2 minute read
Rabbits in Rescue Care
from Potton November 2022
by Villager Mag
Rabbits in Rescue Care
In recent years the number of rabbits coming into rescue has been increasing, with last year alone seeing a jump in rabbit intake of 28 percent. This year is already superseding that with all local and national rabbit rescues full and with waiting lists. Rabbits come into rescue care for all kinds of reasons. They may come in as stray rabbits, have been abandoned or dumped by previous owners, or owners can simply no longer care for them. Rabbits are incredibly social creatures and should mostly be homed with as a pair, so commonly if one half of that partnership passes away, the other often ends up in rescue due to single rabbits needing much more care and attention. A pair of rabbits we have at RSPCA Bedfordshire North Branch at the moment are Scooby and Scrappy. They came into our care after they were taken to a local vet by a member of the public who found them as strays. They were advertised as found and the owners were eventually tracked down, only to advise the vet practice they no longer wanted the rabbits. They have now been with our foster carer for almost two months, in which time both boys have been neutered, vaccinated and litter trained. They are beautiful little rabbits with very big personalities, and although a bonded pair are very much chalk and cheese! Scooby is the bigger of the two with a shiny, soft coat and black markings on his face. He is definitely the more timid of the pair and relies on Scrappy’s confidence, preferring to let him have the attention than get any himself, however he absolutely loves to run around the garden and is often caught doing his big binky’s across the lawn. Scrappy is just as his names suggests! He is much smaller than Scooby and always has a scruffy, fluffy looking coat. He is a very cheeky little rabbit that has to explore every tiny nook and cranny he can find, and also likes to dig. He generally doesn’t have any fear and unlike Scooby, is quite happy to be picked up, hand fed treats or the odd head rubs. One thing they do have in common though is their love of food. They come running to the door each morning to get their breakfast and love nothing more than getting their daily veggies. Scooby and Scrappy are looking for a new loving home to go to where they have secure shelter and plenty of outdoor space to enjoy. They are currently living as outdoor rabbits, but could also easily be rehomed as house rabbits. Please be aware the minimum size requirement for a sheltered enclosure is 6ft x 2ft x 2ft with additional, accessible exercise space of 8ft x 4ft. For more information about adopting Scooby and Scrappy or any other animals in our care, please contact our Branch by emailing adopt@rspcabedfordshirenorth.org.uk or phoning 01234 266965. We are a local Branch of the RSPCA working within North Bedfordshire.
Scrappy Scooby