals with a retiring collection (suggested £5) in aid of church funds. 7 June Yiyan Shen (Piano), 14 June Simon Davies (Classical Guitar), 21 June Catherine Rose (Horn and Wind Instruments) and 28 June Alis An (Piano). Tel: 01234 340163
Sandy Historical Research Group (SHRG) 10.30am-12.45pm £15 per person Visit to Southill House. Priority will be given to SHRG members. All monies will go to the Whitbread family trust. Tel: 01767 226392 Email: secretary@shrg.uk
Magellan and Elcano: Around the World 8pm St Paul’s Church, Bedford Tickets £15. A play with music and Spanish dance. The play commemorates the 500year anniversary of the first circumnavigation of the globe; a remarkable achievement which changed the world forever. Tel: 01234 340163 Tickets: www.eventbrite.com/cc/ catherine-of-aragon-festival-226039
Bedfordshire Family History Society 7pm and 7.30pm on Zoom Drama Theatre, Mark Rutherford School, Bedford AGM and ‘Lingering Legacies’ by Pamela Birch. Web: www.bfhs.org.uk
Deadline for What’s On entries is the 10th of the previous month. What’s on entries to whatson@villagermag.net
Carmen vs Carmen 8pm St Paul’s Church, Bedford Tickets £24. Performed by Iberica de Danza, the prestigious Madrid based company. Tel: 01234 340163 Tickets: www.eventbrite. co.uk/e/carmen-vs-carmentickets-301923500317
10, 17 & 24 JUNE
Sandy Ukulele Group 7-9pm Baptist Chapel Hall, Bedford Road, Sandy Meets every Friday. sandyukulelegroup1@gmail.com www.sandyukulelegroup.com
Organ Recital with Ian Runnells 12pm St Paul’s Church, Bedford Ian is Director of Music at St Paul’s. Free recital with a retiring collection (suggested £5) in aid of church funds. Tel: 01234 340163
Joe Broughton’s Conservatoire Folk Ensemble. 7.30pm Sutton Village Hall Tickets £15. This is a group of 45 young musicians from the Birmingham Conservatoire “one of the most inspirational folkbands on the circuit today” Artree. Tickets: www.suttonvillagehall.org. uk/events

(Not Strictly) Jazz 5 - 7pm Fairfield House, Fairfield Road, Biggleswade SG18 0AA Tickets £20, 10 - 18 £10. Featuring Dave Foster on piano, the quartet will perform songs from The Great American Songbook. Contact Sarah Tel 01767 312176 or email sarahwiggs@hotmail.co.uk
Sandy Flower Club 7.30pm. he Conservative Bowls Club Pavilion (rear of the Conservative Club, Bedford Road) Visitors £5. The Flower Club meets second Monday in the month (excluding Jan, Aug and Dec). Tel: Sue Alexander 01767 699729
Bedford RSPB Local Group Walk 7pm. Evening walk at Marston Thrift. Meet in the car park at the very end of Wood End MK43 0NY (SP 972 412). Tel: 07905 199769 Web: www.rspb.org.uk/groups/ bedford
Craft Fair 10am-3pm Biggleswade Social Club Support local small businesses. thestitchincraftcabin@outlook.com facebook.com/crafteventsatbiggs
18 & 19 JUNE
Bolnhurst Vintage & Country Fayre Open 10am St Neots Rd, Bolnhurst Entry £7, OAPs £5, 10-16 years £5, under 10 free. Miniature steam engines, vintage cars, tractors, motorbikes, military and vintage Caravans. Market stalls, art and crafts. Real ale bar and W.I tea tent. Tickets cash only. Janet 01234 376577 Web: www.bolnhurstrally.co.uk
Biggleswade Antique & Vintage Fair 9am-4pm The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Café serving food and drinks all day. Free parking. Wheelchair/pushchair access. Tel: Marcel 07887 648255 Web: www.marcelfairs.co.uk
Sandy Women’s Institute 10am-12pm Sandy Conservative Club, Bedford Road, Sandy Visitors £4. Meets third Tuesday of every month, except August. Tel: 01767 680644 Email: sandywibeds@gmail.com
Bedford National Trust Association AGM 2.30pm Addison Centre, Kempston AGM and refreshments. Mike Muncaster will talk on ‘Gone for a Burton’. Mike has been a speaker in the past and his talks are always enjoyable. No admission charge for AGM. Everyone welcome. Parking. Tel: Robin Salter 01234 261897
Stayin Alive - Bee Gees Tribute Night 7pm Millennium Country Park, Marston Moretaine Tickets £15. The band have toured the world with their insanely accurate Bee Gees tribute show and will perform songs from the ‘Night Fever’ classics to the more modern hits. Book online. Tel: 01234 767037 Web: www.marstonvale.org
Castle Comedy Doors open 7.30pm, show 8pm The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Rd, Biggleswade A great night out in a friendly environment with some of the UK’s finest comedians on the bill. Web: www.castlecomedy.co.uk/ biggleswade-home
Ickleford Open Gardens 12 noon - 5pm Adults £5, accompanied under 14s free. Ploughman’s lunches, cream teas and gluten free and vegan cakes. Proceeds to the St. Katharine’s Church. Tel: Rosemary 01462 454760 Email: rhgillham@hotmail.com
Great Expectations 7.30pm Sutton Village Hall Tickets £15. The talented theatrical group, Hotbuckle, will return to perform their own adaptation of ‘Great Expectations’ by Charles Dickens. Tickets: www. suttonvillagehall.org.uk/events
Red Kite Concerts 2022. 5-6pm St. John’s Church, Cockayne Hatley Tickets £15, under 18s free Sarah O’Flynn is joined by Clare Finnimore and Tomos Xerri in a programme of evocative music for flute, viola and harp, including works by Debussy, Ravel, Bax and Takemitsu. Tickets available online or on the door. Web: www.redkiteconcerts.com