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What’s On

What’s On In March This is a small selection of the What’s On for the full listing please go to our website www.villagermag.com

2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 March Biggleswade Walk 4 Health 9am Meet by the Beeston Notice Board on Beeston Green, Nr. The Crescent, Beeston Regular weekly walks for beginners and those looking to improve. Walks of approx. 30-40mins. No need to book – why not try all the walks? Tel: Janette Sibley 07771 540117 or Mike Fayers Bedfordshire Health Walks Manager 01234 832619 Email: janette@sibley.me.uk 4 March Sandy Night Owls Women’s Institute 7.30pm Sandy Conservative Club Visitors £4. Meets on the first Wednesday of each month (except August) where we have a varied programme of interesting speakers and activities arranged for 2020. If you would like a fun evening out amongst friends then come along and join us. We also provide refreshments including homemade cake! Email: sandynightowlswi@gmail.com


3 March Hatley Coffee Morning 10am-1pm Hatley Village Hall Come along for a chat, drink and a slice of cake. Everyone welcome. Donations on the day. All donations split between Hatley Village Hall and Hatley St George Church. First Tuesday of the month. 4 March Gamlingay & District Gardening Club 7.30pm The Kier Suite, Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay Visitors £3 inc. refreshments & raffle ‘The Gardens of East Anglia’ with guest speaker Simon White, Garden Centre Manager from the famous Peter Beales Roses of Norfolk.

3 March Potton Ladies Club 7.30pm Mill Lane Pavilion, Mill Lane, Potton Visitors £5. Cheese and Wine social evening. Visitors welcome. Tel: Sarah Burgoine 01767 631415 Email: sarahjburgoine@gmail.com 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March Walking with Janette For those looking to do a serious walk of 5 miles plus – walking for approx. 90 mins. Booking essential. This walk is not part of Walk 4 Health you walk at our own liability/risk. Start points vary . Tel: Janette Sibley 07771 540117 Email: janette@sibley.me.uk 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March Biggleswade Board Game Group 7.30-10.30pm George’s Hall, 67 High Street, Biggleswade Meets every Tuesday to play modern board games in a friendly atmosphere. New and experienced players welcome - bring your own games or try something new, there are always plenty available to play. Facebook: Biggleswade Board Game Group 4, 11, 18 & 25 March Mums and Dads Coffee Break 9-10am Moggerhanger Church Toys available in the church for pre-school children. Tea/coffee, juice, biscuits £1 with fruit juice for children. A good time to meet friends, have impromptu meetings, plan your next commitments. 4, 11, 18 & 25 March Biggleswade Walk 4 Health 10am Meet Dan Albone Car Park, Shortmead Street Regular weekly walks for beginners and those looking to improve. Walks of approx. 30-40mins and 60 mins. No need to book – why not try all the walks? Tel: Janette Sibley 07771 540117 Email: janette@sibley.me.uk 4, 11, 18 & 25 March Moo Music Sandy, Biggleswade & Shefford 10-10.40am Sandy Methodist Church Music and movement classes for 0-5 year olds. Original moosic, lots of moovement, dancing, sensory and role play. Tel: 07981 825654 Email: Heather sandymoo@moo-music.co.uk Web: www.moo-music.co.uk/sbs 5 March Sandy Astronomical Society Mama’s Coffee Shop General meeting. Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/ SandyAstronomicalSociety

5, 12, 19 & 26 March Biggleswade Walk 4 Health 10am Meet Stratton School, Eagle Farm Road Regular weekly walks for beginners and those looking to improve. Walks of approx. 30-40mins and 60-mins. No need to book – why not try all the walks? Tel: Janette Sibley 07771 540117 Email: janette@sibley.me.uk

5, 12, 19 & 26 March Amici Singers 7.30-9.45pm Trinity Methodist Church, Shortmead Street, Biggleswade Membership £15 per term (£45 per year) The Amici Singers, a women’s chorus of 60 voices, meets on Thursday evenings under the Direction of Douglas Coombes MBE. All voices and ages welcome and there aren’t any auditions. You will be assured of a warm and friendly welcome. Tel: Carole Lindsay-Douglas 01767 2603661

6 March Quiz Evening 7.30pm St. Swithun’s Church Rooms, Sandy £2.50 per person. Teams of up to six persons. Please book in advance. In aid of The Leprosy Mission. Tel: Colin Osborne 01767 682032

6, 13, 20 & 27 March Get Fit Keep Fit 9.30-10.30am Moggerhanger Village Hall £5. Join Tina as she takes you through a lighthearted sequence with a warm-up, exercises designed to improve muscular fitness, brain co-ordination, balance and general well-being, then a cool-down. It’s not over-strenuous; it’s fun and makes you feel good. Why not come and join us? Tel: Tony or Judith on 01767 640124

Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts 86 Please mention The Villager and Town Life when responding to adverts 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 March Biggleswade Ivel Badminton Club 8-10.30pm Biggleswade Recreation Centre (Stratton Leisure Centre) £3 per night. Seeking competitive badminton players wishing to play in local leagues. Visitors welcome. Email: IvelBC@hotmail.com Facebook: Facebook.com/IvelBC 4 March Aircraft Enthusiasts’ Group 1pm Princess Charlotte Room, Shuttleworth Visitors £5 inc. raffle ticket AGM and Members Remember. ‘The Canberra in RAF Service’ with Ray Lindsay. The group meets on the first Wednesday of every month. Enjoy lunch in the Shuttleworth restaurant before the meeting. Lots of free parking. Email: 99aegr@gmail.com Web: www.a-e-g.org.uk 4, 11, 18 & 25 March Ivel Bereavement Support Centre 10am-12 noon The Community Rooms, Baptist Church, 24 London Road, Biggleswade Has a loved one died? Are you struggling coming to terms with it? Perhaps we can help you at our drop in centre on Wednesdays. Tel: Linda 07704734225 5 March Moggerhanger Walkers 10am Moggerhanger Walking Group will be holding a charity walk from St John the Evangelist Church in Moggerhanger. Gentle walk with two options at the end - the short route goes directly back to the Church (to put the kettle on) and the slightly longer walk will end at the church where the coffee and cake will be waiting. Donations to Sue Ryder Hospice. Make sure you are on their email list for future walks. Tel: 01767 640798 E: lindaheath10@hotmail.com 6, 13, 20 & 27 March LEGO Club 3.45-5pm Potton Library Love Lego? Come along and get building! Every Friday afternoon. 7 March Coffee Morning 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea, bacon butties, homemade cakes, cards, bric-a-brac, books, jigsaws etc. Coffee Mornings are held on the first Saturday of every month except January. All welcome. Tel: 01767 261138 7 March Everton Coffee Morning 10am-12 noon Everton Village Hall Homemade cakes, sweets and preserves. Books, produce and raffle. Warm welcome to all. Proceeds for St Mary’s Church Everton.

What’s On In March Deadline for What’s On entries is the 12th of the previous month. What’s on entries to whatson@villagermag.com

To advertise in The Villager and Town Life please call 01767 261122 87 7 March Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire Hardy Plant Society 2pm Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade ‘Plants of the Season’ with Paul Green of Greens Leaves nursery. Paul grows a wide selection of home-grown choice, rare and unusual plants. Plants for sale. Web: www.hpscambsandbeds.co.uk 7 March Friends of Dunton Church Spring Supper 7pm Dunton Village Hall Tickets £12. Food consists of casseroles and delicious desserts. Entertainment by Phil Wright on the organ. Phone: Enid Grout 01767 313168 9 March Sandy Flower Club 7.30pm Conservative Bowls Club Pavilion (rear of the Conservative Club, Bedford Road) Visitors £5. The Flower Club meets second Monday in the month (excluding Aug. Dec. & Jan). New members and visitors welcome. Raffle and tea/ coffee. Call for more information or follow us on Facebook. Tel: Sue Alexander 01767 699729 10 March Sandy Historical Research Group 7.30pm Beeston Methodist Church Hall, The Baulk, Beeston Entry £4, members free. ‘The Swiss Garden – Restoration of a Regency Gem’ by Corinne Price. Parking available. 10 March Sutton WI 7.30pm Sutton Village Hall The group meets on the second Tuesday of every month. Ellie Seymour will give a talk entitled ‘The Sales Girls 1940’s to 1960’s’, her experiences in a ladies department store in Cambridge. 11 March Business Buzz Biggleswade 10am-12 noon George’s Hall, Biggleswade £5. Drop-in session on the second Wednesday of the month for local small businesses from in and around Bedfordshire. No membership, no booking, just pay on the door. 12 March Biggleswade Evening Women’s Institute 7.45pm The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade A new group which meets on the second Thursday of each month (except August). Guests welcome. 14 March Table Top Sale 10am-3pm Eyeworth Village Hall Free entry. Come along, grab a bargain, browse the quality merchandise and help us raise money for All Saints’ Eyeworth. Refreshments and tombola. Tables available £10. Tel: Wendy 01767 631283 15 March Locrian Chamber Choir St Hugh of Lincoln Church, Letchworth Tickets £12, under 18s free. Classical concert with string orchestra. Gloria: Vivaldi and Stabat Mater: Pergolesi. Tickets available from Cameron’s Newsagents, Market Square, Potton or by telephone. Tel: 01767 261431 16 March Biggleswade Women’s Institute 10am Visitors £4 The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade Meets on every third Monday of the month except August. Annual Meeting plus a talk by Biggleswade Fire Brigade. Visitors welcome. Email: biggleswadewi@gmail.com 17 March Sandy Women’s Institute 10am Sandy Conservative Club Meets on the third Tuesday of each month (except August). ‘Good Morning Lords and Ladies’ an illustrated talk on some of the more unusual English customs, with songs and pictures, presented by Barry and Gill Goodman. New members welcome. If you would like to give us a try before committing to full membership, visitors are welcome (£4). Tel: Valerie Haygarth 01767 691711 for more info Email: sandywibeds@gmail.com 17 March Potton Writer’s Club 7-9pm Potton Community Centre £3. Theme: ‘Otherness’. The dictionary says this is the quality or state of being different. But who or what is different, what are they different from, and is the difference for better or worse? Meets on the third Tuesday of each month. All welcome - please call or email in advance so we know to expect you. Light refreshments. Tel: Tracey 07778 148030 Email: pottonwriters@gmail.com 17 March Sandy & District Horticultural Association 7.30pm Sandy Conservative Bowls Club Pavilion, off Bedford Road Members £2.50, non-members and guests £3.50 ‘House of Spies’ with Roger Leivers. Raffle and light refreshments. Optional two course meal will be available @ £7.50 per head, following the talk. Please call or email to book. Parking available adjacent to the Pavilion, approx. 50m down Bedford Road from the main entrance. Tel: Mrs Lynda Scott 07894 476808 Email: scott729@btinternet.com 19 March Stamp Collectors’ Meeting 10am-12 noon Potton Library Interested in stamps? Come along for a chat and meet other like-minded people. 19 March Coral’s Afternoon Tea 2.30-4pm Moggerhanger Church Proceeds will be split 50/50 - half to the church and half to the fund for the church loo. 19 March Sandy Astronomical Society Blunham Playing Field Public outreach viewing (weather permitting) using telescopes. Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/ SandyAstronomicalSociety 19 March Biggleswade Poetry Table 7.45-9pm The Courtyard Centre, 6 High Street, Biggleswade Grab a drink and join us to share poems. We look forward to hearing any poem you’d like to bring. Email: leah@leahkstewart.com 20 & 21 March Gamlingay Players presents The 39 Steps 7.45pm Gamlingay Eco Hub Tickets available online or from the Eco Hub. Web: www.gamlingayplayers.org 21 March Coffee Extra 10-11.30am Potton Salvation Army, Chapel Street Coffee, tea and cake. All welcome. Tel: 01767 261138 21 March Dancing Into Spring 7.30pm Stratton Upper School, Biggleswade Adults £10, Children £5, family £25 (2 adults and 2+ children). East Beds Concert Band present ‘Dancing Into Spring’ an evening of music from Coldplay to Cowboys! Featuring Shannon Music Express. 26 March Biggleswade and District Flower Arrangement Society 7.30pm The Weatherley Centre, Biggleswade If you love flowers, we invite you to join us on the fourth Thursday of the month. Relax with fellow enthusiasts and our guest demonstrators. All you need is the sense of joy in the beauty of flowers. Tel: Moira Fuller (Chairman) 01767 316104 26 March Biggleswade & District Camera Club 7.30 for 8pm Sullivan Room, The Weatherley Centre, Orchard Close, Biggleswade Non-members £3. ‘A Family Portrait Talk’, a digital presentation by Jayne Goodhall ARPS (EAF). Tel: 01767 316176 Email: secretary@biggleswadecameraclub.co.uk 27 March Sandy Historical Society 7.30pm Stonecroft Hall, St Swithins Way, Sandy Members & students free, non-members £2.50 ‘The Tudor History of Hatfield House’ by Eric McClaughlin. Tel: 01767 680171 for further info

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